what is the best jwd thing to happen to you?...from another jwder

by oompa 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Friends. ones that have become "in person" some "on the phone" and some just thru their typing have become wonderful people to have.

    Most of all, KNOWING that we're making the right decision, all our suspicions are correct. I feel SO bad for people that 'left the truth' before the internet and felt like they must be crazy, like they still might die at armageddon and all. Its wonderful to have all the resources provided, all the questions answered without a doubt... so you CAN move on.

    ------And hubbys scar from shooting the gun at OOMPA's..... he thinks all the girls are all over him cuz now he has a cool scar... when really your a DORK for not learning how to use a firearm before you shoot it!

  • jgnat

    Having blondie and irreverent come and visit me here in Edmonton has got to be near the tops.

  • mouthy

    Something tells me mouthy was a wildchild! OOmpa>ME??? How could you say that ? I was a shy,sweet,lovable,little thin thing, & if you believe that I have some land in Siberia I would like to sell you

    Oh What was the best things i have had being attached to JWD, I have a list of those I have met & hugged personally, Blondie, Irreverant,Lawrence,Mary, Bumble Bee ,Dinah,Orangefat,Zev & his wife, Gadget, Claire, Deputy dog,Rick, Inez, Dan, O.K. Now I know I have missed some please fill me in the Alzheimers kicked in at this point.

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