What should I do with the old magazines?

by sacolton 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • burningbridges

    send them to me!!!!!

  • FlipThis

    float them down the river like moses

    See if they get saved

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Can't use them as toilet paper cause the mags are already full of sh*t.

  • Hortensia

    have you ever seen those home improvement shows where they mix the grout in a bucket with a drill and a long extension thing with blades? so here's what you do, fill a large trash can about half full with the old mags. Fill about 2/3 full with water. Wait a couple of days for the paper to disintegrate. pour in about half a bottle of bleach to strip out the dyes. Use the drill and the long blade mixer thing to mix the water, paper and bleach until it is pureed. Prepare a screen (an old screen door will work) up on two big cement blocks. Get someone to help you pour the pureed paper through the screen. Now it's paper mache. Make a paper mache statue - whatever comes to mind (John Doe mooning the KH?) Let it dry. Paint features on it. Sneak down to the KH during a meeting and quickly superglue it to the front steps. run like heck around the closest building and watch the fun.

    Or just throw them all away in the recycle bin and dust off your hands.

  • FlipThis

    LMFAO; that's great Hortensia

  • bigwilly

    Target practice! I can't believe I forgot target practice! It amazing what firearms will do to paper products

    When Thomschat was up we had ourselves a little hillbilly apostafest and posted the pics there. Lowkey Lowsmith had decide it was time to retire his personal copy of the NWT. After a few 12ga shotgun blasts and 1 shot from a .300 Winchester Mag (plus a few .38 Special slugs I contributed) it was pretty well finished

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I tossed them out.

  • amicus

    I "recycled" everything I had.

    I'd no more sell what I had than I would sell a stinger to the...US?.

    Sorry, but that's the most dangerous terroist group on my list.

  • donny

    They make great kindling for the fireplace.

  • Greensleeves


    I see the responses you get to your thread starter, and it reinforces the bitterness I see here.

    I suggest doing what I do with the many magazines I have. I am talking about Guitar World, Car Craft, Guitar One, Field and Stream, etc. It is impossible to store all of these. A friend of mine suggested cutting out the articles that I found usefull, and saving these in a binder, folder, or what have you.

    Sometimes there is an article that you don't want to get rid of for reference purposes. Save what you want, and throw the rest away.

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