Funny/strange things you ate as a kid.

by IP_SEC 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb
    I know im not the only strange person here.

    Prob the only one that will admit to it!!

  • Sparkplug

    Oh hell. Only you IP.

    I once ate all the sour grape leaves off of a whole strip of bushes. The stems that curl out are delicious. But the 'end' result scared me for it was pretty green. Dayum. It was an experience.

    I constantly sucked on chicken bouillon cubes and loved spoons of flour or the ice off the freezer scraped with a spoon of honey. I don't think that is too good for you. I ate all the rose hips I could find and the petals off of flowers and most all of the watercress out of the creek by the house. I did eat a mess of this stuff that grows out of the cracks in the sidewalks in New Mexico. I am not sure what it is called and made a stock of dried mesquite bush beans to chow on.

    I always wondered how I knew this was OK to eat, but this year while cleaning my moms stuff out of the shed, I found a book that had "how to live off the widl things you find". My brother grabbed it up and we fought over it for a bit, then he told me my mom used to take us on excursions and we would read this book. So I guess that is why I might have done all of that.


  • Layla33

    I loved eating snow. Especially right after it first snowed - good times. Now, I couldn't even imagine doing it.

    Whenever we went down south, I would eat a certain type of dirt, it had an interesting taste. Again, couldn't even imagine doing that now...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    u sound like u are part goat

  • Sparkplug

    Layla. I ate bowls of snow. Made into ice cream. No way would I eat that toxic stuff now!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I ate a lot of squirrel meat as a child. It was quite tasty. I never liked nuked meats though. Yuck!

  • Sparkplug

    Very funny Wha Happened! Probably was.

  • Pandoras cat
    Pandoras cat

    Nuked frogs!!! That's a new one. When I was around 14 we went to a classy french restaurant and I ordered escargot. Call it what it is--snails. They were in some fancy sauce but they still were gross. Remember the I Love Lucy episode where she ate snails? It was like that. BLAH

  • hamsterbait


    I thought they were just slices of some small fish.

    Tried SNAILS my first time in France as a adult., DELISHUSS!!

    Most snails we find in the backyard are actually edible - didgya know?


  • BFD

    When I was a little kid a used to pluck the eyes out of the flounder my dad would catch and eat them.

    I don't remember this, thankfully. But it is legend in my family.


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