by whereami 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Ahh, maybe because i didn't write this?

    My bad.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    All this without invoking 1 Thessalonians 5:3??? Amazing!

  • Indo_Dude

    Why can't they figure out that Jesus said no one would know the hour or day? How many religions have used this for hundreds of years in support that 'this year' has to be the worst, and therefore the end.

    JWers have the attention - memory of a gnat.

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up



    Oh darlings, how sad, to live a life so afraid of the future.


    Much Love


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    LOLZ that screen name is hilarious.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses have been declaring for approximately 130 years that the Bible identifies this generation as one marked to see the complete failure of human governments and the dawning of a new age under the rulership of Jehovah God’s Kingdom

    Somebody needs to seriously re-read the latest "this generation" explanation. "This generation" now began in 33CE and continues to time indefinite, perhaps hundreds of years into the cracker munching and wine sipping future of the now increasing anointed 'little flock'. 130 years ago they weren't called Jehovah's Witnesses, they believed they were already in the end times, and the last days, and that Christ was already invisibly present, and that they were all going to heaven in 1914 when the earth would descend into chaos. That phrase is total rubbish.

    Yes, this year has been bad for the world.

    But, this year has been very bad for the bOrg, too. The DC is a total snorefest. New publications are nothing new. The drama was total fabrication and irrelevant historically and today. Public Talk reduced to 30 minutes. Book studies to be re-named, reduced, and consolidated to TMS & SM at end of year. Elders forced to testify against Gilbert Simental. Kool-Aid edition of Botchtower released so only the dubs know about the 'generation' and 'anointed calling' embarassments. Brooklyn properties sold. Expenses up. Donations down. Yep, good times.

    B the X

  • RedPill2006

    This is EXACTLY the blatant ignorance that governs people (and not only JW, but specially JW's).

    Do you believe everything that appears in the media? Well, yes I forgot.....we all where gullible and fell for the WT trap. For the past 10 years I have devotedly studied the financial markets, cycles and theories and you might argue about some of that stuff, but there is ONE undeniable truth:

    DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ! Economic cycles DO EXIST, up and downs are normal phenomena that are part of the financial system because it is run by HUMANS, and HUMANS respond to cycles (and not only menstrual cycles, there are many more )....whenever the masses believe "something" (like now: "Crisis" is the word of the moment) mostlikely the opposite is ocurring....that is how new millionaires where made during the Great Depression....Fortunes change the owner.

    As for other statistics.....crime rates, etc. My family gets all upset when I mention that they would hate to live in Europe during the Middle Ages.....you could get your throat slid in a blink of an eye, if you where not dying from the black death......as for pedophilia.....I'm sorry for mentioning this as I know that this is hurtful for many, but during Greek and Roman empires and even during Ancient Israel there was something like "legalized pedophilia"....not funny, but you can read it up.......the problem exists, yes, but at least most civilized countries condemn, prosecute and fight off this problem......also we life during a time where things are shifting into a new paradigm......I've read books that where published during the turn of the last Century (1800 - 1900) and it is so funny to read about the fears people had back then > some people believed that if you traveled constantly in a train that moved more than 30 km per hour, you could create permanent brain damage or would go insane.....(today: "we" travel at 3 Mach!)......another fear was related to the steam machines and even our smart Russell shared some of those fears.....well history tells us that they where changing into the Industrial Revolution, new machines, new Energy sources......WE are changing RIGHT NOW, before your eyes into a new era, new Energy sources, new technologies.....I work with a engineering lab that works on some of those new, renewable energy sources and it is very exciting to see a new chapter of history unfold......the future Edisons are being made right now, and the Einsteins that will be remembered by our sons and grandsons.

    .......so it is the same story, repeated over and over again......changes > fears > doom and "end time" cults get started......I'm sick of this. Did you know that there exists some serious research work that shows that newspaper / media stories have no relationship with actual events on economic markets....they create stories as much as the GB pulls some out of they're asses! Big time stories sell well and also they play into some peoples interests (I'm actually not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but it is a fact that for many financial funds and/or banks it is just a strategic move to create some mass hysteria and or to distract the masses onto something else > if everybody becomes bullish and never hops out of the train, then how could a few become superrich? The financial markets can't just have everybody on board of the train to wealthy land....it doesn't work that way....it is a game, strategic and it is about fooling the masses.....panic makes rich! Fear, too.

    ......yes, sh*&^ happens, but if you really think about it, it isn't that bad! I know, I'm going here against the common "feel" and media stream, but I don't care!! I've had to go with the Watchtower stream for too long. Back to positive things. And I don't care anymore if the end is coming and in what form. If there is any interest in letting me know, than G-d can send me an email, I'm online most of the time.

    So, if you don't have anything positive to contribute to humanity and society in general than SHUT the &%$F# UP!


  • jwfacts

    Oh my goodness. The world is by far the best, easiest time to live in all history. It upsets me to see that people have a need to be so negative and miserable.

    100 million people died in china from starvation in the 1800's. Parents ate their own children. This century just does not compare. How could anyone possibly say that things like high oil prices, or unemployment makes present times the worst ever and that the end must come soon.

    Miserable people such as the articles author will grow old and die, miserable whilst the glory of life passes him by.

    BTW - the Bible does not even mention tornadoes or much of the negative imagery described as a sign of the last days.

  • justconfused

    So we are living in the end times, maybe. But remember that JW's (I am inactive) represent less than 1% of this country's population and (0.00000000005%-to infinity) of the world's population. So how can any honest, thinking person actually believe that only JW's will be saved. It makes more sense to me that the world will undergo some kind of spiritual awakening, a collective conscious awareness that will bring everyone into alignment with the Creator and that is how the new world will be ushered in.

  • r51785

    "However of this we can be sure: The 1970's will certainly see the most critical times mankind has yet known." -- Awake! October 8, 1968, page 14.

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