by whereami 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    Independent research by the R&F. The boys in the writing committee need to hire this person.

    This is alot to read, but so amazing to see all of the events listed that happened all in this year. This system is definitely passing away!

    Cannot find out who compiled this but can see these are "critical times, hard to deal with." 2 Tim. 3:1

    Subject: How Close Is It.??? -
    'Watching The World' - Significant Events of Recent Months.
    I started compiling this report in April of 2008 as it became apparent to me that this year was going to be quite noteworthy. What follows below is a brief description of economic conditions that presently exist in the United States of America as well as other nations, and a documentation of “News Reports” that have appeared from the beginning of 2008, from “BBC World News”, “CNN” “ABC” & “Fox News.”

    The Financial Climate in the U.S.A. at the Beginning of 2008

    The American Economy -
    The USA has an “Annual Tax Revenue” based on the nation’s working population. In recent years this has between approximately two trillion dollars ($2,000,000,000,000.00). From this national account are paid its annual expenses. Throughout the year expenses needing attention are proposed by Congressional committees such as, “The Ways & Means Committee” and “The Appropriations Committee.” As any responsible entity, they have an annual budget for spending which they are supposed to keep. Yet, like many irresponsible Americans, they continue to outspend the limits of that budget and each year they create a national deficit. Projected “Deficit” for this present year, 2008 is estimated to exceed “four hundred billion dollars” ($400,000,000,000.00) plus. The USA debt to China alone is six hundred billion to a trillion dollars.
    In just January to March of 2008 six Western USA towns declare bankruptcy. Many analysts believe it is just the beginning!

    The Cost of War (& The Standing Military) -
    War continues to rage in Afghanistan and Iraq at the astonishing cost of $187 billion last year alone, and this does not include the annual military armed forces budget for the Army, Navy and Air Force of five hundred million ($500.000.000.00) a year.

    Increased Costs since 9-11 -
    Particularly in the areas of security, like the newly formed Dept of “Home Land Security, The C.I.A. (The Central Intelligence Agency) and the entire “Airline industry,” the increase in costs to these entities have gone through the ceiling.

    Oil Prices Soar -
    The dependency of the West on oil as its primary source of energy is not new. The realization that oil is a diminishing commodity is not new, yet little or nothing has been done to achieve independence from the traditional dependence on this source of fuel. So we have watched as crude oil prices have gone from $40.00 a barrel at the end of 2006 to $128.00 in May of 2008, with analysts forecasting it will go as high as $200.00 and barrel and beyond.
    “Saudi Arabia” is the largest Crude Oil producer, with an output of 10 million barrels a day. America presently consumes 21 million gallons a day, a ¼ of the world’s consumption.
    6th June - Oil reached $140.00 a barrel.
    20th June - Reports declare that oil prices are 20% higher than need be due to commodity speculating.
    26th June - For the first time crude oil goes over $140.00 a barrel, posting at $140.05
    3rd July - Update: $144.20 a barrel

    Price Increases -
    Since everything that we consume from food to furniture is transported to us in vehicles running on either gasoline or diesel, it is clear to see that this singular item alone is going to affect the price of everything we buy. The increase in living expenses this has, and will yet create is beyond what most families can absorb.
    19th May - G.E Corporation to increase its prices 25% across the board.
    24th June - “Electrical Utility Increases” ABC News reports a 29% increase in prices from March to June. Many parts of the country have seen a 50% increase in cost of electric from last year.
    25th June - “Dow Industries” raise prices for the second time this year from 20% in March to an additional 25% increase in June. A 45% increase in four (4) months.

    The Housing Market and the Mortgage Crisis -
    First came to light at the end of 2007 it was reported that the foreclosure rate had surpassed anything seen previously. Yet the figures continued to rise each month. We learned that four years previously the Federal
    Government had invested 2.1 trillion dollars in mortgages requiring “Interest Only” for the first five years. These would then convert to Interest & Principle thereby increasing the monthly payment by about $1,000.00. It was reported that a large percentage of these mortgages were already 60 & 90 days delinquent.
    By April of 2008 the situation was critical. The Mortgage Industry was in a melt-down. These mortgages had been bought and sold all over the world, and as a result companies were going bankrupt all over Europe and as far away as Australia. In the USA, insurance companies report a record number of house fires attributed to arson by the home owners due to fear of eventual foreclosure.
    A.S.P.C.A. reports, thousands of house pets are roaming the streets as families leave their foreclosed homes and abandon them.
    14th April - Media report; In the first 1/3 of 2008 foreclosures are up 67% over 2007, which itself had broken the record over every proceeding year. Estimated that before the close of the year we would see an additional one million (1,000.000) foreclosures.
    It is apparent that so far, we have only seen the tip of this “Ice-Berg”.
    25th June - ABC “Good Morning America” reports national figures in the “Real Estate Market” which reveal a drop in real estate values, not just in California, Arizona, Nevada and Florida, but now in every state. The average drop in value is 25%. The government proposes a three hundred billion dollar bailout.

    Brokerage House“Bear Sterns” - becomes insolvent.
    12th April - News hits the media that “Bear Sterns,” one of the oldest (85 years old) and top five-investment banker brokerage houses in the US, a pillar of the Western economy, declared it was broke! Its shares (that had been sold a year earlier for $ 186.00 a share), were declared to now be worth $ 2.00 a share. The company that had been valued at $ sold for $ 250,000.000.00.
    For the first time in US history the Federal Government stepped in and injected thirty eight billion dollars, ($ of taxpayers money to bail out this non-Federal, publicly-owned company. Similar occurrences have accrued in Europe. Britain had a run on the banks as depositors panicked on hearing of financial institutions going broke. The “Royal Bank of Scotland,” one of the oldest and most trusted institutions reported losses exceeding thirty five billion (L35, Pounds.
    The British government also quickly stepped in with an emergency measure, declaring the formation of a national safety fund to which banks could go for help during these difficult times. All, in an attempt to shore-up a shaky economy and preserve the public’s confidence in the nation's “Printed Currency.”
    5th June - Fears expressed that “Lehman Brothers” is going the way of “Bear Sterns”

    The Job Market, - Unemployment
    7th March - “Citi Group” reports it is laying off 10% of its entire work force.
    12th April - 14,000 “Bear Sterns” employees’ lose high paying jobs!
    6th June - Unemployment figures reveal 890,000 jobs lost in May alone.
    17th June - Ten (10) of the nations major newspapers report layoffs of 18,000 employees.
    20th June - In 2004, 17% of graduates returned to live at home. In 2008 that number has jumped to 50%;
    a reflection of the diminishing prospects in the job market.
    22nd June - “Citi Bank” announces today it is laying off an addition 10% of its work force.

    Borrowing on Credit Cards Breaks all previous Records -
    Reports out in March put credit card borrowing in 2007 at an all time record of, two trillion dollars, ($2,000,000,000,000.00.) A sum equivalent to the nation's entire tax revenue for one year.

    The Stock Markets - New York, London & Tokyo.
    The stock markets have taken great losses, yet they continue to rally, as investors believe that they have hit bottom and hope to profit from the Market’s comeback. As the markets continue to fall, investor’s confidence weakens. The market’s present reports, posted as “Good News,” are that some particular corporate losses are not as bad as expected.
    22nd May - “Home Dept” reports a 67% loss in the first quarter of 2008. “Lowe’s” reports a 28% loss.
    6th June - The New York Stock Market drops 400 points due to latest unemployment figures…890,000 jobs lost in May alone.
    11th June - Market drops 200 points, after reports of crop failures in the Mid-West due to flooding.
    26th June - Market drops 300 points, after second quarter reports. All thirty (30) Dow Stocks down. “General Motors” stocks at $11.00 a 55-year low. “Ford Motors” at $5.00, “Goldman Sachs” advises all their investors to sell all Auto Stocks. “Citi Bank” stock at $17.00, down from $76.00 Nov of 2007. “Citi Group” reports losses of $ 8.9 Billion Dollars. CNBC declares that this has been the worst month for the Stock Market since the “Great Depression, 1929”.

    The Economy of “Iceland” Collapses - (Their Government Blames America.)
    On the 15thApril, the media reported that the Icelandic government was blaming a deal brokered by a group of American Hedge Fund Managers as the reason for the collapse of their entire economy. The Icelandic dollar was almost worthless. “Fox News” reported that it would then have taken $250,000.00 Icelandic dollars to purchase a $20,000.00 “Toyota”.
    Fearing the consequence of the public’s loss of confidence in the paper currency of other nations, the Europe Federation stepped in to rescue the Icelandic economy, replacing the Icelandic Dollar with the Euro. Iceland as an independent financial sovereignty ceases to exist!

    The Pacific Salmon Fishing Industry Collapses -
    On April 20th, the US Coast Guard revokes the fishing Licenses of all “Salmon Boat Captains” on the Northwest Coast and Alaska. The reason, the salmon that should have been in the millions at this time of the year were nowhere to be found. The media reported the salmon, along with the livelihood of all the coastal fishing towns had disappeared. (No report yet on what has happened?)
    Fri 16th May 2008 - CNN News reported, “Hundreds of Fishing Boat Captains Park their Boats.” In Georgia, Louisiana, Texas & Florida, captains claim the cost of fuel has reached the point where they can no longer make a living profit from fishing. They would have to charge twice as much for their catch to just draw even with the cost of fuel at its present levels.

    Grain Shortages Create Havoc Internationally -
    In April of 2008, the prices of basic grains have risen by over 300 % to around $1,000.00 a ton. For years the prices of grains have remained stable, fluctuating slightly on the commodity market from about $300.00 to $350.00 a ton. The nations are suddenly declaring critical shortages in the stable ingredient of the diet of most of the world.
    Last week of April 2008, Eighteen countries report rioting in the streets because of increased food prices and food shortages. Nations blame extreme weather conditions worldwide.
    “World News” reported that in Haiti people were dying as a result of consuming what was called “Mud Cookies.” Due to the shortage of cereal and grain, families were mixing mud with the little grain they had in an attempt to provide some relief from the hunger!
    First week of May 2008, the media reported that here in America (for the first time in its history) in some wholesale food distribution markets “rice” was being rationed to 5 bags to a family.

    China -
    17th June - Southern China reports 25% of rice crops destroyed by heavy rains and flooding. How, you may ask, is that possible in a country that can not only produce sufficient grain for itself, but could also feed most of the world?
    The answer to that question reveals the complexity of the global economy today! Not one, but rather a collection of circumstances has contributed to the serious problem. For years farmers have been paid government subsidies not to grow certain crops so as to maintain market prices.
    In the past 15 years or so both China and India have experienced a massive growth in industrial development. Due to their abundance of cheap labor they have successfully competed in the world market and have progressively taken more and more manufacturing jobs from the West. The growth in China alone is necessitating their building one (Coal Burning) Power Station a week to keep up with their demand for electricity. Their Auto Industry reports present growth in car sales at nine (9) million cars a Year. (These are not replacement vehicles, but new additional cars being added to the global fleet.)
    What are called, “Factory Manufacturing Towns” have sprung up on the outskirts of the big cities, providing all necessary services for their work force, from hospitals, schools and markets, to children day-care centers. Rural farm workers working in these manufacturing towns can reportedly make enough in five years to retire with the life style comparable to what they previously knew as farmers.
    To give you some idea of the magnitude of the present industrial expansion in China alone, their urban construction is equivalent to producing a city the size of “Shanghai” every three (3) months!
    Their construction of this massive Hydroelectric Dam across the Yangtze River (a project that dwarfs all the Dams in the US.), plus the explosive rate of highway development, which they project, will be superior to and as complex as the entire highway infra-system of USA by 2015.
    All this has increased their present use of concrete to a point where it has surpassed the combined use of concrete by the rest of the world. This development in industrial expansion has also drawn hundreds of thousands of farm workers from off the land to these construction projects and manufacturing towns where the “Streets are (they hear) “Paved with Gold”.
    These rapid industrial developments have not come without many negative consequences.
    (a) China is fast becoming one of the major contributors to global pollution. (Population 1.3 Billion people.)
    (b) Its production of farm products such as “rice,” its major food source, has dropped dramatically.
    (c) Due to the rising economy, many in China can now afford beef in their diet and apparently have developed a real taste for it, and the grain needed to produce one pound of beef to satisfy this new demand is considerably more grain (about 3 times more) than was needed to sustain someone previously.
    Add to this the negative effect on their grain production due to the extreme destructive weather conditions that have been experienced through out the world, China, and India (they report a rat infestation as main cause) like many of the other primary grain producers in the world, are experiencing serious grain shortages.
    Which brings us to an additional development. Due to all this out-sourcing to China the US has run-up an enormous trade deficit with China and in an attempt to address it have responded by shipping to China great quantities of the U.S. grain. Plus, in an attempt to alleviate its dependence on crude oil the U.S. allocated vast quantities of corn to be used in the production of as an alternative fuel called “Ethanol”.

    USA -
    8thMay - Congress called an emergency meeting and passed a moratorium to suspend this practice entirely due to the present critical shortage of corn and the need of its more important usage as a food product.
    11th June - “Misc. Food Report.” All fast food & catering businesses suspend the use of tomatoes after 167 cases of Salmonella poisoning resulting in 1 death. (Update: Questions later raised as to whether tomatoes are to blame.)
    12th June - Reports 12% of USA corn Crops destroyed due to Mid-West flooding. As rains continue, experts believe the eventual loss will be 20%. Prices of corn on the world market break the previous all time high.
    14th June - CNN News reports massive destruction of corn & wheat crops due to unprecedented flooding in the Mid-West.

    Major Disasters –

    Cyclone in Myanmar - (Burma).
    April 2008 - Deadly cyclone reported in Myanmar, previously known as Burma. Death toll estimated at 100,000. Plus, it has destroyed their entire year’s grain harvest.
    Red Cross estimates 2.5 million people have been affected by the storm.
    15th May - Red Cross News reports that international aid is openly being sold in the markets and is not reaching those in real need.

    China Earthquake - registering 7.9 (many significant aftershocks)
    12thMay - On Monday, the morning news declares that a 7.9 earthquake has hit China. First reports state 90 students buried alive.
    14th May - CNN News reports 2,000 solders rush to repair main dam by the epicenter that was showing serious cracks. Death toll climbed to 15,000.
    15th May - Reports 20,000 dead with literally scores of thousands still trapped under rubble.
    20th May - Death toll reported to have reach 68,000 and climbing.
    27th May - A serious aftershock measuring 5.9 rocks the area of original quake. Landslides from first quake created dams that make large lakes that are swollen due to continues rains, now threaten to burst, putting 1,000,000 people at risk in the lowlands down river.

    Additional Earthquakes -
    28th May - A quake measuring 6.9 rocks Iceland - many homes destroyed.
    9th June - Four (4) earthquakes struck internationally measuring over 6.0 - One in China at 6.2.
    Two earthquakes in Greece 6.5 & 6.2 and one in Reno, Nevada at 5.8. Reno also experiences 15 aftershocks.
    14th June - Northern Japan shaken by a 7.2 earthquake. First reports state 6 dead, 125 injured many more missing. Fears expressed that a nuclear station in the area may be experiencing leakage of radioactive material. (Since the 14th June there has been a news blackout regarding this story.)

    Global Warming – North Pole -
    20th June - Headline reads, “North Pole May Be Ice Free for First Time [In History] This Summer.” Arctic warming has become so dramatic that the North Pole may melt this summer 2008. David Barber, of the University of Manitoba said, “We lost 65% of the ice cover in the Northern Hemisphere all in one year, we didn’t even think it was possible for the system to lose so much ice all at once.”
    27th June - Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Tokyo on Friday said that the North Pole may briefly be ice-free by September of 2008 for the first time in history.

    Environmental Disasters - (continue to exacerbate the global problems)
    10th June; “Weather Alert.” - The next day the news reported, fires continue to rage in California 1,500 evacuated, dozens of homes destroyed.
    Drought in Georgia; Flooding in Indiana. A record number of cities report temperatures over 1000. While Seattle, Washington reported getting 8” of snow and reopening their ski slops!

    Hurricanes – Cyclones -
    Hurricanes, such as Katrina, and killer tornados, in places and at times and in increased frequency, previously unheard of, continue to destroy communities and take lives.
    22nd June - Cyclone in the Philippines capsizes a ferry carrying 724 passengers, over 50 had been rescued but hundreds still missing including 80 children.

    Tornados, Record Size Hail-stones -
    31st March - “Extreme Weather Report” 78 Tornados in the month of February 2008. Compared to six (6) in February of 2007.
    21st May - CNN reports 49 Tornados ripped up Colorado, one reported to be 1 mile wide a class # 5, with 116 killed to date, over 200 homes destroyed.
    30th May - 55 tornados rip through Nebraska turned over a freight Train. Hailstones reported the size of golf balls, 22 homes destroyed.
    12th June - 60 or more tornados reported in Iowa, kills 4 at a Boy Scout Camp, also 2 killed by tornados in Kansas, along with extensive damage.
    So far this year 1,506 tornados reported, breaking the previous record of 940 set in 2004. In past decades, the average was about 600 a year.

    Flooding -
    11th June - Heavy Rains - Indiana gets 11 inches of rain in 4hrs. Three quarters of state under water.
    14th June - Flooding worsens in Iowa, Missouri, Texas, Indiana, Illinois and South Dakota breaks all previous records. Iowa River still rising, as more levees give way. The Mississippi River continues to rise to 32 feet above normal estimate, damages in the billions. Route 80 under water seriously affecting interstate & cross-country commerce.
    20th June - Missouri estimates crops damaged by resent flooding at thirteen (13) billion dollars,
    24th June - No relief in sight for flooded towns on the Mississippi. After 8ins of rain in 6 hrs, fell from midnight to this morning as an additional levee gave way in Missouri, spilling into the swollen Mississippi.
    Forest Fires -
    11th May - Forest wild fires presently raging in California, Texas, and Florida.
    12th-14thMay - Fires in California. Reports state 160 homes destroyed and thousands of acres are consumed, at one point as many as 60 fires were raging in Florida alone.
    Law enforcement suspect that some fires are being set by desperate homeowners so behind with their mortgage payments and facing foreclosure, they are hoping to get insurance settlements.
    20th May - Additional forest fires break out in California, burns about 5,000 acres, 22 homes lost.
    14th Jun - Fires continue to rage in California, intensified by high winds; 240,000 acres burn as 2,000 fire fighter battle the blaze; 10,000 evacuated from their homes.
    23rd June – California - 600 new fires reported this week. Dry lightning being blamed, but there are conflicting reports as to the actual cause, hundreds are burning out of control, the largest of which has consumed 56,000 acres.
    24th June - Fires in California continue to rage. Latest report states a total of 800 fires are presently burning out of control.
    26th June - News reports a massive fire raging now in Phoenix Arizona.
    28th June - California latest report states 200 additional fires, bringing the total now to 1,000 fires.
    2nd July - Update: more than 1400 fires continue to burn in CA.

    An Ongoing Report- Last entry 2nd July 2008

    When you stop to contemplate the cumulative effect of all these occurrences you cannot help but think of the analogy of the “over-burdened camel” that reaches the point where it cannot support any additional weight and eventually “the last straw” finally breaks its back…How close is this system to it’s last straw ???

    With all the information provided above and then add to all this the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses have been declaring for approximately 130 years that the Bible identifies this generation as one marked to see the complete failure of human governments and the dawning of a new age under the rulership of Jehovah God’s Kingdom, what more evidence does one need. Perhaps, one more…the Bible…
    The evidence that Jesus gave to identify that time, the time just preceding the glorious transition from human to divine rulership includes the following statement recorded at; Matthew 24:7, 14 - 'For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress…..'
    …... And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.'
    And yet many will not even consider that all this means anything more than an approaching economic recession and a quite normal cycle in the earths oscillating climate patterns…. So they continue to tell themselves, “This is not the end of the world.” “We will weather this storm.” The market will recover and come back…“Hasn’t it always?”
    It was a wise man that once said, “There are none so blind, as those who will not see!”
    Jesus also stated, that the majority would take no heed to all the warnings and wake-up calls no matter how serious or how many. He went on to say, Matthew 24:38,39 - 'For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; 39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.'
    Luke 17:28 also records the words of Jesus, “Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. 29 But on the day that Lot came out of Sod´om it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 The same way it will be on that day when the Son of man is to be revealed.'
    Matthew 24;44 - 'Because at an hour that YOU do not think it to be, the Son of man is coming..'

  • stillajwexelder

    oh dear here we go again

  • Finally-Free
    And yet many will not even consider that all this means anything more than an approaching economic recession and a quite normal cycle in the earths oscillating climate patterns…. So they continue to tell themselves, “This is not the end of the world.” “We will weather this storm.” The market will recover and come back…“Hasn’t it always?”

    Yes, it has always gotten better. JWs spew this stuff every time there's an economic downturn or some other "event". Then things get better. Then there's another downturn, and the JWs start spewing again. Then things get better. And it goes on and on and on...


  • daniel-p

    I love that last scripture... so it basically nullifies everything mentioned before it. If it's going to come when we don't think it will come, then what's the point of looking around to see how close it is? Pointless end-of-times blather.

  • mrsjones5
    This is alot to read, but so amazing to see all of the events listed that happened all in this year. This system is definitely passing away!

    Do you really believe that and if so why are you here?

  • JeffT
    This is alot to read, but so amazing to see all of the events listed that happened all in this year.

    As opposed to last year, when nothing happened.

  • mrsjones5
    As opposed to last year, when nothing happened.

    Probably just as much happened last year, maybe a little more or a little less. But that was last year and the end didn't come so it doesn't count.

  • LockedChaos


    Keep Alive To '75

  • whereami

    This is alot to read, but so amazing to see all of the events listed that happened all in this year. This system is definitely passing away!

    Do you really believe that and if so why are you here?

    Ahh, maybe because i didn't write this?

  • Solace1998

    oh, be careful -- people around here seem to be very touchy when you dont fit the plan ;)

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