Will Jesus EVER return?

by Fisherman 71 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Mr. Canon, for enlarging upon a subject new and not a trifle baffling for one so inexpert as I.

    I would rather peer into a mere touch of genuine Bible exegesis (though not comprehending it in any real depth) than spend a moment more dazed and razed by bizarre Watch Tower eschatological studies. I've done my time on Russell Drive.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    First of all, no offense to the steadfast believers. I'm glad that others see it as a beacon of hope and it directs them to lead good, non-JW, lives. But I'm still in JW backlash mode on all the false hopes I'd been living with and how my life, my future, and my potential had been wasted.

    Will Jesus EVER return?

    I don't know. I don't presume to know. That's a question that Jesus should be answering.

    If I tell a group of people that I will be returning, but will be later than they might expect. Sure, I'll probably get there late, and some might be upset. BUT THEY WON'T ALL BE DEAD! Where did Jesus say that it would be hundreds of years? Did he say anything about his sleepy slaves having kids, and dying, and dozens of generations later the master would return? Did he say the wheat and weeds would seed, and die, germinate, seed, and die, etc.? Did he leave behind geneology and chronology instructions for a much later return? Nope. So, I'll live my life in a moral way that Jesus would approve, but don't expect me to put my life and future on hold awaiting his return. I've already wasted too much of my life staring at the clouds.

    B the X

  • JCanon

    Hi Billy, I appreciate your frustration. But the exact year of Jesus' return is provided in the Bible.

    Did he leave behind geneology and chronology instructions for a much later return? Nope. So, I'll live my life in a moral way that Jesus would approve, but don't expect me to put my life and future on hold awaiting his return. I've already wasted too much of my life staring at the clouds.

    B the X

    It happens within a generation, that is, 80 years of a world war: nation vs nation, kingdom vs kingdom. 80 years of 1914, meaning sometimes before 1994.

    It happens 45 years after the end of the 1290 days, which comes on the heels of the "dashing of the holy ones to piences" which is the "great tribulation. The end of the 1290 days is signaled by the return of the Jews to their homeland, which occurs in 1947. Thus the second coming to fulfill the 1335 days occurs 45 years after 1947, that is between November 30, 1992 and November 29, 1993. Which is before 1994. So we're good to go. Want more?

    The messiah must end "gift and sacrifice" when he arrives. "Gift and sacrifice" represent the "constant feature" which is the annual Lord's Supper. The only ritual date commanded to be kept by Christians (besides Easter and Christmas and Halloween, of course--just kidding!) So we know by that that Christ will arrive within a year of the mid 70th week Passover of the last 70 weeks. We just count 70 weeks from 36 CE which ended the 1st coming 70th week from 29-36CE in the period 455BCE to 36CE. 4 x 490 = 1960 + 36 = 1996. So the 70th week of the second coming is from 1989-1996. Mid-week Passover is April 6, 1993. So we know from that prophecy the messiah will arrive no more than a year prior to April 6, 1993. That works out with the above since November 30, 1992 to November 29, 1993 overlaps this. But it only gives you about a 4-month window from November 30, 1992 to April 6, 1993.

    So now we know the year and the potential month. Want more?

    We correct the NB date for the fall of Jerusalem using the VAT4956 and the Bible. The VAT4956 dates year 37 to 511 BCE so year 19 falls in 529CE. You can go directly from there to apply the 7 times prophecy if you want and you'll get 1992-1993 again. That is Jerusalem fell in the summer so you have summer of 1992 to summer of 1993 for when the messiah arrives. That covers the 4-month period we already established.

    If you are able to believe the Bible's strict chronology, then you must date the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE, add 70 years to get the last deportation in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar in 525 BCE then add 4 years to year 19 for the fall of Jerusalem in 529 BCE. Same dating you get with the VAT4956. Remember the VAT4956 double dates to 568BCE so the 568BCE dating is dismissed as fraudulent automatically. Of course, this more accurate dating agrees completely with the Bible.

    If you are concerned with the 82 extra years of the NB Period, they are easily removed! See my quick and easy video on this..


    The Persian Period chronology is weak and collapses quite easily, removing those extra 82 years by 358 BCE when all the chronology is back in sync by the rule of Artaxerxes III.

    SO... did the messiah arrive to his private "eagles" sometimes in 1992?


    As the Bible shows, LAZARUS is the messiah. He goes to the bosom position of the Father after being an outcast from the house of the Rich Man. The Rich Man represents the GB of JW and Lazarus a disfellowshipped member due to immorality. Lazarus is the prodigal son, who keeps company with harlots. Only the sores of Lazarus are licked by "dogs" and a dog in the Bible were the men who used male temple prostitutes. They were called dogs because of the coital position assumed in this interchange. Lazarus had a weakness for these "dogs" which caused him to become spiritually dead and to become a male prostitute and thus the harlots he was in the company of were not a lot of women but other male prostitutes like himself. Thus he became spiritually dead and his garments filthy.

    Thus the eagles who followed him from birth mourned over his spiritual death and beat themselves in lamentation. Even the "sign of the son of man" depicted him as a sleeping dead child.

    But by Passover of 1992 he had returned to God's house, in good standing with the congregation and active again. During the summer he became anointed and understood he was a special prophet but did not realize whom he'd become. But on December 25, 1992 shortly after the winter solstice he became the messiah. That is, Jehovah chose him to embody the physical manifestation of the messiah at the second coming.

    Don't be shocked! This is all in the Bible. The second wave offering is WITH LEAVEN so we know the body of the messiah at the second coming is in the imperfect flesh.

    So whether the messiah arrived or not depends on if you follow the Bible or not. If you're looking for a spiritual Jesus to call you up to heaven you are looking for the wrong messiah. The rapture doesn't take place until after Judgment Day. Christ returns IN THE FLESH the second time and in the body of the black, prodigal son, XJW. ME.

    See how much knowledge I have and how I expose the WTS' false teachings? And beat the nations with my LONG POSTS representing the long sword of my mouth. See, even the Bible knew I was not one to write a short post!

    I HAVE ALL THE KNOWLEDGE NOW. I have the secret to correct the NB timeline and the Persian timeline. I know Xerxes and Artaxerxes were the same king, a very ancient secret of the Illuminati now exposed. I have eclipses and archaeology confirming the truth of the Bible's history, so it's wonderful!

    But that's just all my talk! God knew there would be more needed than just the Bible and understanding, so he provided the "sign of the son of man" as a physical, miraculous event to confirm me as the messiah. The wicked generation was also said it would be given this sign. So the sign appears to the elect who recognize it. In order for it to be shown to the wicked generation looking for a sign, Jehovah arranged for it to be witnessed and photographed by a skyscape photographer who publicly identified herself for a short while as my follower on H20. She took the photos and the sign appeared to her. So the photo of that sign testifies to this and fulfills the prophecy of the "sign of the son of man" that must appear in heaven!


    So I've posted it for all the ATHEISTS to see on YouTube. The "sign of the son of man" was promised, and when seen the elect beat themselves in lamentation over it. So that is fulfilled. It is the only MIRACULOUS thing that Jehovah is providing though. He expects ones to identify the true messiah via God's WORD.

    Only thing is, I EXPLAIN it all to you so you don't have to go looking. I have to verify myself. So I tell you: SEE, Joshua? High priest becoming king? King-priest, second coming? Befouled garments exchanged for royal robes? Prodigal son returning home make the messiah, given the banquet. Upset older brother rejects him, but is not rejected by God, no biggee. Not easy to accept an ex male prostitute now the messiah, right? That's the way God did it.

    SOOOOOO... I have truly come as a thief, have I not? Had you been paying attention, you could have been anointed into the kingdom, for I was sealing alert ones into the kingdom from 1993 until May of this year. Let's hope you are chosen to survive Armageddon. Thus your devotion, though misguided, will pay off for you. Your life has not been in vain.

    But anyone who truly follows the Scripture would know the messiah arrived in the flesh in 1992-1993 and would be looking for an XJW Ethiopian eunuch if they wished to see him. Of course, many did who realized this. My followers do not gather to me for any public display, but we exist in secret societies that Satan cannot see with his spy organizations, though he clearly understands the secret socities exist! That is clear from the subliminal messages in the literature, particularly the one showing the sleeping black child in the hand of Jesus. So lots of secretive and cultic things going on.

    REMEMBER TOO, the WISE VIRGINS don't share their oil with the foolish! When they realize who the messiah is, they keep it to themselves and tell the foolish virgins to find out on their own.

    That is what is happening NOW. The foolish virgins are now coming around to fully understanding the chronology issues and how 587 BCE doesn't work, how the WTS is the evil slave and how everything has come true in the Bible in fulfillment of 1992, fulilflled in me.

    But now I'm coming out to the world. When I'm revealed to the world, then the world ends...

    29 But on the day that Lot came out of Sod´om it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 The same way it will be on that day when the Son of man is to be revealed.

    So my followers have known all this time. I did not appear as thief to them. I have not been revealed to the world in any great way until the sealing was complete. But now that that door is closed, I'm lot leaving Sodom and Sodom is about to be destroyed, thus the world is about to end.

    But can't we see this? How is the US going to avoid an oil crisis? The only reason they want to attak Iran is because they threaten to release cheap oil into the world market which they can do. It will upset all kinds of the world economy. They can't control independent states. Not unless there is a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. In order to suppress the sovereignty of Iran, they must give up their own sovereignty. It becomes reality. The world economy is about to crash. And to whom does the US and the world owe umpteen trillions of dollars to? The WORLD BANK. The Illuminati. So somebody is just going to decide not to pay up. They are going to criminalize the Illuminati, claim it is a terrorist organization supporting world terrorism and they are going to confiscate all their funds, which means cancelling all the world's debt to them! People are actually ARTICULATING that on YouTube and elsewhere! So it is happening just as the Bible says.

    Armageddon is soon to be upon us.

    But we have to play out some scenarios first. First those whom I preached to on the discussion boards will finally recognize me as the messiah, which I think some are now. I'm offering FULFILLMENT of prophecy. I'm the messiah returned. I have the "sign of the son of man". I have all this knowledge that no one can defeat per the Bible. So they will come and clamor to get into the kingdom, because they see their own world ending. Look at gas prices? Look at the instability of the world? But I will reject them because they have already rejected me. They know me personally and we like each other, but it's too late now...

    25 when once the householder has got up and locked the door, and YOU start to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Sir, open to us.’ But in answer he will say to YOU , ‘I do not know where YOU are from.’ 26 Then YOU will start saying, ‘We ate and drank in front of you, and you taught in our broad ways.’ 27 But he will speak and say to YOU , ‘I do not know where YOU are from. Get away from me, all YOU workers of unrighteousness!’ 28 There is where [ YOUR ] weeping and the gnashing of [ YOUR ] teeth will be, when YOU see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves thrown outside. 29 Furthermore, people will come from eastern parts and western, and from north and south, and will recline at the table in the kingdom of God.

    How can Jesus "teach" in the broad ways of the apostates? The internet! JW discussion groups! This is about YOU and the people here who know me and have tolerated me all these years with my claims of being the messiah and everything but have paid little attention. Now that the world is ending before their eyes and we're facing global warming and other disasters not leaving much for future generations they are wondering what is going on, when will this messiah ever show up. You're asking HOW LONG? Well if you had been paying attention you'd know exactly when, where how and who the messiah would appear as. The chronology is specific and cross-matched, and I AM HERE. I really am happening.

    You may not like the interpretations, but Isa 53 is about the messiah and the ETHIOPIAN EUNUCH is reading that scripture. Some don't want to connect the two, but if you do, the messiah must fulfill some aspect of the Ethiopian eunuch. Since Isa 53 is about the actual physical appearance of the messiah...

    "And he will come up like a twig before one, and like a root out of waterless land. No stately form does he have, nor any splendor; and when we shall see him, there is not the appearance so that we should desire him."

    This means the Ethiopian eunuch would bear a physical resemblance to the messiah at the second coming. Yep, I'm not that attractive, especially at 58!!! But I am black, and a eunuch (femme). I used to post my picture as Diana Ross but nothing is as good as video. So I braved the waters and actually did a video of my current self so you can see how un-beautiful I am if you care to watch. So I fulfill everything.

    http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandlisten/play/c1e9444e ME SINGING BORN TO LOSE... (recommend you be seated)

    So you have to take responsibility. LOTS of people are going to suddenly want to study scripture when they see their own world crumbling and they have nothing but their lives, their continued, future lives. THEN they will start to study and get their lamps burning and when they do they will come to my door. What choice do they have? I control the chronology. I control the "sign of the son of man." But it's too late. It's too late to get into the KINGDOM, but not too late to try and become a survivor of Armageddon. There are three groups who survive Armageddon. See my video on that...


    So the BIBLE IS FULFILLED. Christ arrived on time. He is delaying Armageddon for some stragglers maybe to repent so they can survive into the millennium. But there are no guarantees. If you have had plenty of time to repent earlier and are now doing so because you see the world collapsing around you then your repentance might not count, but go for it anyway!! What have you got to lose?

    So, see you on the other side of Armageddon, hopefully!


  • JCanon

    Hi Sweetstuff!! You're sharp!!

    Riding the clouds, he'll be seen by every eye,
    those who mocked and killed him will see him, People from all nations and all times
    will tear their clothes in lament.
    Oh, Yes.

    This news bulletin just in: They are all long dead.

    This is about the second coming messiah and those who "pierce" him a second time. Basically, the committees of JWs who presided over my hearing disfellowshipped me when I was innocent. I should have been shown mercy, I really didn't do anything that bad. I was tempted but didn't give in. Instead they disfellowshipped me. I just got back in. I knew the truth because I was raised in the truth. I felt they were being unfair. I actually WANTED to get kicked out because being gay in the congregation was "hell" anyway. But I blocked that emotion and did what was right which was requested an appeal to that decision, only in line with the appeal process I asked for brothers that didn't know me. I grew up in the LA area so there is a Kingdom Hall in every little section of town. It was easy for them to find an appeals committee to hear my case outside of my area so I'd get a fair trial. So that was my request. They totally IGNORED it. Probably thinking I was being controlling and they hand picked their own favorite brothers who all knew me and would agree with their decision. As a result they disfellowshipped me. I didn't care, I knew they were wrong.

    But, turns out at least three of those six committee members ended up JIOR. So this is the prophecy about them, how those who disfellowshipped me, pierced me and hurt me, killed me when I didn't deserve it, ended up in the JIOR. In fact, one had already been JIOR and had known me all my life.

    So you are right. How could the soldiers who pierced Jesus in his day now "see him"? Doesn't work. So it is a prophecy about the second coming messiah and his ordeal with the congregation and how some of those who had decided to disfellowship me are now JIOR.

    So no problem for the BIBLE fulfilling this. You might not like this explanation but you can't say the Bible wasn't fulfilled.

    Thanks for bringing this up, good point.


  • JCanon
    For thousands of years the Christian hope has been the return of Jesus. The NT unambiguiously teaches the return of Jesus. Will Jesus ever return in a manner percivable to the senses?

    Yes, yes, yes. But you actually have to read the Bible to find out the details. He must arrive 45 years after the Jews return to Palestine, thus in 1992. He must return in the flesh! The antiChrist will say he doesn't come in the flesh. Thus the antichrist is the WTS among others! All those people thinking Jesus will appear in the sky and call them up and never return in the flesh are antichrists too. That is NOT what the Bible teaches. He must return in the flesh in order to be born in the tribe of Joseph! The first messiah comes through Judah, the second through Joseph. How is that possible without him being in the flesh. Even the wave offering shows Christ in the perfect flesh the first time, but the second wave offering is WITH LEAVEN. An imperfect body. So should it be a surprise Jesus is in an imperfect body at the second coming? NO. Are you paying attention? Read REVELATION. The new messiah is born from a woman fleeing from Satan who has been cast to the earth! This is not Jehovah's heavenly organization or his "wife". That wife just kicked Satan out of heaven. How is Satan a threat to the angels loyal to Jehovah? "Rejoice you heavens, but woe to the earth!" The earth represents the woman, she's connected to the earth, Jehovah's secret organization of followers of Christ. She is fleeing from Satan. But she is giving birth to the messiah! How is that. Clearly one of her members are chosen to be "caught up to God" to his bosom position to become the messiah. But what about Michael the Archangel already in heaven? That's right! There are TWO messiahs at this moment. But when the one born is caught up to God to the bosom position of the Father, he becomes ONE with Michael in heaven. Thus in this way, through the prodigal son messiah, Jesus re-enters human flesh. Thus he fulfills a wave offering WITH LEAVEN the second time around. Notice high priest Joshua who becomes king. Remember, the second time he comes as a king-priest, to rule for 1000 years!! So Joshua is a priest and now becoming a king. KING-PRIEST. Thus this is the theme of the second-coming messiah, not the first. But we see he is imperfect. He has befouled garments clearly representing his personal sins that have now been forgiven. He has to be given new robes just as the prodigal son has to be given a new robe when he returns from his life of filth. So Joshua represents the prodigal son returned who Jehovah choses as the messiah. So if you are not looking for an ordinary man who lived the life of the prodigal son appearing in 1992 claiming to be the messiah, is there any wonder you think he hasn't arrived yet? Further confirming the strange nature of this, that the messiah chosen actually becomes spiritually dead for a while is that the "sign of the son of man" sent depicting him as a sleeping black child reflects he is the prodigal son, much like the Jews, who is accepted at the last moment, like a log snatched out of the fire. That is why they "beat themselves in lamentation" over him!! That's why it calls him a CARCASS: "Where the CARCASS is, so the eagles will be gathered together." So have you actually thought about these scriptures before needing fulfillment? Have you been paying attention to the details? The chronology requires Jesus to arrive sometime between November 30, 1992 and April 6, 1993. That's it! Did he? YES! I'M HERE. I'm just as the Bible describes. Lazarus loves "dogs" who are men who like cross-dressing male prostitutes and that's what I was for a while, a cross-dressing prostitute. My weakness was straight men who liked drag queens, transvestites. I lived as a woman for three years. That's why the messiah as an Ethipian eunuch suggests he is black and effeminate, though Lazarus fills in more details. Embarassing but that is the detail the Bible gives us for who the messiah is. For those who figured that out before, they know I'm him. Plus how come I have a photo of the sign of the son of man, a sleeping black child, the image you see in the Revelation Book? So, c'mon! You're asking where the messiah is and you don't even know what to expect because you haven't read the scriptures closely, or unfortunately have followed blindly the WTS who also is in the dark. But that's past. Now that you're actually a little scared and LOOKING to see if the Bible is really true or not, IT IS! No matter what you have to date the second coming 45 years after 1947. IT doesn't matter if you can't figure out 587 BCE is a fake chronology date. There are other prophecies pointing to the year of the second coming that must be fulfilled. Christ arrives in the flesh again, in the body of one of his followers, which is illustrated in Revelation as the woman giving birth to a child caught up to God. Christ possesses the body of the prodigal son, it's just that simple. That's how he reenters the flesh at the second coming. This person is black and gay. Shocking, but BIBLICAL. This person must be associated with the JW organization, which serves as the temple organization and the Rich Man's organization. That's right. The Bible says the Rich Man would be busy building bigger storehouses. And isn't the WTS so impressed with their one-day Kingdom Halls? They love building new Kingdom Halls and thinking they this is evidence of Jehovah' favor. But they have left the spiritual things being overly concerned with the material things and building new Kingdom Halls and so now their life is on the block! They have been disfellowshipped. Anyway, they are the RICH MAN so Lazarus outside his gate represents a disfellowshipped person due to immorality, but one who loves knowledge. Once he returns, Jehovah grants him lots of knowledge that starts to torment the Rich Man, who is now disfellowshipped and out of Jehovah's favor. That's ME. The VAT4956 was given to me to prove 511 BC was the original dating for year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar and I can use it to date year 529 to the 19th of Nebuchadnezzar to prove 1992 is the true date for the second coming! It's incompetence at this point not to realize the Babylonians revised their timeline. But that's not my fault if some are overly impressed with Satan's rhetoric organizations and false prophets trying to verify a lie. The Bible's chronology requires the 1st of Cyrus to fall in 455 BCE. Martin Anstey figured that one out in 1913 in his "Romance of Bible Chronology." He knew then that the Persian Period was 82 years too long per the Bible. Only now we know WHY it was expanded, WHO expanded it, and WHEN it was expanded. We know all the details and can academically correct this timeline using eclipses. So, again, little excuse now for using the wrong chronology. But granted it is a big mess. You don't need that prophecy to determine the year of the second coming because two other prophecies, one based on 29 CE and one based on 1947 give you the same dating of 1992-1993. So I have arrived and if it's a SURPRISE then it's because I was supposed to be a "thief in the night"!! Up until now. Now when I'm revealed to the world in general and others start to believe I'm really the real thing, it will be too late. Lots of weaking and gnashing of the teeth because there was plenty of time to do this study and research before. Now that it is clear the world economy is tumbling and people are falling "faint out of fear" about what is going to happen to the world, and that Mayan calendar running out in 2012 has others worried and global warming has people WORRIED!!! Now they want Jesus to come and rescue them from the dismal future. Well, everybody during Noah's Day when it started to rain suddenly decided he was right and they suddenly liked him a whole lot. But it was too late. Once Armageddon starts, who wouldn't want to suddenly repent? But it's too late. They are like thieves sorry they got caught, not sorry they were a thief. So it may be do late. If people are responding to the "great tribulation" that is starting and not scripture then its too late. Repenting after the destruction begins and is apparent doesn't count. So just for the record. I'M HERE. Here to be examined scripturally if you wish. But I'm not going to be here always. Who knows when they will shut down the internet? No one can say I didn't try to twist their arm to look at a few scriptures or that I didn't tell them up front exactly who I was. So, I don't know what excuses there will be on Judgment Day, frankly, for those who had every opportunity to look into this earlier. The most important thing though, is the BIBLE IS TRUE, it's CHRONOLOGY IS ACCURATE, and the messiah as prophesied, the XJW prodigal son black gay messiah the Bible prophesied would arrive between November 30, 1992 and April 6, 1993 indeed did arrive. And the "sign of the son of man" which depicts him as a sleeping black child also arrived, and here's a photo of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKfu8kvgMF4 Everything is happening as prophesied. The Great Tribulation has begun and soon Armageddon will occur. The anointed have been sealed. JC

  • JCanon
    What makes me doubt Jesus will ever return is that Jesus gave the impression he would return in the lifetime of the Apostles. (John 21:22-23) . . .Jesus said to him: "If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you? You continue following me." 23 In consequence, this saying went out among the brothers, that that disciple would not die. However, Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but: "If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you?"

    This passage is claimed to be written when John was 100, so he is justifying the failure of a statement by Jesus that was misleading about the timing of his return. Would Jesus really have tried to give the impression his first century followers could still be alive on his return when he knew it would be at least 2000 years in the future?

    Not so. Jesus said some standing here would not see death before I come!!

    This only means that some would live down to our day without dying!!

    LOOK at the context of your own quoted scripture. Jesus had just told Peter how he would die of old age and cripple. So he asked about John and Jesus told him if he wished he would not die. But that was in direct response to his question. Why? Because there were also two groups during the 1st Century. One who would die and need to be resurrected and the other group who were chosen to live through the 1900 years until Christ returned! Jesus was jus saying it was none of Peter's business if he placed John in the "living" group!

    So by his saying this he did not mean that he would return during a normal lifespan. Obviously, Peter was to die before seeing Christ but not John.

    LOGISTICS: The reason why some from Jesus' day had to survive down to our day is to fulfill the prophecy that 10% of the anointed must come from the 12 tribes of Israel, 12,000 from each tribe. How can you do that when the Jews are scattered throughout the nations? You can't. So to fulfill the technical letter of the covenant, some who had lineage proof to the 12 tribes alive during Jesus time were chosen to survive down to our day. Then maybe 150 years before the second coming they would marry into the modern population and thus rebuild the 12 tribes of Israel! Thus when Jesus comes to rebuild the spiritual temple, he also comes to rebuild the physical temple, meaning reestablishing the 12 tribes of Israel. The second-coming messiah, thus can come through the actual tribe of Joseph, who was half Egyptian.

    So besides seeing John and Paul myself, I also so my 1st century grandparent from the tribe of Joseph. Of course, I don't expect you to believe this, but it is in the Bible.

    So your impression that John would not die before Jesus arrived meaning he would arrive outside of the Biblically mandated year of his return 45 years after the Jews return to Palestine is not Biblical. It just means John and many others would live down to our day without dying. In this way, by 1996 or between then and May, enough descendants from the 12 tribes would be able to be selected for the kingdom of 144,000 Jews. That is just 10%. See Isa 6:13. The entire number is 1,440,000!!

    So sorry. NO Biblical contradiction at all with respect to John still being alive when the second coming occurs in 1992 when he is anointed or when the progidal son messiah is born in1950 shortly after 1947.

    So all is well. The Bible is fulfilled.


  • JCanon
    I believe he will return, I don't know when, nobody does, therefore I live my life in expectation of his coming, but I don't do foolish things in anticipation of an unknown arrival.

    You are wrong. The Bible is specific about WHEN he will arrive. Ever hear of the "7 times" prophecy? 2520 years from the fall of Jerusalem? Only you have to figure out exactly when Jerusalem falls. But otherwise he is to arrive 45 years after the "end of the gentile times" which ends 1290 days in 1947. So in 1992. So no excuse as to wondering WHEN he is supposed to arrive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU3J5vSamgA 1992 vid. Also check out my other YouTube vids on chronology if you need further convincing. 1992 fulfills many prophecies. It is the 70th week of the 70 weeks of 1506 to 1996, the 7th day of covenants for the Jews, each 490 years each from the time of Moses down to 1996. So the messiah has to fulfill this special week. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCAWWPyDwKs 1947 the best date for Bible chronology determination. We DO know when the 2nd coming occurs. But you have to pay attention and read the Bible. JC

  • Fisherman

    Given: Bible is the inspired Word of God


    I do not believe that "Jews"( members of Judaism) have anything to do whatsoever with modern day Bible fulfilment. I do not think that God uses Jews as a nation anymore. I do not think that Jews are God's people anymore. I think that God now deals with Christians and they are God's special people.

  • jwfacts

    I cannot understand that if Jesus paid the ransom back 2000 years ago, why has suffering and death continued? What reason has God for allowing suffering?

  • JCanon
    I cannot understand that if Jesus paid the ransom back 2000 years ago, why has suffering and death continued? What reason has God for allowing suffering?

    The answer is the longer the delay the more people can be born and thus the more saved. So basically Jehovah has allowed for 6000 years for mankind to procreate as much as possible so that the ransom sacrifice will cover many people. See? If everything ended shortly after Jesus death you and your children would not have been born, so you would miss out. This way you have a chance for eternal life. But in the context of this, there is, indeed a specific timetable for events that would occur during the 7th Creative Day of 7000 years. Jesus appears two times during the 70th week in a week of 70 weeks. That is seven days of 490 years each. He appears during the 70th week of the third day and the 70th day. That is: 1st coming 70th week is 29-36 AD 2nd coming 70th week is 1989-1996 AD After Jesus returns he rules amidst his enemies for a short while while Satan is released to gather and seal the anointed, those who will rule with him for 1000 years. The total number sealed is 1,440,000. Then after that, the great tribulation begins leading into Armageddon and then the millennium begins. But it is not until after the millennium and after Satan's last test that JUDGMENT DAY occurs, and that is when the ransom sacrifice is applied to those to get eternal life. So the suffering of mankind is worth it if there is no other way they could have been born to have a chance at the ransom sacrifice, so as many humans as possible that can be born within that 7000-year period is the goal. It would seem this is the period of time it would take to reach the earth's ideal capacity population, because obviously, eventually, with people living forever the world would get too crowded and exhaust the earth's resources. JC

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