Will Jesus EVER return?

by Fisherman 71 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Borgia

    Has it not been Lösch who said that Jesus would come 7 times?

    Did you miss any of them? Apparently Lösch did. The annointed back then said he had come in 1874 but it took'm till 1943 to see he had actually come in 1914. And now in 2008 he will be coming 7 times! So if you have missed out on any previous one, don't grief for there are more to come.



  • S3RAPH1M

    I wonder how many thousands of times the question was asked during the past thousand years.

  • sacolton
    I wonder how many thousands of times the question was asked during the past thousand years.

    Once or twice. This is the third time.

  • mouthy

    Well he came!!!!! to me anyway Oct 20th 1989. I invited him into my life on that date about 9.p.m

    Since then I believe he is my husband,friend, comforter, Lord.

    I LOVE Tripe especially with onions,but He is so much more than just a meal, He feeds me, looks out for me, & encourages me to keep on walking even though the road is rough at times. But he already told me HE didnt come to make it easy, because if we walk along in his footsteps we will be ridiculed ,laughed at ,lied about, all those things, BUT one day I hope to see him face to face.

  • PrimateDave
    It is a matter of fact that Jesus existed and jews and everyone on the Planet earth is foreced to accept that every time they write the year of our modern era based on Jesus' birth, like it or not.

    Topics like this are always fun to read for shits and giggles, but the arrogance of statements like this one make me wonder what the basis for the so-called Christian "faith" is all about. Ain't you people supposed to be about LOVE and stuff? If you want your beliefs shoved down other people's throats, if you await an impossible and miraculous show of force by your cargo cult deity, then perhaps your "faith" is merely an expression of your feelings of inadequacy and insecurity? There are healthier ways to deal with this, people!

    I don't want to force anyone to believe exactly as I do. I think that if a man ever existed who came to be known as this Jesus, he is dead, and nothing, not even fairy dust or wishing upon a star, will bring him back. Ever. If you do believe in Jesus return, then know that on the day that you die, you will realize that you were lied to all your life. Was it worth it? That's what I believe and you are not forced to accept it, like it or not. ;)


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    YES....one day some idiot will return and claim he's the son of God....and then his ranch will be burnt down by the ATF at Waco....wait has this already happened?

  • snowbird
    But he already told me HE didnt come to make it easy, because if we walk along in his footsteps we will be ridiculed ,laughed at ,lied about, all those things, BUT one day I hope to see him face to face.

    Mouthy, you're a gem. That is my hope and the hope of billions of others.

    I realize that I may do as His cousin John did - faint dead away - but one glimpse into His precious face will be worth it.


  • mouthy

    Regardless its all a mental crutch for those who lack the strength to stand on their own...

    Yep Guess your right ,,,,,I couldnt do it without him,Glad you can!!!!!Hope when your 81,gone through a war.(WW2) lost family,lost friends, been hungry been completly LOST!!! enough to take your own life because your NOT stong enough to keep on. Then that "crutch" as you call HIM, you will have the Peace that I have. even though you did it all on your own .Good Luck

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Look it's time now for the "truth to set you free"........Iam Jesus! Yes Witness 007 is really the Son of God.....please send me all your worldly possesions as the Yahweh Mothership is leaving soon....the bank account number is 555666 666 77.... hurry the end is nigh!

    I'm not joking I'm the re-incarnation of David Koresh come to save you! All we need is a ranch made from flamable meterials and lots of guns.

  • mkr32208

    Maybe so, however it won't change the fact that it IS a crutch! It will also not change the fact that he does not exist.

    The fact of my belief or disbelief in Santa Claus has nothing to do with the existence of Santa Claus! The fact of MILLIONS or even BILLIONS of people believing in Santa Claus has nothing to do with the existence of Santa Claus. The TIME that these people believe has nothing to do with it either.

    If one billion people believe in Santa with all their hearts for their ENTIRE lives and their children and their children's children for ten thousand years it STILL doesnt make him real...

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