My first post

by BonaFide 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eliveleth

    Welome BonaFide,

    This is a great group. I know you will be welcomed by all (most anyway). We do have a few who have their own

    agenda, but for the most part I have found everyone to be wonderful. I hope you find this a place where you can

    vent and share. To me prayer is vital for every decision I make. I think God is directing you here.

    Love and hugs,


  • lisavegas420

    scary..that first post. I remember when I first came heart was pounding, I would break out in a sweat. Sometimes i would read something, expecially peoples experiences, and I would have to get up and walk away from the computer. I felt sick and weak.

    Each time, a belief I held for my entire life, was knocked over like a house of cards, I ran the emotions chart, backwards and forwards. Hurt, mad, angry, glad, sad, happy, and joy.....

    It gets better, and easier as time goes on. Welcome, enjoy your stay.


  • trevor


    Welcome to the board.

    It is not clear what you are looking for but you can be sure that there will always be those who want you to adopt their belief system.

    Some people here are itching to sell you their Jesus loves you story. Others are atheists. Then there are those who ain't too sure.

    Remember - breaking through a prison wall into another cell will not make you an expert on escapology.

  • garybuss


    You wrote: Every last friend and family of mine is a Witness.

    That can change over night . . . it did for me. I remember sitting in a public talk Sunday Jehovah's Witness meeting in my 20's calculating what my losses would be if I walked away from the Witness group and I was like you, most of my social life would be gone.

    I did walk away in 1974 but not clean. After I read Crisis Of Conscience in 1992 I started asking questions of the Witness people I knew and the mass shunning started immediately. Of course I didn't accept the snubbing and shunning very well and family ties were broken. I'm much better off without relatives who would shun and snub me.

    The "friends" were dispensable to me like I was dispensable to them. They aren't missed.

  • Quandry

    Is it any way possible that JW's may still somehow have the truth?

    Every last friend and family of mine is a Witness.

    I am freaking out big time.

    Thanks people, whoever you are at those keyboards

    Welcome!!! I fear that you are in for some very painful and low times. It is very dissilutioning to find out that your foundation in life is being pulled out from under you!!!

    Please have patience. Don't run out and start telling all your family everything you've found out all at once. Take things slowly......

  • babygirl75

    viclogo.gif image by timmiesgirl03

    Hope you find the answers that you are looking for here....

  • sacolton

    From their own publication:

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true.
    WT 1991 December 1, p. 7

    There's your answer. If you have done your homework, then you know the above statement condemns the organization itself.

  • jgnat

    Welcome to the board. I'm a non-Witness married to a JW by the way. One argument I have regularly with my husband is how it is possible for a single organization to "own" the truth. Doesn't truth stand on it's own merit? That is, nobody can own it, and nobody can claim to have it all. Truth stands on it's own. Every action that you take is down the road of truth or it is not.

    I won't even go in to the highly insulting comments he makes about my church and my beliefs. Even though I show greater mercy and kindness to my fellowman every single day than what spews out of the study materials.

    So, no. The society is not the sole owner of the truth; it's not even the closest organization in our day to the "truth". The eternal truths about love, kindness, mercy is out there every day when you walk along the beach or through a park.


    Now, what in the heck do you do if your entire life is invested in this organization, that is not what it claims to be? You have to start over. I find that exiting Witnesses have a much easier time of it if they start building a network of friends and associates BEFORE they make the big break.

    This will also give you time to process all this new information, and figure out what it is that you really believe in.

    This will help you in the storms to come.

  • mouthy

    Welcome to JWD Bonafide!

    I know just how you feel at this point in your life .But good that your praying to the Creator of the heaven & Earth Col 1:15,16, Take no notice of the brackets in their Bible

    I was Disfellowshipped because I couldnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914. After making 10 people JWS..I wanted to kill myself because I believed everything else they taught ( except 1914) was the truth.
    At that time I thought I was just like Judas. I didnt have a group like this to share with.
    I have lost my daughter & grand-kids ( shuns) ...So be prepared if you come out to family & tell them of your doubts you most probably will lose them.

    I am 81 so I dont expect to be here much longer but I am SO happy to know the real truth . Which in MY opinion is the WAY! Truth! Life! >Jesus Christ. I do not have a religion I have a relationship. Keep talking to HIM Friend .... Take it a day at a time. This is the first day for the rest of your life (HUG)

  • oompa
    BF: I might get caught, I hold some privileges. I am on a public computer for that reason.

    The answer to your question is NO....and they never had it....the evidence is overwelming. I put them to the test literally....with questions in letters that needed truthful answers. What a shocker to not get the food I they failed my test. The fact you must live in fear....type in fear....and wost of all have no freedom of your own open thoughts.... should tell you what this group only took me 44 years...........oompa.........and welcome to freedom

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