My first post

by BonaFide 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    Welcome bonafide.

    You have done the right thing by praying about it. You've already noticed descrepencies within the WT literature, its worth researching other stuff for yourself to find out whether its the truth. Only you can answer that for yourself.

    The WT will tell you it's the truth, stuff you find out will tell you it isn't. Its a decision you need to come to yourself. I can tell you one thing though you already hold a doubt, you will learn more stuff by sticking around. If you decide its the truth, you can never go back to the meetings and sit there without these doubts you have lurking in your mind. It will never be the same again.

    What you will learn here is the truth about the truth, if that makes sense. Its worth sticking around, we have all been where you are now.


  • nomoreguilt

    WELCOME TO JWD bonafide!!! If you truly want an answer to your question about jw's having the truth, I would recomend that you read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. THERE is where you will find the answer to your question.

    Enjoy your your new home here with us. I was an active witness for over 40 years. I have a very large extended witness family and I can't say a word to them about the TRUTH about the troof. I am not df'd or da'd.


  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Welcome BonaFide. This is not an easy ride, and even 12 years out the borg, still, every once in a while the thought crosses my mind. But the facts are there - and that's the truth. Stick around, and good luck!


  • seek2find

    I really relate to you in your position and contrary to what others have said here, I believe the witnesses do have a lot of things right. It's like the illustration I heard once about a very effective rat poison. It contained about 97 Percent nutritious corn meal and only about 3 percent stricknine (or arsenic, i don't remember which) I think that's a good analogy because the Society insist that you swallow the whole 100 percent resulting in sure spiritual death. So my advice, don't throw away everything you learned as a witness, just learn to separate the real truth from the poison. And most of all keep praying, and asking God for his guidance. If I can be of any help PM me anytime. I feel for you, I've been where you are. It's frightening. I know. seek2find

  • BFD

    Welcome, BonaFide.

    Just keep asking questions and researching. You will eventually find your own truth. Sorry about the family and freinds, though. That always makes the decision to move on much more difficult.


  • yknot

    to JWD...Glad you have posted !!!

    Is it any way possible that JW's may still somehow have the truth?

    The whole truth and nothing but the truth.....sadly no (not to mention that a 'theocracy' can only be established in the milennial reign and beyond). Such wishful thinking has been around since Jesus left. The good news is that Jesus' yoke is light.

    Upon further examination of the men who have been President or the prevailing personalities of the find that many times they have relied on their own wisdom or the traditions of those who came before them. This has happened in every 'religion' and even in Jah's previous 'arrangements'. Serving Jehovah is voluntary.

    Your eyes have seen some disturbing truth about the truth, sadly it will gets worst.

    The good news again is Jesus' commandments are much less restrictive.

    It is a bummer that the WTS has put all in a position to choose Jah or them.....

    You don't have to lose anyone (just be tactful and overwhelmed by this system of things right into inactivity).....also it is best to start creating new support systems & friends. Invest in yourself, invest in doing what please God, not men......

    I agree you should keep questioning and keep seeking answers......even the Bible says to continue seeking..

  • Seeker4

    Welcome Bonafide!

    I did my first searches and postings from a computer at the library years ago!

    This can be scary at the beginning. All my friends and most of my family were in.

    I had trouble with the journalistic ethics of the WTS as well, and just couldn't stay there any longer. Feel free to PM me. If you'd like to talk or whatever, that can be arranged. Sometimes it's easier to get this stuff out in a conversation.

    Enjoy the ride!


  • VoidEater

    Is it any way possible that JW's may still somehow have the truth?

    Nope, not a chance.

    Knowing that, though, can be the ultimate truth that sets you free.

    We were all brought up in such a small, small world - intellectually, emotionally, socially. Having the doors opened for the first time is frightening.

    But it will seem more and more normal with time.

    Take things slowly, there's a huge world to explore, a huge community to meet and get to know.

    You will find friends - and more "truth" than you'll know what to do with...

  • Emma
    You will find friends

    This is so true, though I believed that I would never have true friends if I "left." That's what you're made to believe. My new-found friends were the sisters (and a couple of bro's) that supported me through some difficult times. I was not df'd or da'd but my birth, spiritual sisters offered nothing.

  • undercover
    Is it any way possible that JW's may still somehow have the truth?

    I think most of us who came to realize that something was wrong with the Watchtower Society at some point also wondered this same thing in the early stages. I went through the ole three step forwards - one step back routine; I'd think I had everything worked out but then the next day or week some other thought would have me wondereing if I was making a mistake or was wrong or had bad information.

    Don't worry...this is a natural reaction to freeing one's mind. You've been indoctrinated for so long, you have to learn to think for yourself again. It gets better...

    Every last friend and family of mine is a Witness.

    I am freaking out big time.

    Many, if not most, of us have similar situations. I was born and raised in the "truth". My parents were in, my brothers and sisters were raised in it as well. I had some non-JW family, but we did not visit them much for that very reason. Everyone that I met growing up and was allowed to associate with was a WItness. By the time I graduated school and was trying to find a job, I was petrified of "worldly" people. So you can imagine the terror of actually visiting and then posting on an "apostate" site.

    But, again, it is the first step in finding freedom from this oppressive religion. Hang in there, keep posting, keep researching and you'll find the answers you need and the strength needed to be yourself instead of a WT puppet.

    BTW, Welcome!

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