Could I get disfellowshipped for this?

by slimboyfat 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    I am positive they are holiday Witnesses because I remember it was mentioned at the meeting they were coming.

    Plus I forgot to mention I told the brother my real name early in the conversation. Whether he remembered and wrote it down I don't know.

    I wasn't fast enough on my feet to give a false name. Plus I am genuinely not practiced in deceiving people like that.

    I could try and blame it on my next door neighbour, but he might be a bit miffed and it probably wouldn't work.

    Plus I wonder what the neighbours will think if they heard any of the conversation anyway. One day they see me dressing up to do to the Kingdom Hall, and the next day they hear me telling the Witnesses what for at the door. If the neighbours don't think I'm pretty odd already, then that ought to do it.

  • JWdaughter

    I think the prank/test might be a good defence. Ok, it will be lame, but you won't be DFd. Maybe private reproof?

    "It occurred to me that I rarely get to see how others actually deal with some of the difficult things I am thrown at the door and really wanted to see how another real life JW handles such comments."

    Thanks for the story, you gave us a good account:)

  • VoidEater

    I would go with the "wrong address" approach. Otherwise, it's a long, drawn out, "I was asleep/drunk/upset because my mom is in the hospital" sort of excuse that seems, to me, flimsier...

    As for the neighbors: They may just think, "Wow, he's actually ok".


    SBF..I was an absolute prankster..I kept the Kingdom Hall alive,with more pranks than you can imagine..I ended up in JC`s for some LOL!!...........But..In the end,I gave everyone a good laugh..........Going the prankster route,is an almost sure fire way to get you off the hook................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • slimboyfat

    I would like to hear about some of your pranks OUTLAW.

    I am not known as much of a prankster. I don't know if I could pull it off.

    I am thinking of just staying out of the way for a few weeks and hoping for the best.

  • changeling

    I almost envy you the opportunity to spout off my feelings to an active witness! But, yes, you may get in trouble for it. Hopefully, they will not follow up and hand in their slip to the local cong. If they do, you have to get creative to back out of this one.

    changeling :)

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just stay away from them for awhile until they go home.

    If asked about it, "That must be my neighbor. He hates JW's."
    Don't answer anymore, because you don't know any more.

  • mrsjones5

    Just don't answer the door!

  • BabaYaga

    The blaming it on neighbors and a wrong address won't work. Don't go there, it will backfire as a lie and get you in deep.

    The only chance you have is the "testing" them take. True, they might not fall for it, and you might be counseled anyway, but it's your only hope to "stay in" right now. This is what happens when we are honest with our beliefs... they seep out of our seams and make themselves known.

    All the best, and hey... it makes a great story.


    SBF..Yes,I think just staying out of the way for a while would be best for you.................I`ll give you one funny story.......I always worked in the concession stands at the assemblies..(I guess that dates me..LOL!!)..My dad was in charge of it all.......They were going to try a new fast food.."Pronto Pups"..A wiener on a stick,dipped in batter and fried in oil just like french frys....I would be the first to make them..If it went well..The rest of the concessions at the assembly would get them also.....So.....My Dad and the other brothers left me to make this new fast food..They would return in a bit and judge the results.....I`m by myself and I`m in charge..Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!........."I made my first batch of "Pronto Pups!"..I put the wiener on the stick,dipped it in batter and fried it in hot oil..Out came a beautifully golden brown "Pronto Pup!"..It looked good!..But..It was`nt Funny!..LOL!!...........So..I re-dipped it and cooked it..Re-dipped it and cooked it..Re-dipped it and cooked it..I wasn`t happy until it was a loaf of bread on a stick,with a wiener in the middle..LOL!!..Soon I had a nice batch of these Huge Pronto Pups.....Everyone came back to see how things went..There was a row of loaf`s of bread on a stick,with a wiener in the middle..They were amazed at how much the batter had puffed out..They had to change how the batter was made!..This just would`nt do!!..LOL!!.....Eventually I told my dad it was a joke..He had a good laugh....Then I made them some real Pronto Pups..They liked how they looked and tasted......Pronto Pups became a "big hit" at assemblies over here..........Almost no one knows the story behind them..LOL!!..................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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