Need Help, Hubbys Mad at Elders and I Need To Get Info for Him...

by cognac 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • BreakingAway

    The frustration and arrogance he WILL encounter when confronting the elders may do more good than harm in getting him to see what they really are about.

    It sure helped me

    I would certainly agree with that.Any info shared with the elders in an effort to show they didn't handle things in the right way is likely to be met with arrogance and a similar response of: "We're sorry you feel that way, but this is how the FDS wants things handled." Then they starting viewing with suspicion the person who questioned their decision.Just another day in JW world.

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince


    He will confront them.

    They will not humble themselves and admit they did anything wrong.

    He won't be appointed.

    They will come up with some excuse about it.

    He will seek the consolation of his loving wife, cognac, who will help
    steer him on his way out.

    The End.

  • Jringe01
    oh, and hubby's brother hasn't been going to the meetings IN OVER A YEAR!!! The other girl, it's been like, 2 years. I wonder what brought this on all of a sudden???

    Good question. Me thinks this could be the beginning of a get rid of all the stragglers etc. We'll have to keep our eyes peeled to see if stuff like this starts happenign elsewhere

  • New light for you
    New light for you


    Hubby has a copy of the elders manual if you need it! PDF or something ....

    Let us know! wish you the best! maybe this will be the push he needs!!

  • hubert

    bttt. For the Sunday people.

    Cognac, I don't have anything to add that can help you. Looks like you got plenty of help already, and I'm very happy about that.

    I agree, though, let hubby confront the elders. After that, he will be "marked" and watched carefully. That will make him think.


  • VM44

    Hi cognac,

    Hubbys brother is not baptised and faded. Another girl in the cong - same thing.

    They just announced both of them as no longer bap't publishers.

    If he was not baptised, then how could they announce him as "no longer bap't publisher" as he never was baptised?

    They should not have done that.

    Sounds like the elders are doing something sneaky!


  • blondie

    I think he probably was announced as no longer an UNBAPTIZED publisher; probably just a slip in typing.

    Here is the first time the WTS changed it's policy on df'ing unbaptized publishers. I wonder if someone can access the newest Organized book (OD) and post what it says.

    *** w88 11/15 pp. 18-19 pars. 17-18 Helping Others to Worship God ***


    The elders are responsible to ‘shepherd the flock of God in their care.’ (1 Peter 5:2) If two elders offering help determine that an unbaptized wrongdoer is unrepentant and unqualified to be a publisher, they will inform the individual. Or if some unbaptized one tells the elders that he no longer wishes to be recognized as a publisher, they will accept his decision. In either case, it is appropriate for the Congregation Service Committee to have a simple announcement made at an appropriate time, saying " . . . is no longer a publisher of the good news."


    How will Witnesses thereafter view the person? Well, at an earlier point he was an ‘unbeliever’ attending meetings. Then he both wanted to be and qualified to be a publisher of the good news. This is no longer the case, so he again is a person of the world. The Bible does not require that Witnesses avoid speaking with him, for he is not disfellowshipped. Still, Christians will exercise caution with regard to such a person of the world who is not worshiping Jehovah, even as Israelites did regarding uncircumcised alien settlers. This caution helps to protect the congregation from any "little leaven," or corrupting element. (1 Corinthians 5:6) If at some later time he expresses a genuine desire for a Bible study to be held with him, and this seems in order to the elders, perhaps it will help him come to appreciate again what a privilege it is to worship Jehovah with His people.—Psalm 100.
  • cognac

    hi everyone! Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I've been with hubby all weekend. Anyways, yes, sorry, I meant unbaptised publisher, not baptised publisher... And thank-you for all your encouragement!

    Hubby has a copy of the elders manual if you need it! PDF or something ....

    Thanks New Light! Somebody PM'd it to me already... I'm going to look over it.

    Anyways, the PO wasn't at the meeting today so hubby couldn't say anything. I will let you know (hopefully Tuesday) what happens. He's pretty ticked off cause today they let this guy read the WT that has been just reinstated within the last couple of years. Hubby's been killing himself forever to be able to do that and they still won't let him. He was told that this brother goes out in service a lot more. Hubby says to me, "that's not fair because he lives off the government so of course he has more time to go out in service. I have a family to provide for. Why should I get discredited for that?"

    He then says to me that if they let him become an MS before him he's going to be pissed...

    I just listened.

  • cognac

    He will confront them.

    They will not humble themselves and admit they did anything wrong.

    He won't be appointed.

    They will come up with some excuse about it.

    He will seek the consolation of his loving wife, cognac, who will help
    steer him on his way out.

    The End.

    I hope your right! I'm not going to get my hope to far up though, just in case...

  • cognac

    Ok, so nothing has STILL happened on this because the PO has been away on vacation. Hopefully, he will be back today. I will let you all know what happens.

    Anyways, what do you think the exact reason this would be that they would announce these 2 people right before the CO's visit? Any ideas?

    I figured it was to make the report look better, but not sure exactly how...

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