For not wanting religion you sure discuss it a lot..Are you still on JWD?

by Quirky1 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Priest73

    I'm here for the easy women.


    I come here for the entertainment value.

  • beksbks

    We are not easy! Just easily impressed.

  • Quirky1

    Padre...I appreciate your honesty.

  • WTWizard

    True, we discuss religion a lot. Usually, in the sense of the many flaws involved with it.

    And, hopefully with the view of making anyone that is studying to become one of Jehovah's Witlesses think twice before going any farther. After all, I would hate to see even one more person attend their Grand Boasting Sessions or their Black Sabbath Parties than absolutely necessary or turn in a field circus report.

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah she has a point. I couldn't care less about doctrine and what the organisation is up to these days. I stay here because I need a place to vent about my JW family.

  • SPAZnik

    I'm here becuz you guys crack me up and I need that once in a while.

  • jwfacts

    Leaving a high control religion that has dictated a significant portion of your thinking regarding topics are diverse as cosmology, morality, palaeontology, theology, the historical past, evaluation of current events and hope for the prophetic future is a significant step. Re-evaluation is required of almost every aspect of your life, your beliefs, your morals. This does not take days or weeks, it takes years, and probably Watchtower thinking will never fully leave you.

    It is a bit like moving to a new country. No matter how hard you try to fit in with the new language and culture, you will forever be interested in keeping in contact with people to understand where you came from. That is why national clubs are formed.

  • LouBelle

    well I need to pass the quiet times at work with some sort of entertainment.

  • CoonDawg

    I'm here because I still deal with matters related to this cult on a daily basis. My ex-wife is still in and by extension, our daughter. It affects my life all the time. Then, my wife is still technically "in"...and so is my mother who lives close by.

    Of course I'm going to keep up with the latest on the changes and scandals. It's self preservation.

    Oh, and all that networking and caring about individuals stuff too...

  • Quirky1

    Sass - I agree "Ventilation" is needed when we have family members involved.

    Spaz - There are many on here that crack my a$$ up too. Just love to read their posts.

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