Ever fake ring a bell? Take a long time writing down not at homes?

by yourmomma 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gregor

    Makes one wonder how much of the official figures are bogus. Including placements that are actually in a box in the publishers closet.

  • SPAZnik

    My best friend growing up (the only other JW kid in the hall) used to do this all the time much to my shock and amazement at the time. She's still in. I'm not. Who's the badass now, huh? LOL

  • beksbks

    Wow, this whole thread sends chills down my spine. Dread is hardly the word for the gut wrenching pain of field service. Yes I faked it. Whenever I had a decent partner I did!

    I still wake up in a cold sweat some nights, remembering one day. Myself and my little partner (both of us 6-8) went up on the porch and knocked. It was one of those L things, with a window right next to your head as you stood looking at the door. A lady opened up the window and screamed "You should be ASHAMED of yourselves!"

    Hell, as a mom, I would have gone back and kicked that bi#&h's a$$ if she talked to my kids like that!

  • Gordy

    Yeah did all that even when I was an MS. Hated FS.

    Mind you by the time I left we practically didn't have to pretend any more.

    We hardly ever got anyone in.

  • lisavegas420

    people people...there is a name for this.

    PDK........... 'pretend door knocker'

    carry on.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Wow, nice to know I'm not the only person who did this....


  • LouBelle

    oh yes I remember that pioneer shuffle - the times I did pioneer would hit a shuffle down the street, choosing the older dears to work with - for two reasons 1. no one would work with them 2. it took longer to get anywhere = more time.

  • S3RAPH1M

    I used to laugh at the pioneers who would spend so much time at one door talking to each other when no one was there. I was the type that actually wanted to preach to the people as I was convinced I had "The Truth"

  • Rocky_Girl

    My pioneer boyfriend and I, pioneering as well, would go to a certain return visit that we knew lived half the year in Arizona. His door was hidden from the street, so we had really long calls with him at least twice a week (with different car groups). I could almost be disfellowshipped for the things we did on that porch. Ha ha.

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