Ever fake ring a bell? Take a long time writing down not at homes?

by yourmomma 38 Replies latest jw experiences

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    No, I never faked a knock.

    No, I never faked a doorbell ring.

    Yes, I was an idiot.

    Seriously where were all these great ideas when I really needed them?


  • yknot

    I am guilty of rap /trac mostly, plastering a street in 7 minutes flat!

    Several sisters and I used the fake knock/ heel stomp technique if an Elder was in ear shot. It is loud enough for someone outside to hear but not someone inside with the A/C running. Actually if an Elder is accompaning you to the door, he is suppose to 'take the lead'.

    Oh here is another one if in earshot of Elder and no one is home (like at apartments or duplexes)......the fake loud conversation with one sister altering her voice as the semi-interested householder.....Thus showing the other's sister's fine understanding of the material presented!

    Sometimes at an empty house you linger long enough to suggest that someone was there & you were conversing. The pubs often stuck behind a potted plant.

    Several teenage boys did a paper route version of FS.

  • sass_my_frass

    I always walked too quickly for the old pioneers. They'd been to every house in the territory a dozen times, they knew where they'd be rejected. My favourite field service was rural territory; a dozen of us in a big family van, we all start the clock at 8 am when somebody leaves a tract on the counter at McDonalds, then head on out driving for two or three hours. Each of us might have had to speak at the doors a maximum of twice.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Yup all the time. I got busted by my mom when she went to ring it a second time and the damn thing was like a church bell I got "good beating" when I got home and lecture about how I could be blood guilty if the big a came, whatever!


  • WTWizard

    The person I was with never went for that. I was trained to pound on the beam, so the knock could be heard through the whole building. And they never tolerated the fake knocks or fake doorbell rings (they rarely trusted the doorbell, since so many of them were on the fritz). And, if I rang the bell, the partner insisted on actually hearing the damn thing.

    And if I took too long to write down calls or not at homes, they would hurry me up and expect me to move quicker. They were conscious of making that time count, and getting as many doors as possible done while we were out. And then they would take half an hour to warm up if it was chilly.

  • Robert7
    My whole life, even when I pioneered, I DREADED field service

    On a similar note, we've noticed that MOST JWs hate service. We only know of a few couples that actually like it. Everyone else just goes through the motions because they are guilted into it, or to keep their status, image, etc.

  • hillbilly

    I am not huge... but I am a good sized guy. My fashion sense "screams" plain clohthes cop. I never had to knock... I cant tell you how many times I came up on the porch and had folks vacate by a window or the back door.....Must have been the Raybans?


  • sacolton

    The Dubs I worked with on Field Circus would first judge the residents by their lawn ornaments and door decorations. Angels and crosses? Pagans! American flag hanging outside? Trouble is brewing. I'd do the "knuckle knock" so soft that even I couldn't hear it.

    What a waste of time!

  • willyloman

    During my "exit strategy" I tried to avoid FS but when I had to go I made sure the car group was uneven (an odd number of pubs). When we got to the field, I suggested the pairs and that left one odd man out. Since no one wanted to work alone, I "took the lead" and said I'd work house-over-house (by myself) with one of the couples. I pretended to knock or ring the bell at every door and made a big show of stopping at the end of the sidewalk, taking out a notebook, writing down the address (setting an example by keep meticulous records!), and moseying on up the street to the next available door.

    I did this on two occasions and didn't feel the least bit guilty about it. By then I was determined I would not bring one person into this corrupt organization.

    I can only think of one person who came to the door while I was standing in front of it. The guy must have seen me walking up because he opened the door as I got to the doorstep. I just smiled and told him I was working with a group of volunteers and we were encouraging people to read their bible. Then I wished him a good day and left.

    After that, I only went out in FS two more times. Once I arranged for my grown daughter to call me on the cell phone right after the meeting for FS with some work-related "emergency" which meant I "had to go into the office" right away (I have the sort of job that makes that plausible). The last time I went out was with my wife (who was also fading). We got to the territory and said we'd work the street in one direction while two other couples went around the corner and circled the block. We walked up the street about a block or so, then turned around and went back to the car and went for breakfast. It was our last time in FS, ever.

  • sacolton

    Strangely, all the groups I was with really took advantage of LOOOOONG BREAKS. I'm talking 45 minute breaks, people. I'm not complaining!

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