Ever fake ring a bell? Take a long time writing down not at homes?

by yourmomma 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finally-Free

    I never faked a knock or faked ringing a bell. I never pioneerâ„¢ strolled either, and others were constantly giving me shit for walking too fast. There was a method to my madness though. The sooner we finished the territory, the sooner we went for a break.


  • White Dove
    White Dove
    Nope. I really tried to do it right. I was awful at it, though, a real failure.
  • RubaDub

    And don't forget the "moonwalk" that Michael Jackson perfected due to his training as a Witness.

    The ability to have your feet move yet virtually stand still (a move perfected by pioneers) allows a person to spend the entire morning at just a few doors yet moving most of the time.

    Rub a Dub

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes! And remember the slow pioneer walk like Armagedon is never coming.....oh wait it not is it?

  • chickpea

    quoting Quotes:

    No, I never faked a knock.

    No, I never faked a doorbell ring.

    Yes, I was an idiot.

    Seriously where were all these great ideas when I really needed them?

    so pathetically me as well..... knocked hard enough to shatter the glass in the door (figuratively)
    i would even hop out of the car to catch a householder about to back out of the driveway!
    wasnt jah so pleased with me?

  • Babylon the Great Employee
    Babylon the Great Employee

    Totally! Not just fake ringing the bell, but writing down the "not at homes" as "not interested" so I wouldn't have to go back and try again on a different day. That only worked if others were out of sight though!

  • song19
    No, I never faked a knock.

    No, I never faked a doorbell ring.

    Yes, I was an idiot.

    Seriously where were all these great ideas when I really needed them?


    Yup, another idiot here too. I remember when I started going in service I only counted the time I was actually out knocking on the doors and subtracted the time spent in the car.

    I hated handing in my field service report, it was always low and I felt so guilty. It was even worse when the brother would call me for the report and I was forced to tell him 'one hour'. guilt, guilt, guilt

    There were also some months that I didn't go out in service so I ended up fibbing on my report. I would say I got one hour in and end up subtracting that hour from the next month. I felt even more guilty. Yes, completely messed up there. Gosh if I was going to flat out lie, why not give myself some pioneer hours. Crap I am such an honest person. LOL

  • MominAustin

    oh yeah-i faked

  • Gregor

    Better than that. I once took a house out in the country which I knew had a dog that loved peddler flesh. There was a tall hedge that blocked the view of the front door from where the group car was parked. When I was out of sight I stood there for about a minute, quiet as a mouse. Then I went back to the car and said, "Nobody home". It never occured to me that Jay Hoover was watching the whole thing and shaking his head in disgust.

  • LovesDubs

    At first I enjoyed the challenge of trying to convince others of my beliefs...some studies were "good"...but after about a year of it, I began to HATE it. So after 13 years of it and dwindling hours...I came to loathe it and hated having to feel guilty about it all the damn time as well.

    And so I began to lie to the Service brother when he called for my time...just lied and lied and lied...to keep the heat off.

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