Ever fake ring a bell? Take a long time writing down not at homes?

by yourmomma 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • yourmomma

    My whole life, even when I pioneered, I DREADED field service. I was always uncomfertable rolling up to peoples houses uninvited. So I used to have this technique where I would pretend to ring the bell. Worked all the time. Once in a while a person would open their door and get startled on their way out. But overall it worked great. I also used to take a REEEEEEL long time writing down not at homes, I would make them as detailed as possible. anyone else do stuff like this?

  • crazyblondeb

    Don't forget the "looks like you are knocking loudly" but really not knocking at all!!

    I'm the master at that!

  • asilentone

    Shelley, here is for you for not knocking on the doors!

  • nomoreguilt

    Ya, I learned that technique from my sons about 20 years ago. They learned from it their older buddies.



  • dwtnphotog

    Evem as a regular pioneer I learned that. That's why it was much easier to work by myself a lot!

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Yes, I have done both. I also walked very slow from house to house in order to take up more time.


  • SirNose586
    Yes, I have done both. I also walked very slow from house to house in order to take up more time.

    Funny how the "pioneer shuffle" is a universal technique...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    when did I not do that

  • Quandry


    One time, I went out in service with a couple that my husband and I were friends with. He parked the car at the end of the stree, and we all started talking. We could see that there was a garage sale going on, and eventually, I don't know which one of us, said "Why don't we just go to the garage sale instead?"

    At least that day was good.

  • four candles
    four candles

    The use of the 'feather duster' knock was useful aswell. I didn't mind 'accidental' witnessing but hated going to peoples houses cold. Glad I don't have to do that again.

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