Adam and Eve, True or False

by RavenManiac 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Blueblades

    I have read many books that prove that the Adam and Eve story is a myth. Three of those books are 1. The Bible Itself. 2. Who Wrote The Bible? By Richard Elliott Friedman. 3. The Bible Unearthed. Archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts. By Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. I would also include,Misquoting Jesus,by Bart D.Ehrman.

    So,when reading the BIBLICAL account in Genesis very carefully, I conclude that the account is written by men interested in preserving their own cultures and traditions. Therefor I have concluded that the Bibical account of Adam and Eve is a story about two people who have never even existed.

    For believers, this does not mean that your belief system and or belief in God is in jeopardy. Just that men wrote these stories and not a God that you might have faith in for whatever reasons ( I.E. Personal experience etc. ) you have that faith out side of this story about Adam and Eve.


  • DJK

    False. The writer of Genesis wasn't present in the beginning and had no verifiable documentation to write about it.


    Voices from heaven=mental illness.


  • WTWizard

    Not literally, since there are way too many inconsistencies. Why, for instance, would any just God punish us for them eating the apple (or whatever it was)? And, after they were kicked out, what would have stopped them from finding or making a back entrance? Remember, the security was concentrated on the main entrance and was missing in the back.

  • Caedes

    It's a nice fairytale for children, other than that it doesn't mean much because it is so out of synch with reality.

  • worf

    There is a writing called "The Priestly Source" which shows that the bible book of Genesis, including its creation story was written by Jewish priests during the Jews captivity in Babylon. This source also shows that the creation story of Genesis was written only to counter the creation story of the Babylonians. The Genesis myth is similar to the Babylonian myth in which their male god defeated one of their female gods and cut up her body and then created the human race from it.

    If Genesis was written only as a countermeasure for the Jews against the religious culture of the Babylonians, then it is obvious that the bible book of Genesis was not inspired. Think about it: Why would the so-called god of the Jews, Jehovah, wait until the jewish nation was in captivity before giving a so-called inspired account of how humans were created? It doesn't make sense.

    And if Genesis was not inspired, then the entire bible is not inspired.

    There were times even while in the org, that I felt the account of creation in Genesis did not measure up. Now of course, by knowing the scam that religion and the wt are, I know that the Eve from adam's rib myth is just that. A myth.


  • DJK

    BTW, what does an Adam and Eve ringtone sound like?

  • easyreader1970
    BTW, what does an Adam and Eve ringtone sound like?

    LOL, I know, right? Can we even listen to it before we buy it? Does it sound like a man and a woman doing the dirty in the grass?

    Some of these advertisements are funny.


  • RavenManiac

    I don't believe in Adam and Eve. I feel bad when I teach Social Studies and some of my 6th grade students say, "I'm not allowed to believe in Lucy because my mom/dad says I have to believe in Adam and Eve."

  • nicolaou

    What was the first thing Adam said to Eve?

    "Stand back baby, I don't know how big this thing gets"!

  • Layla33

    It was a story, an allegory really and it has been told and retold all over the earth in every culture, with different names. We just got stuck with a Jewish version.

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