by DonaLeigh 46 Replies latest social family

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey DonaLeigh,

    Welcome to the board.

    You are already saved.

    Now it is time to save your family.

    Let me know if you want some help freeing your daughter.

    Don't give up your family without a fight. Help is available.

    The Oracle

  • Thechickennest

    You will start to heal when you realize there is no one out there that has the right to tell us how to act, and think and feel and be. You need to trust yourself and be your own savior. I was raised "in the truth" and it has taken me a while in fact every day I have to remind myself that I can think for myself. It is liberating and a bit scary but it is living! There is hope for your daughter, she is young now and as she matures she will begin to question things more and you will always be there for her with the answers she needs. Live life for her for in you she can find her way out as well. May God our father bless and keep you for he still loves you.

    Mrs. Chickennest

  • Eliveleth

    Hi DonaLeigh,

    WELCOME!! We are so glad you found us. This is a great place to find

    people who understand. Boyzone wrote all my good advice. hee hee Go back to her

    post and read my thoughts.

    We were in the organization for almost 50 years. We have been out for 25. In spite of

    all the drawbacks, it just keeps getting better. Freedom is worth the price.

    Love and hugs,

    Velta www.geocities.com/veliveleth

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    Welcome, You're free....You can now start living the real life!
    xxx SC

  • raindog

    Hey Dona,

    Welcome to the board! First, let me say you are not alone in this as we all have been through the process. I was DA'd by my family because I didn't accept their teachings. You will find alot of support on this board. My prayers are with you.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome! Tell us more when it is right for you.

    Millions have been where you are right now. Most of them have healed to some extent or completely given time. You will too I believe. A good first step is interaction with others who truly understand your perspective and pain. There is likely no larger percentage of those who understand the pain you mention in leaving Jw's, than can be found here on JWD. You will help others as they help you.

    I started my trip out of the organization believing that I needed a 'replacement' to the 'truth'. Over time I became largely disillusioned with organized religion of all sorts. Your journey will be individual, so I seek not to influence it unfairly. Just know that it likely will take a few bends and turns that you don't expect.

    I have family that 'shuns' me, depending on the mood of the moment it seems. Those 'friends', do not fit either the common definition of friends, or the scriptural one, do they? I have chosen to call them 'former associates' instead. The pain of the loss is still with me - for some of these people shared hugely important parts of my life for the first 48 years I was on the planet. Four years later, I have moved on pretty well - on a scale of 1 to 10 in healing - maybe an 8 or so. Time really will heal the wounds.



  • willyloman

    You'll get a lot of advice here, most of it good, and find encouragement. For now, let me say this: It gets easier. You will get through this.

  • Sunnygal41

    Dona, I was in for twenty five years, a miserably unhappy person. I left approximately ten years ago and although it has not always been easy, I am a happier, healthier person now. I was an elder's wife, and I seperated and was later divorced within a year of leaving the Borg. I still have family in, so I know the pain of dealing with mind controlled robots. Life can be good again, but, it will require alot of work on your part to work through all the junk we are left with belonging to a high control religion like the JW's. You will find your way, just take it slow and be kind to yourself.

    Love and hugs,


  • Quandry


    My life feels ruined. LOST...Okay that's more than I thought I would say...Save Me!

    Are you still here reading? I hope you are and that you will return.

  • chellechelle

    i know exactly how you feel except i am the daughter.. i left and my family is shunning me... its hard but even after a few days of realizing all this happened i feel alot better.

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