Did you skip the meeting to watch the superbowl ?

by av8orntexas 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rhino

    In Australia they have a three game seried every year called State of Origin between New South Wales and Queensland in rugby league. It's always hard and fast and brutal.

    Our bookstudy conductor was a mad keen rugby league man and the game would start as the bookstudy finished and he'd invite us to stay and watch the game and have a "few" beers. It was funny watching guys arrive at the bookstudy with a bible and a sixpack!

  • Rattigan350
    A few years ago we had a Circuit assembly on Super bowl Sunday.  The DO mentioned it in his parts about people leaving early for the game.   Everyone around here has parties.
  • blondie

    So do they have it in the afternoon..it's at 7 pm today. I can remember adjustments with other sports, basketball, baseball, pro or college.  Brothers would head out to their car/truck and listen to the game on the radio.  Some would go to the other assembly.

    But I saw more meetings/assemblies missed during deer season. 

  • Simon

    In the UK the "Live" SuperBowl was on at about 4:00am in the morning so it never conflicted with any meetings.

    When American Football took off for a short while (based on a 30-min "highlights of the games that week" show) everyone stayed up in anticipation of the showcase event when it was going to be broadcast live in it's entirety for the very first time.

    OMG, nothing happened! It was just people standing around, a few ran for 3 seconds every now and again but it just went on and on and on. So so boring.

    Now I understand that the Superbowl is really about 3 things which are the real 'highlight':

    • The adverts. It's more entertaining to watch commercials.
    • The half-time show. Katie Perry will be a hit if she just jumps up and down for 10 minutes.
    • The cheerleaders. Professional jumper-up-and-downers (they should show them more than the fat men in tight pants that they zoom in on).

    The sport itself is a sideshow. I've seen a few NFL games that were exciting but mostly they are boring affairs if you've been brought up watching real football (soccer).

  • DesirousOfChange

    We skipped our 9:30am meeting today for the SuperBowl even tho it doesn't start until 6:00pm Eastern. Of course, we have skipped ALL the meetings this past year for some reason or another. I'm confident that no one even missed us today.


  • stuckinarut2

    I was told specifically word for word by elders in my cong after I missed a meeting to see a football game

    "any appointed man who misses a meeting to see a sports game automatically has his qualifications called into question"

    yep...I kid you not..... That's what I'm dealing with in this cong!

  • NewYork44M

    I was never a big football fan and even when we had Sunday evening meetings, it was not a big deal.

    My only superbowl/watchtower conflict was when the PO wanted to do sheparding calls on Superbowl night. I had to leave a superbowl party attend this part of my service.

  • antes8080
    Was lucky in away that meethings were Sat
  • cofty

    If the Superbowl was being played in my garden I wouldn't open the curtains.

    5 seconds of action - 5 minutes of nothing - 5 seconds of action - 10 minutes of adverts and so on... 

  • Phizzy

    Oooohhhh Cofty !

    Just wait for the inevitable comment on your post that it comes from a member of the nation that invented Cricket !

    I went to an American football game at the old Wembley Stadium some years ago, it was rather tedious, and just as an exciting move was starting, the game was stopped for the adverts, which you Yanks could see, but not us in the Stadium.

    As for bunking off Meetings, when I was about ten years old, my friend and I went to the Cinema on the Saturday afternoon of the C.A which was being held in a coastal town, using a big room on the Pier as an auditorium. How this escaped the attention of my parents, and his, I don't know, I guess both sets of parents thought we were sitting with the other. LOL

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