Do your words count on J.W.D. ?

by caliber 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD

    I agree snowbird. FF can cut to the quick!

    My words on JWD count to me. It can very cathartic to put stuff out there even if no one "hears" me.


  • mouthy

    if no one "hears" me.

    I "hear" you sweetie ...I always look to see what you said. Sometimes I say "TUT TUT" some times I giggle .Never miss reading what you all say...on topics I do read ( not all)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007


  • snowbird

    I like to take snipes at the intelligentsia - you know that little piece about afflicting the comfortable?


  • BFD

    Why, Thank you Granny!

    Let me guess, you prolly don't read the homo threads or werewolf.


  • mouthy

    werewolf<. I dont read but I do read the homo pages sometimes. I have another gay dying with aides ,so I read all I can about what is going on. I have asked him to come on JWD but he is to sick...((((HUG))

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Mouthy says no one posts on her topics....what! You should have your own T.V show...."Everybody Loves Mouthy."

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Some (mostly atheists) seem to scrutinize every word. So somebody is reading them.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You are great online. Who else could send someone to their room and have them do it, on this board. I always read your posts

  • jgnat

    I wouldn't number the responses as being an indication of value. I've found Leolaia's, Lady Lee's posts to be very well researched and valuable. I point people to their posts all the time. But they don't get lots of responses.

    Sometimes with a great thought, all has been said and adding more is just a jumble.

    Myself, in the thousands of posts and hundreds of threads, I count on one hand the number that became "popular". Though in my niche (unbelieving mate, married to a JW, in love with a JW) I think my words count.

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