Do your words count on J.W.D. ?

by caliber 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    No, mosta what I say is bollocks.
    YEA!! We all know that's right!! Especially when you talk of roadtrips north!!

    YOU wimmins are really about to set me off today!!

  • IP_SEC

    From one bollocks to another we share same birthday !


    YES Cali! So Hopi tells me! You must be a very great man

  • hillbilly

    my non scientific study... the words boobs or gay will trigger a 2 page minimum. I cant get arrested on this board unless I put those words in the topic. Hill

  • caliber

    Yea lots of good tips from you all, it's about being reasonable, having the proper humorous out look, not to take life

    so serious all the time ! But Gopher I did a lot of homeruns as a ball player .....ha ha ha


  • stillajwexelder

    Do your words count on J.W.D. ? Sometimes

  • VM44

    I can get a reaction here from Simon and the mods if I write the words representing a certain individual.

    Otherwise, I really don't know.

    I probably spend too much time here.

  • yknot

    Nope, but I appreciate being able to express them openly.

  • caliber


    Your words count to me.... I still remember your post about the GB. i learned something that stayed with me

    ..ease, ego, entitlement I'm sure your legal mind holds many untold other treasures


  • Seeker4

    I don't do too many boob or gay threads, but I've had a few that took off, tons that have fizzled,and a few in between.

    I do some long posts, so maybe the correct question would be, "Do You Count Your Words on JWD?"

    The ultimate thread: A lesbian ex-Governing Body member with awesome boobs (as we will all be able to see in her avatar) in a thread where she gives all the gory details of GB life, reveals all the upcoming new light and clues us in to all the new organizational changes, dishes the dirt on GB foibles, starts a list of her favorite guitar players and asks everyone to "post a pic!"


  • White Dove
    White Dove
    A lesbian GB member would have to have had a sex change operation.

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