Summer is here and I am Mean Mommie

by mrsjones5 49 Replies latest social family

  • chickpea


    aside from the point you DO get to set
    the boundaries for your children according
    to your intuition, preferences, etc....
    i feel for you on the bigger issue of the
    subtle undermining of your authority by the hub/dad

    mine was so similar in his patterns.....

    if the kids asked to do or have something
    that he knew was not allowed..."go ask your mother"

    i told him once his style of parenting was intentional,
    lazy and self-promoting so he always came out being
    "dr feelgood" and i was "queen bitch of the universe"

    btw... guess who the kids come to now for advice and support?

  • reneeisorym

    I am speaking from being 26 and remembering being that age just 10 years ago. I don't have kids and I'm not giving parenting advice. I am married though and am well aware of how hard but important communication is. I just remember how traumatized I was as a kid when my parents let me watch inappropriate things. So I think that limiting what they watch is a good thing. I always understood when my parents wouldn't let me watch something. maybe that has something to do with being a girl? I have no idea. I also must say that my parents never let me know when they disagreed. They talked about it privately. That consistency really helped me feel secure.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Stay strong. Thanks for sharing this.

    To be honest. The title made me think you were saying you
    were ready for summer as one bad mofo. But that would have

    I was expecting a bikini pic of you with abs of steel or sumpthin.

    I don't want to get your thread shut down, so here's a drawing of
    what I thought you would be going for (minus the bikini for the moderators):

  • Finally-Free

    Ok, I'm one of the childless guys who knows nothing. I didn't see the movie either. But believe it or not, I was a child myself once. If I really wanted to see something or do something, there was precious little anyone could do about it. Better to let them see it and have a parent present.

    BTW, do they even make movies that aren't at least PG13 any more? I can't recall the last time I saw something made for a younger audience, unless it was a cartoon.


  • mrsjones5

    Ok I'm back from getting my hair done and I feel marvelous.

    Ok I brought this to the board cuz I couldn't believe what my hubby did. Normally we discuss what the kids can watch and agree on what's appropriate but it's summertime and my hubby's good sense sometimes goes out the window. I think it's cuz he wants the kids to have more freedom than he did as a child and teen. I don't know.

    I thank all that have already seen the film and gave me your opinion about it. I think I could watch this film with my 14 yo son and 10 yo daughter but I don't think it's something my 7 and 4 yo sons need to see...yet. I do look forward to having a discussion with my older kids about the movie to see what they got out of it and their views on teen pregnancy. I don't shelter my kids and quite frankly I've talked to them more about sex than my parents ever did. My parents had the attitude of "don't ask, don't tell" and if you dared to ask then you must be doing something you shouldn't. I can't tell you how many times I was called a slut and I wasn't even doing anything to be called a slut for, just cuz I dared to say that I liked a boy. I asked my youngest brother shortly after his senior prom if our mother had ever said anything to him about sex and he said that she said "don't do it" nothing else. Some sex education.

    I won't apologize for being flip towards those childless ones who have responded to the negative about how I'm raising my kids. I think of it as a slight lack of maturity and a little bit of projecting. I've had those kinds of peeps do that to me before and strangely enough when they've had kids I hear no more of that kind of talk...I don't wonder why

  • lola28

    I saw Juno and there are a few things I’d like to point out, the first is that I don’t think the four year old understood what was going on in the movie and the second is that your ten year old was probably bored to tears while watching the movie. My argument is very simple, when you teach your children right from wrong and you care and nurture them from a young age there’s no movie, music video or song that can make them lose the values that you as a parent has instilled in them. However, if your children are so easily swayed by what they watch and listen to, well then I’d say you’ve done a piss poor job of raising them.

    Also in the future maybe you’d be so kind as to place a disclaimer on your topics that read something like “Please reply only if you are going to agree with me, otherwise please keep your opinions to yourself”

  • hillbilly
    My argument is very simple, when you teach your children right from wrong and you care and nurture them from a young age there’s no movie, music video or song that can make them lose the values that you as a parent has instilled in them. However, if your children are so easily swayed by what they watch and listen to, well then I’d say you’ve done a piss poor job of raising them.

    My 7 YO step son is probably bored by the stuff his dad lets him "ignore" on the weekends, Lola. He may not "loose the values" we have done a "piss poor job" of teaching him. We just get to put out the fire and go again.

    Kids are sponges. It is in there nature to be "easily swayed" and it's a parents job to monitor what they see.

    I always make it a point to ask only folks who agree with me to comment also.


  • mrsjones5

    I always make it a point to ask only folks who agree with me to comment also.

    Have I told you lately that I love you Hillbilly?

    Lola you need to calm down, lol

    P.S. OTWO That pic of me is smashing!

  • lola28


    I did not realize I was anything but calm.

  • mrsjones5

    yeah right

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