Do you ever think of going back to a meeting?

by digderidoo 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    I guess i am at a point in my life where i am making changes to my lifestyle, as i have posted extensively here. My mate is also at a similar point. I have spoken about partying hard over the years, we have both done this, kind of realised there was a massive wide world out there to explore and went about this the wrong way.

    I do think about it from time to time, may be i am at a crossroads in my life and don't know which way to turn. But i am glad i am not the only one who thinks like this


  • jamiebowers

    IMHO, you are experiencing the same thing a battered wife or abused child goes through. They don't want the abuse, but they want the familiarity of the abuser. It's wierd, but somewhat normal, I think. No, I've never wanted to go to a meeting, I am firmly convinced that, though most of the rank and file may be good people, they are under the spell of evil leadership. These nuts didn't hesitate to put and keep me in a life threatening marriage. Once you really grapple with and understand the evilness of mind manipulation, you won't want to go anymore. I've been out for 20 years and have developed a kind of mental claustrophobia. If there is even a hint of control or conformity, I feel sick and panicky.

  • WTWizard

    I have dreampt that I was at a boasting session or a$$embly, and that I did something stupid to get there and realized only after it was too late.

    As for actually attending one, there would be very little reason to go. I might get up to date with the status of the congregation I used to go to. I might see myself how the building itself has changed (they built it into a double after I totally left). However, I might also be recaptured in the process. I might also be exposed to the witless family that brought me into the cancer and whose relatives wanted to host me. (Notably, that family has drained my energy every time I was with them, even for a few minutes.)

    I already weighed the costs and benefits. The benefits are few (getting up to date with the congregation). However, the costs hugely outweigh the benefits. I will not be walking into a Kingdumb Hell again. Besides, I would rather go online and try to get updated that way--and I would rather be out of date on the congregation I used to attend.

  • digderidoo

    Shamelessly BTTT for all you night owls


  • llbh

    Not for a second, i went to the London Bethel so as my JW wife could go on the tours, i sat in the car with my non jw son. |t was so alien to me


  • buckster

    My father was on his deathbed and asked me if I would go back and try just one more meeting. He asked me to promise to try to be a witness again. I told that him that was something I would never promise no matter the circumstances.

    I can not stand driving past Tombstyle Halls. No windows and ready for the Jonestown koolaid.

  • flipper


  • Bring_the_Light

    yes, and I have. Kinda cool at first, felt like "home", I even felt good. Then I talked to people and realized how fucking drip-from-the-walls crazy everyone was. I always felt uneasy about JWs, mostly because I was afraid they could tell I didn't believe, now they scare me.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Yes I sometimes do think about it. But then I wake up from my nightmare and realize it isn't really happening, it was all just a bad dream.

    It would give me an opportunity to really tell them what I think though!!!


  • jaguarbass


    Maybe an AA. meeting.

    Never the Kingdumb hall.

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