Do you ever think of going back to a meeting?

by digderidoo 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • 95stormfront

    I wouldn't be thinking if I did.....

  • CandleLight

    Never, ever, ever, ever..... And If I did, they probably would not let me in the door.

    However, there have been a few Watchtowers I would have loved to give a comment on!


  • shamus100

    No, never, ever, ever, ever.

    I missed a funeral because it was in a kingdom hall - I will never set foot in a hall again. For those who were indoctronated from a very young age, maybe those persons sometimes feel the need - but for me, no, never, never, ever, ever, ever, yes, I am being obnoxious for emphasis.


  • buckster

    I have been inside for funerals. I have also been confronted by one if not more "concerned" indviduals every time(ex CO,PO,elders in general). You have to set them off balance with an intimidating tone right from the start. Keep them off balance and make em' stumble for their words. Then remind them that where they are is no place for a heated discussion and that it is best not to continue.

  • Honesty

    I was asked when I was going to start coming back to the kingdom hall by a JW elders this past Monday.

    After I explained why NOT he ran to his car and left the parking lot.

    The truth always scares the JW's.

  • sparrow

    isn't that the dog returning to it's own vomit?

    No f#$%K#$#ng s#$k#$#$t b#$%dy c#*$%tt way...

  • greenhornet

    I got rid of all my KH suits ties white shirts also my salesmen book bag. I can't go I got nothing to ware. I also blasted my bible books and mags.

  • quietlyleaving

    I've been back a couple of times recently, but just to see old friends and look at everything through new eyes. Sorta like an historical re-visitation. I have family in but I know I can withstand their pressure very easily now.

  • WTWizard
    I got rid of all my KH suits ties white shirts also my salesmen book bag. I can't go I got nothing to ware. I also blasted my bible books and mags.

    I also got rid of those suits that were no longer usable. Many were too small or had major wear in pockets or the crotch seams. I don't give a fxxx that someone spent $1,000 on one of those suits--it was too full of holes in the pockets and worn out, so it had to go.

    My boasting session and field circus bags are all in the landfill. I put my field circus bag, still usable, in the dumpster because I was embarrassed by the pedophile scandal last fall (and that was before realizing that they wanted me to go to the Value Destroyer Training School and start their Second Dark Ages). So now I have no book bags.

    And no books, either. I shredded all my washtowels and asleeps, as well as my Kingdumb Miseries. The bound volumes, Bibles (all New World Translation), and other books ended up in the dumpster one rainy night (and they got all soaking wet). I don't have a copy of a Kingdumb Malady, recorded or sheet "music" (how the fxxx does it even qualify as "music"?). Obviously, they would have to waste about $200 in littera-trash to get me started again, plus another $500 in other field circus supplies and suits.

  • az20081575

    I alway thought I would go back when I was done with having fun. So I guess, when I would be super old -I would go back. Well as of two months ago -I will never go back. I am thinking about posting a sign on my door for the witnesses

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