Do you ever think of going back to a meeting?

by digderidoo 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    If I want to listen to lies I can talk to the energy marketers that come to my door. I don't have to dress up and I don't have to waste gas getting to a hall.


  • LovesDubs

    I think you SHOULD go back. I think you would get it out of your system quickly then. Seriously take your mate and go.

    Think though about why you might be feeling this it:

    a) the only religion you are familiar with?

    b) do you think you are disconnected from God when you are not going to meetings as they have taught us all to believe?

    c) are you thinking things in the world are going to hell in a handbasket and maybe just MAYBE what if the JWs are the truth and the end is coming?

    d) is it like an old pair of slippers you just slip back into and is EASIER than trying out another church and having to learn a new routine?

    My mother in law went back...and she is definitely cured of the desire now.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I went once to please a family member. It was the most boring and miserable crisis of concience I had ever experienced. I never felt so at odds with anything before in my life. I will never pack or wear a dress again unless I actually want to. I don't, so probably won't. I won't I won't I won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sass_my_frass

    I'd need a drill so that I could put a hole in my head to let out the boredom...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Ah, finally, the real reason for the treppaning(sic) ritual.

    I feel like I need one, still.

  • oompa

    no. but the last one I did go to was the first sunday meeting right after the memorial i skipped....I actually only went to make a statement....that if I had WANTED to be at the memorial I could have! an old friend there who I know does not believe the crap came over with a big hug..........she said "so glad you could make it"....i replied..."well I tried to get a root canal this morning, but couldn't get came here instead!".........I thought she was going to roll on the floor!!!!.....................oompa

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee


  • Robert7

    The only reason is to keep personal ties with friends. Hard part is that they don't want to be my friends if I don't go, so I rarely go.

  • shopaholic

    digderidoo, you are not the only one. Like momscrazy said, its probably because of the familiarity of it all. Sometimes I want to go just to be able to tell friends and family that I went. In the past, I would go if the urge hit but then I would be so disappointed in the information because I could see through it all. And now, I have trouble getting through the Watchtower recaps on the board.

    Even with all of that, I still think of going to the meetings but not of being an active JW.

  • undercover

    Seriously, NO!

    But sometimes when I remember some of the control that we were under...or remember experiences of being counseled for something trivial, I kinda daydream about how I would handle those situations now, today.

    It would be amusing to see the reactions of elders when you refuse to kiss their ass or show a "mild spirit" when being counseled. It's fun to think about reactions of people if I were to come in not conforming to the KH dress code. Not disprectful, but not buttoned-down and uncomfortable either. How many meetings could I go to in a row wihtout a tie before an elder would want to talk with me in private? And how would he react when I told him that I'm not going in the back room...if he's got something to say, he can say it here or not at all.

    How would people react when I snickered at some putrid comment coming out of the speakers mouth? How would they react if I started surfing the Internet on my PDA during the meeting...looking up references to refute what was just said from the stage?

    How long would the elders tolerate my associating with the friends when I'm recommending R-rated movies to see or debasing music to buy? Or describing an event that I attended with worldly friends?

    But then I come back to reality and realize that it's not worth going back and wasting that time just to get a rise out of people. The best revenge is living well, not rubbing their noses in my willing to be non-conformist.

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