Who are the true worshippers of God?

by AGuest 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan B
    Dan B


    You sure like the word "peace" don't you? Were you a hippie in the 60's?

  • gumby

    Hi shelby. I think you answer questions about christianity well except for why animals die in response to undecided. Only man was made in Gods image and could live immortal.Not animals. Life was never guarenteed to them forever.
    I wanted to express my feeling's on this to answer undecided.
    I feel the reason you get negative responses is your many of stating your feelings. You sound above all in the usage of the words MY lord and what he said to ME. As if others were not included in your close circle. By your responses you do feel others are the Lord's too but your manner of speakings rings different.

  • gumby

    Correction: "Your MANNER of stating your opinions"

  • siegswife

    (((I feel the reason you get negative responses is your many of stating your feelings. You sound above all in the usage of the words MY lord and what he said to ME.)))

    Jesus is MY Lord, too, and I don't feel at all put off by Shelby's manner of speaking. It makes me happy. I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Gumby, peace to you (Luke 10:5)...

    Please know that we were not created in God's 'image'. Adam was created in God's image; we, however, were created in Adam's image. When God said "Let us make man", He meant the man Adam, and not 'mankind'.

    1 Corinthians 15:47-49

    Animals as well as plants have the ability to be obedient... or disobedient... to God. For we all share one spirit, yes? Just because they are 'dumb' and exist in different bodies does not mean they cannot... and do not... worship God. They are, in fact, more obedient than we are, for the most part. We are not superior to them, but they were put in subjection to us so that we could CARE for them, just as a wife in subjection to a husband is to be cared for. We can use them for food, but we CANNOT abuse them.

    Also, please forgive my 'manner'... I do not intend to offend. It is just the way I have been directed to speak... to give the glory to my Father and my Lord, both of whom, by the way are not ONLY my Father and my Lord. I say this only in the manner of the Son of God, who referred to the Father as his God and [our] God, and Thomas, who referred to my Lord as HIS Lord. It is purely personal, that's all.

    Lea... Kim... peace and GREAT love to you both, my beloved sisters.

    Julie... THANK YOU and peace to you! You continually make me quite 'happy'... and for that, I am indebted to you.

    Matthew 5:10, 11

    Again, peace to you all!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Sirona


    I said:

    It annoys me that some think that theirs is the only way.
    You said:

    Please know that I don't think I even made that claim... or implied it. I simply answered the question with regard to who the 'true' worshippers of God are. You disagree?
    Since the whole of your post quoted from the bible as the authority on who are the "true worshippers of God", stating steps that people have to take to be true worshippers (again based on the bible), showing how you THINK that certain practices by others isnt enough....then I think you certainly DID imply that the way you detailed is the ONLY way. You tell us from the bible the way to be a true worshipper of God.

    There are many who are true worshippers of God who do not even believe the bible, or read it. Many are true worshippers who are not christian. You are pompous.


  • Dino

    Shelby, love ya lots. Seigswife, you too! Your brother, Dino

  • Bridgette

    you said: "There are many who are true worshippers of God who do not even believe the bible, or read it. Many are true worshippers who are not christian"
    amen, sister. But there are souls that this concept is absolutely foreign to. They have not yet transcended on their journies. They speak in the only language they know. That is, they cannot step outside of the biblical/christian framework. Arrogant? Yes. Annoying? at times. But they mean well. Remember, in their belief system, all of us evil neo-pagans, atheists (not sure about agnostics) are going to meet a fiery, hellish demise at the hands of their loving hebrew male sky-god, so they're trying their darndest to save us. I respect their intentions, if not their words. At least, their usually more loving than the Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Sirona


    Yes, they do have good intentions, mostly. I suppose I can understand their viewpoint in a way, because when I was JW I had the same attitude.

    Thank Goddess for education!


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    You pegged it. You hit Shelby right where she lives. She seeks followers and her desire is to be looked up to as some 'spiritual guru' who claims to be in touch with Jesus, like any other cultist claims to be.

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