Who are the true worshippers of God?

by AGuest 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Judith

    Hi Ken

    Just what I was thinking is what you just wrote. Indeed, what sin did the animals commit? God, if there is such a being, supposedly knows of every sparrow that falls. Is that like counting all the red cars you see when on a trip to pass the time? So the sparrows are falling and people are sighing and crying out and dying and nothing intercedes.


  • gumby

    Shelby: For ease of understanding and so as not to complicate your text....why don't you just use the common word Jesus instead of the other two you use?

  • Farkel

    Greetings Shelby,

    Any God that demands worship in a tin-horn vain and insecure God.

    May you have cheese! Will write you soon.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • nytelecom1
    A Guest: I have to agree with JT, too much scripture is a turn off

    yes...to much bible is bad..lets use other things to help teach
    wait........you guys complain about that too

    boohhaha...as Christ looks down and weeps..you guys are a joke..

    I'm not sure, but I am pretty confident that the true worshippers of god don't go around announcing I am a true servant and I am a true slave of Christ all the time.
    (cough)ostle paul
  • Julie

    :(Yes, I know I am starting a new thread when one already exists, but most of you know me by now...)

    You betcha Shelby! Why comment on a topic that already exists when you can try to take the limelight for yourself to "humbly" announce what a "true slave of Christ" that you are? Fits nicely with the theories that apply to you, helping to reinforce my point about you from long ago.


  • ianao


    You may be wacko nuts in some of our opinions, but some of us love you anyway.

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    Celtic - Peace to you and... back at cha!

    SSpawn - Peace to you as well, and... maybe later!

    JT/Celebrate - May you both have peace and sorry, but some want a 'second witness' and sometimes what is 'written' can provide it. I have tried to 'speak' without Bible references; got blasted for THAT ("Where does the Bible say that?", right Daddy-O?)

    Joelbear - Peace, dear one, and may I say that I THINK almost EVERYONE 'sent' by my Father and my Lord identified themselves as such... even my Lord. Indeed, it is 'written', so check it out, K? For as my Lord is recoreded to have said, "If I came in my OWN name, you would receive me, but because I come in the name of THAT One... well, you got problems..."

    Sirona - Peace to you. Please know that I don't think I even made that claim... or implied it. I simply answered the question with regard to who the 'true' worshippers of God are. You disagree? Refute it, please, by all means.

    Ken P. - Hello dear one, peace to you, and may I say:

    First give us some proof there is a God to worship, except some vague feelings in the pit of our stomach.
    For some, it only takes a look at 'creation'. For others, it is MUCH more than a 'vague' feeling, but a very certain one, that such one 'receives' when God and Christ dwell IN them. They KNOW God exists because He 'resides' IN them. You know who and what is... oir is not... in YOU... don't you?

    You say the flesh is sinful, who made our flesh?
    Yes, I did say that, as that is what my Father, by means of Christ, has revealed to me. He 'made' flesh, initially, without sin. Adam, unfortunately, 'sold' it 'into sin'. Sold it to Death, its new 'owner'. It became an 'enslaved' type of flesh, belonging to a NEW 'master'... where it was previously 'free'... able to 'transfigure' from that which is physical into that which is spiritual... just as spirit beings do and my Lord did... by means of its FORMER 'master'. Can't do it in our current 'state', however. That will change, though, one day, because it has been 'repurchased'... 'bought BACK' by the Son of God. No, I don't know when it will occur.

    Don't animals suffer the same effects of sin as humans?
    Were animals destroyed in the Flood?

    What sin did they commit?
    Disobedience, of course. Specifically? I am not certain. I have not asked, nor have I 'heard'. Not my concern.

    Are you the only one who has God's favor?
    Dear Lord, man, NO! The 'number' of such ones... NO man is able to number!

    Abaddon - Peace dear one and what a CUTE sense of humor! I chuckled, even.

    Lea - I 'hear' you, beloved. Always and in every way. Peace to you!

    Judith - May you have peace and may you please see the response to Ken. Thank you, truly.

    Gumby - Peace to you and I have attempted to explain that issue several times. If you will click on the little 'icon' next to my name (the far right one), I am sure you will locate a thread or two where I have done so. Perhaps another will help you out... anybody?

    Daddy-O - PEACE, Bro! And if you are going to be kind, may I say that I QUITE look forward to hearing from you! I miss our former conversations, truly (and, yeah, I kinda miss your 'sour' butt, too!) However, if you are going to ridicule, would you mind terribly if I ask you to refrain? Thank you, my dear one.

    nytelecome - Peace to you and thank you for your words of truth. I have spoken some to you as well, which I am not sure you will readily 'receive'. But... truth IS truth... after all, yes? Again, peace to you!

    Julie - Peace to you and please see the response to Joelbear. Also, may I encourage you to read your Bible, particularly the 'scriptures', a little more? 'Cause a girl as 'bright' as you should have a bit of a better foundation of knowledge and understanding if she wishes to makes comments such as you do. Truly, you speak... without knowing. Repeatedly. I have to wonder, though... why?

    [b]Ianao[\b] - Peace to you... and being thought 'mad' kinda comes with the 'territory', yes? So... Please know that I love you all, too... ANYWAY - LOL!!

    Again, I bid you ALL peace, and I remain...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • nytelecom1
    nytelecome - Peace to you and thank you for your words of truth. I have spoken some to you as well, which I am not sure you will readily 'receive'. But... truth IS truth... after all, yes? Again, peace to you!

    truth is truth even from the devil

  • Julie

    Greetings Shelby,

    :[b]Julie - Peace to you and please see the response to Joelbear. Also, may I encourage you to read your Bible, particularly the 'scriptures', a little more? 'Cause a girl as 'bright' as you should have a bit of a better foundation of knowledge and understanding if she wishes to makes comments such as you do. Truly, you speak... without knowing. Repeatedly. I have to wonder, though... why?

    Well I thank you for the compliment of callilng me "'bright'". I don't think you are any dummy either, FYI.

    Frankly though I am a bit confused. You urge me to read the "'scriptures' a little more" because I am in need of enlightenment regarding my comments. Here's why I find this advice confusing: You start a thread on a topic that is already active on the board. You do not merely comment on the existing thread you begin your own thread on the same topic, even starting your post with a sort of disclaimer for doing so. I state the obvious that it is easier to get attention (actually I said the "limelight") starting a whole new thread than commenting under someone else's and that this is proving to be quite characteristic of you (as I long ago stated it was).

    You feel this observation is "lacking a foundation of knowledge and understanding" on my part. How so? And how will reading the scriptures help me to see such a situation differently?

    Just curious,


    Hey Sis:

    Just wanted to say, "I hear ya!"

    Love ya and keep up the "work of the Lord."

    "Regardless or whether they hear or refrain, you must GO!"

    Hey and NO scriptures......lol

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

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