Why I will NEVER be an elder again

by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Vinny, I was present and can confirm what passwordprotected said from the CO meeting:

    The context was a little more precise, however. In the context the elder and his wife were PROMOTING college education, they were talking about how their child getting a good eduction will mean FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR THEM, and the kid was attending a college AWAY from home. This elder's qualifications would be questioned. The context also featured an example of a child who went to a local college (part-time), the kid still aux-pioneered when they could, was used in the cong., and was planning to reg-pioneer after graduating. In this example the elder's qualifications would be safe.

    I reviewed how our CO handled it. He particularly condemned the GOING AWAY to college part, which is completely unfair. Those that are in college towns and get accepted locally, congrats! Just keep up appearances, and you're blessed. Where we are, there is no "local college". So, "no college education" is very clearly stressed here, since it would involve GOING AWAY.

    Yes, an elder or MS who supported a child going away to college would be removed... if the other elders or CO decided to make an issue of it. No, it probably won't be in print. That's why they have the CO/Elders' meetings. What's stated is to be enforced exactly as if it were in print, but it's kept out of prying eyes to prevent 'reproach on Hojovah's name'.

    In the 80s I attended a community college in hopes that it would be useful to Bethel service. At the Bethel meeting and interview, the brother told me that Bethel needed spiritual men, and would give the training needed. I should review what was published about the dangers of higher education, and it would call my spirituality and my father's qualifications into question. In a roundabout way, he told me that I should quit school and pioneer, since the end was sooooo close. So, I did. Then, I went to Bethel, and I found.... COLLEGE GRADUATES WERE ACCEPTED AND BLESSED !!!!

    I found this bottom line in my experience: When you go to college, you're a worldly, materialistic, sinner that Hojovah is gonna slaughter !!!! When you graduate, you're a blessed gift to Hojovah's Worldwide bOrganization !!!

    B the X

  • Alwayshere


  • whoknows

    Billy the X - just love your posts. I was an elder's wife who absolutely insisted my son go to college. He got his BA and we never really got any flak about it. However, this was a few years ago before the recent crack-downs. Also we live in a metropolitan, affluent area and most of the elders in our cong were pretty tolerant unintrusive guys. Even if they weren't, having been denied education myself, I never would have crippled my son. Interestingly, he is the only one in the family who still attends a few meetings. So there you go.

  • whitman

    The issue of education was one of the primary reasons I left the church. I was 17, recently baptised, and caught at a train station by witnesses from another congregation reading Sir Bertrand Russell's 'History of Western Philosophy'. The witnesses did not raise the issue with me at the time, but I received a sheparding call from three elders who brought up the type of literature I had been seen with. I had no idea that Sir Bertie was so offensive!! Needless to say, my desire for knowledge meant I was not really welcomed and so I left the church and pursued my research interests without having a proper highschool education. Eventually I was accepted into a university to study ancient history. I specialised in the classical Greek language, philosophy, religion, the development of philosophical thought, the new testament within it's cultural context and the development of abastract and theological concepts. I got my B.A along with a First Class Honours Degree in ancient history, and now I am researching for my PhD. To say that it is a shame that witnesses deny their loved ones the choice of a full education is a huge understatement. How many lives, and future generations of witnesses, will be compromised because they have been unable to pursue an education and by extension a professional career?

  • Vinny

    Am right in the middle of moving from old house to a new one. Trying to be moved by the 10th (aint gonna happen though).... And this after NINE YEARS OF ACCUMULATING FAR TOO MANY THINGS IN OUR CURRENT HOUSE!!!

    So will reply later on in detail.

    But in a nutshell, this part of Stillajwelder's post is out in left field:

    "Any elder or MS who encourages college for his kids or others or who (((allows))) his children to go to college will no longer qualify."

    This complete statement is 100 percent NOT TRUE! And that is a fact. How does an elder not "allow" his kid to go to college? Lock em up? Cut off and shun them because they go to college? Handcuff them to the Kingdom Hall?

    You guys are a hoot. The JW's got many problems and are not God's chosen anything. But if a servant's kid goes to some kind of college for training, he is NOT AUTOMATICALLY REMOVED AS A SERVANT.

    THAT is total Oscar Mayar Bologna Salami.

    More later.


  • sacolton

    whitman, forgive me if I hijack this thread, but why did you refer to the KH/WTBTS as "church"? The reason I ask is because lately I've noticed that more and more ex-JWs are pointing out that posts that refer to the KH/WTBS as "church" are not from real ex-JWs because they would NEVER EVER describe the KH/WTBTS as a "church", so it is suggested that people who post and use "church" in the same sentence about describing KH/WTBTS aren't real. I posted that someone was disfellowshipped for disagreeing with scripture, but since they used the word "church" - it was proof he wasn't really a JW and it was a fake testimony.

  • wunce_wuz
    In the 80s I attended a community college in hopes that it would be useful to Bethel service. At the Bethel meeting and interview, the brother told me that Bethel needed spiritual men, and would give the training needed. I should review what was published about the dangers of higher education, and it would call my spirituality and my father's qualifications into question. In a roundabout way, he told me that I should quit school and pioneer, since the end was sooooo close. So, I did. Then, I went to Bethel, and I found.... COLLEGE GRADUATES WERE ACCEPTED AND BLESSED !!!!

    When I was at Bethel I knew a good number who had college degrees, most obtained before becoming JW's. Oddly enough these college grads ended up with the better jobs, which was not a lost observation on a lot of us who bought into the college not helping you get ahead mantra.

  • marmot

    Hahahaha! I wonder how this will go over with my "superfine" uncle who desperately wants to be an elder again and not only holds a PhD but *gasp* TEACHES AT A UNIVERSITY!

    Serves the smarmy jerk right.

  • wednesday

    It won't work. this happened as I recall back in the late early 80's. I recall an elder saying that there was a lot of unrest b/c many were tired of cleaning toilets while other went to bethel b/c they had "skills" etc.. Too many of the bros have "nice' jobs, some college and their kids do too. How are they going to convince people to be satisfied with a HS education when so many others will have at least some college? I know for at least 20 years now the bros have been sending their kids to college in this area. They may have have got the stink eye for doing it but they did it anyhow.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Billy, I thank you for that shared experience.

    It is very enlightening.

    I plan to milk this firm stand if I am ever shepherded. (Seems highly unlikely)
    I have a problem with not encouraging further education, I am able to say that
    without violating any scriptural quotes.

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