Elder in my old hall is DFed – wow!

by Alexia 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Once again the WTB&TS shows its true colors when it comes to cases of abuse. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is an Abuser's Amusement Park and a Pedophile Paradise.

    The castrati who disfellowshipped him are obviously more familiar with pharasaical regulations than they are with human emotions and human values. The congregation lost a fine shepherd the day he was disfellowshipped.

  • MissingLink

    Gotta love kick-ass elder dad! Sorry for the girl, but glad the scumbag got his beating. Get this guy to signup on JWD. If you're ever in Ireland - there's a free beer with your name on it.

  • yknot

    Kudos to the dad for sticking up for and now by his daughter and grandchild.

  • Gordy

    Also that the guy went to jail for while would not have been good in the eyes of the Elders.

    Theres a chance that if he hadn't gone to jail he may have just been reproved and removed as an Elder.

    Then probably reinstated a couple of years later.

  • JK666

    Wouldn't it be great to have that boyfriend at an Apostafest, where we could all kick the living $hit out of him? JWD whoopass!


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    Perhaps this man brought reproach upon the organization. The same organization that has caused the unnecessary deaths of countless children through the blood ban? The same organization that has publicly promoted several false prophecies? The same organization that built a mansion in San Diego for its bootlegging president? Did Rutherford get disfellowshipped for bringing reproach upon Jehovah's organization with his false predictions? Did any of the Watchtower leadership get disfellowshipped for hyping the 1975 date which brought much ridicule from the public upon Jehovah's organization? No one has done a better of job of bringing reproach upon the organization than the organization itself.

    This would be similar to Moses accusing a person of showing disrespect for Jehovah's law by stepping on one of the fragments of the broken tablet . . . the tablet that Moses had just thrown to the ground.

  • Beep,Beep

    Strange. I don't see anything there that should have resulted in his disfellowshipping. Heck I'd buy him a beer or two.

  • Dorktacular

    Didn't people get killed all the time in the bible for crap like that? Hell, all he did was kick his ass a little. The guy should be happy!

  • Gregor

    Reminds me of the OT law. Correct me if I dis-remember but I believe it said that if someone broke in in daylight you could beat the crap out of them, no problem but if they broke in at night you could 'smite' (kill) them. No problem. A very common sense law I always thought

  • serendipity

    A friend of mine married a guy who abused her. When she wanted to leave him with her little 1 year old daughter, her elder father told her she had to stay with him. At least some elders have a heart and an appropriately paternal, protective reaction.

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