Hot Food at the DCs past...What was it like?

by bronzefist 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    I came in to the "loving" organization when they had the nasty cold food so I dont know how good the hot cooked food was. My ex says it was pretty good, but should I have belived her? I would think hot food made for a happier time at least for the eaters.


    P.S. If any of you were involved in the cooking was it a hassle?

  • PopeOfEruke

    Mate I gotta admit the hot food was pretty good! We often had CA's in the country and all the brothers who were farmers would donate these country fresh vegetables and man oh man the meals were great.

    And helping preparing was fun too - MUCH better than sitting listening to the boring crap program!! For me as a youth/teenager the food preparation was really fun.


  • stillajwexelder

    If any of you were involved in the cooking was it a hassle? YES- a real hassle

    I thought it was pretty average

  • blondie

    Actually there were 2 versions of hot food: heated up food like burritos, chicken sandwiches, and muff-n-egg.

    Then there were complete meals with a meat, potato, vegetable, dessert, all made from scratch. It was pretty good because the man in charge cooked/planned meals for a large company cafeteria.


  • bronzefist

    I would think that eating a freshly cooked meal would put people in a more festive mood. Those plastic wrapped hoagies were horrible....the orange juice was good.Think we bought tickets to purchace the food?


  • sweetface2233

    A frozen Swiss Miss pudding, cheese danish, and lemon lime Shasta is quite nostalgic. I could go for some right now.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I remember their muff-n-egg in the morning. Yes, that's actually how they spelled it.

  • beksbks

    My fondest memory of assembly food, was the plain cake donuts they made in the mornings. It was nearly the only sugar I consumed as a kid.

  • GentlyFeral

    Blondie said:

    Then there were complete meals with a meat, potato, vegetable, dessert, all made from scratch.
    Here in the San Francisco Bay area, those meals were pretty average -- think high school cafeteria, circa 1955. Middle Western, gloppy comfort food, admittedly not too far below par.


  • AudeSapere

    I remember meal time being a highlight of the event. Our circuit has someone who was in the restaurant business in charge and it was very good. It was really sad to see that go. Sure it was a tremendous amount of work, but many volunteers got to meet people from all over the district.

    The volunteers were usually expected to attend the assembly again just to hear the program.


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