Intelligent People on this Forum

by BenV 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bring_the_Light

    You mentioned being forgetful of the names of smart people. Its "Bring_the_Light", it's easy to remember, just think of the "Light" and what a super-smart person would do with it. :D

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Many here due to witness upbringing have had no formal higher education, yet their innate intelligence shines through.

    I have realised that most JW's appear dumb because they don't know how to use their brains. They're not allowed to.


  • Bring_the_Light

    I just went to my home congregation this Sunday. It shed more light for me. Its not "not thinking" its willfully "putting on the new personality" and willfully suppressing a continual insecurity they all carry. I previously described "spiritual masturbatio" and associated fear of getting caught in the act. You can see it very clearly if you are away for a long time and then go home where you know the people so well. It was startling how little has changed in 10 years. It was also startling how different the sameness looked to my eyes. At the same time, I came to appreciate how deeply these people got into my heart. I love everyone of them, it is home, and everyone being nuts didn't get me up in arms as much as I thought it would. I even got dub-snubed by a couple people I go way back with. It didn't make me angry, I still care about them and getting angry about their insanity is like getting angry at a barking dog. Its the nature of the beast and there is always hope it can be unlearned. It doesn't feel like anything personal after you see what's going on Psycho/Sociologically. All sense of fear, confusion or shame has left me on this issue. I fear no man and feel like I can walk into or out of this community without any internal drama at all.

  • Mariusuk.

    awwww this is a right group hug thread isn't it.

    My vote goes to JCanon.....that guy is like super intelligent and also the return of the christ in drag

  • diamondblue1974

    I have known a number of intelligent people who are Jehovahs Witnesses. I dont think that just because someone is intelligent they are immune from indoctrination. Indoctrination takes place no doubt for a whole host of reasons personal to the individual and it often has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence.

    It also begs the question as to how you define intelligence; it is apparent in all sorts of shapes and sizes with some being more academic and scholarly whilst some have a more practical form of intelligence.

    This being said, when someone is more academically intelligent and are able to think critically this does provide a barrier to indoctrination unless of course other psychological factors are manipulated and the individual for one reason or another prefers to delude themselves. Often intelligence of this nature is repressed by the organisation especially when they associate independent thinking with something negative such as rebellion or even stupidity.

    There are a number of highly intellectual people on this forum and its a pleasure to be surrounded by them and supported by their knowledge and expertise. They have already been mentioned elsewhere and know who they are.


  • stillajwexelder

    I miss AlanF

  • WTWizard

    Those who are smart will figure out that the Washtowel Slaveholdery is nothing but a master of illusions. They create illusions that they have the truth. They create illusions that their way is the best way of living. They create illusions that anyone not in it is wicked and will be destroyed. They create the illusion that there are no really big problems within the organization that are not being handled.

    Which leaves the lazy, the stupid, and the power seekers in the Tower. That makes for some pretty stupid people as a group. Weed out those with a brain and that are not afraid to use it, and you are left with the dopes.

  • RubaDub

    We is smart here.

    Rub a Dub

  • BFD

    Mouthy is the smartest of them all!

    Nark and Leo were so helpful to my little pea brain when I first came to JWD. As was Little Toe.

    Others of course, Blondie for her WT comments and Mary's brain always shines through even though she talks like a truck driver.

    Personal favs, Nvr, BurnTheShips, Hillary_Step.

    HS is one arrogant SOB but if you can get past that his posts are worth reading.

    Both DarkUncle and JStalin are HOT and smart!


  • 144001

    Another popularity contest . . .

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