Intelligent People on this Forum

by BenV 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    One person I really admire is Narkissos. OK, I'm like in awe of this guy's library of knowledge. I barely speak one language -- and he's able to translate -- who knows how many. He has helped me out a lot -- not only in his posts, but with his autobiographical profile, and personal messages. Thanks, Narkissos.

    I've had the privilege of meeting Narkissos, and Leolaia, and I'm ashamed to say that my single digit IQ couldn't keep up a conversation with either one. But they are both stellar people with a kind and giving heart.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    The Mouthy is the wisest.

    Mary and Blondie are two of the smartest. Their research citings are very good.

    Flipper is the most phillanthropic and empathetic. He stays around for the express purpose of helping others get the hell out of Dodge.

    aSphereisnotaCircle has one of the biggest hearts on here. Just found out that I KNOW HER!!!

    Crumpet's the most fun and wild:)

    I'm too tired right now to complete the list, but 97% of you are in my heart because you have all made a difference in my life. THANK YOU!!!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Poster John Doe is by far the most intelligent person on this forum. I'm amazed and in awe of each one of his works of art some might call "posts." If he ever dies, the world is sure to stop for several weeks.

  • brinjen

    Who said that? Thought I heard something. Must have been the wind.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    What an arrogant and condescending thing to say, Brinjen!

  • Hortensia

    There are a lot of intelligent people on this forum. Leolaia is defnitely astonishing, and Narkissos, and Mary and Blondie and and and...Even the smartasses seem to be pretty smart smart asses. It's also interesting that there are some very good writers, some with musical talent that impresses me, some's quite a creative pool.

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen
    Poster John Doe is by far the most intelligent person on this forum. I'm amazed and in awe of each one of his works of art some might call "posts." If he ever dies, the world is sure to stop for several weeks.

    This is reminds me of how the Org is describing itself in the Whichpower and Asleep!

    And the people inside are ok with it. Amazing.

  • RR

    I would think everyone here is intelligent, after all, you've all been intelligent enough to leave the WTS.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I think all this thinking is overrated. I feel much happier when I stop it.

  • RR

    The problem is JW's were NEVER taught to think!

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