some quirks of the DC talks...

by metaspy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissingLink

    A video of the drama would be excellent! Can you youtube it? I'd like to see what percentage actually comes from the bible in these "bible based" dramas.

  • metaspy
    Can you youtube it? I'd like to see what percentage actually comes from the bible in these "bible based" dramas.

    Sorry, I don't have a video of it.
    BUt I can answer how much of it is from the Bible: the names of people and locations.

  • jgnat

    This caught my eye.

    "The Bible is the only book to survive attempts to destroy it." I don't know if I believe that. I think there have been a couple books in history that have survived attacks.

    Here's a fairly well researched quote from google:

    So just what proportion of ancient literature has been lost? This is difficult to answer but we can get a rough estimate from the size of ancient libraries. Archaeology suggests that the biggest contained 20,000 or so scrolls and the Great Library of Alexandria itself is most reliably said to have contained 40,000. On the other hand, all the extant pagan classical works would not fill much more than a thousand scrolls so we have been left with about 5% of what might be found (barring repeat copies) in Rome. As for Latin, we have the names of 772 classical authors. Of these, not a word survives from 276 of them. We have fragments ranching from an aphorism to several pages of 352 of the authors. Of the remaining 144, we possess at least one of their works but rarely all of them.

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    The congregation is having problems with an apostate elder, who is pushing for higher education, working/materialism, and entertainment.

    I guess that answers the question about whether Bethel monitors JWD!

    I think that's plenty of ammo for me to work with.

    Thank you metatron.


  • crazyblondeb
    flatulence of the GB.

    Guess what image popped into my head.


  • searchingforfriends

    Ever notice that they REALLY like to be "persecuted"???

  • whoknows

    I guess I have post traumatic stress syndrome. I started getting queasy reading the review. Must stop.

  • metaspy
    Thank you metatron.

    Hey, why does he get thanks?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Oops. Sorry.

    Mixed my "meta"s.

  • Seeker4

    Thanks Metaspy.

    Glad to hear the info on the drama in a little more detail. I have a son in law still in and want to give him a heads-up about the new anti-ed drama.


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