some quirks of the DC talks...

by metaspy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    where to start with this treasure trove of cult indoctrination?

    one thing leapt out:

    "This talk informed us that there was an increase of 1106 congregations in the world.
    Then mentions that there is less than an average of 3 elders per congregation worldwide."

    Why are they creating congregations without the elder pool to back them up? In any organisation you need to be able to scale your model, and for me this just isn't sensible practice.

    Or perhaps the congregations that are being created in 'developing' countries (ie where the JW growth is) have lower expectations WRT quality of meetings etc.

  • flipper

    METASPY- Great thread ! Thanks for the update ! Perhaps the GB is trying to get the witnesses to " only use the scriptures " to reason with bible studies because they realize people are seeing through the flip-flops on doctrine and the BS they are handing down so it's , " Oh ! Let's get back to the Bible ! "

    " 3 Elders per congregation worldwide " ? Wow ! They really are grasping for new elders and are in sore straits ! Great news ! I remember always hearing that line - " if elders don't qualify, holy spirit will take care of them in due time ". Oh, brother.

    " Most of those who leave the organization , leave because of conduct , not doctrine. " Yeah, right. Translation : " If any of you leave it's because you are screwed up - not because of what we teach you ! "

    And the typical dissing of education, entertainment, and work. Man, they really want to isolate the witnesses don't they ? Glad I'm out of that mind control garbage as well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • lancelink

    Thanks for the statements, you must have great self control to sit ALL through those sessions !!!

    reading the titles, I started to get a headache thinking about all the years I spent driving to,
    sitting all day and listening to this crap.

    I have to go and take some aspirin right now,
    You get a gold star for your efforts friend, thank you !

  • Perry
    Speaker said "there is no where else in the world where you can find different races getting along together."

    I saw plenty of racial divisions in the KH going both ways.

  • metaspy

    Ah, my BBQ was great!

    LanceLink - just think, I filtered a lot of crap out when I wrote these notes.
    imagine the notes my mom and brother took (they are still in the borg).

  • owenfieldreams

    Thanks for the notes, Metaspy. Unfortunately, I am probably going to have to attend(due to circumstances that I would rather not go into), but its good to have the cliff notes version in advance. It's absolutely amazing how, in 35 yrs with contact in this org, their message at the dc's never changes--trash higher education/learning beyond high school and anyone who chooses to it, glorify a pauper lifestyle, ridicule/condemn virtually all entertainment, and continue to demonize the internet(while the legal corporations that the org uses have and maintain websites--that especially has always irked me)....Looks like I'll be getting in some good nap time next month...

  • searcher
    Sow With a View to the Spirit This talk informed us that there was an increase of 1106 congregations in the world.
    Then mentions that there is less than an average of 3 elders per congregation worldwide.
    The speaker hit hard for brothers to pray for the desire to achieve this responsibility.

    This fits in with the Elder shortage discussions there have been on here lately, seems the 'problem' has been elevated from rumour to fact.

    Then he said, "Most of those who leave the organization, leave because of conduct, not doctrine."

    From peoples stories I read here this is 'technically true', however, it doesnt tell the full story.

    Most have doctrine problems, but, as the Elders cannot defend the indefensable doctrines, they simply look for other reasons to disfellowship.

  • curlymoses

    I went to the DC with a purpose. My intent was simply to learn about the Bible. I usually write down the chapters, verses and the beginning or some part of the scripture because the pace can be brisk at times. Some quirks I noted: #1. Varying degrees of sin were mentioned and I wondered what false prophets or prophecy is considered? #2. speaker - on contributions given for the World Wide Work - "...doing things you're not realizing." and "...along with other highlights...". #3. "Keep Yourselves In God's Love", the speaker said," proof that the Faithful and Discrete Slave provides food at the right time." #4. "Churches change...update, modernize..." - speaker #5. "You're different" used 7 times and "You're unique" used 3 times by speaker to attendees in last talk according to my tally. In conclusion, It seemed the Bible was the parley on a plate of WTS/GB claimed Spirit Directed Truth and Knowledge teaching(s) spanning over 100 years presented to consumed while the parley was merely an adornment. Somehow the garnishment is supposed to make the rotten eggs, rancid meat, and putrefied fruit seem more appetizing? In 100 years of preaching the Kingdom Message, there must be an abundance of fine examples of faithful ones who took the lead in Jehovah's Only Spiritual Directed Organization on earth. I ought not be critical of any in those spirit appointed authorities today, thus the same must be true for all those in the same positions in the past like C.T. Russell, huh?

  • tioga joe
    tioga joe

    "there is no where else in the world where you can find different races getting along together." Ha !

    In my area we have a restaurant called Home Town Buffet. Whenever I go there, I always try to get a seat near the buffet tables. Not because I want to be close to the food, but rather to watch all the happy customers. It is the coolest site -- white, black, brown, old, and young, and probably all sorts of religions and no religion, all walking around with plates of food looking so happy together. It really makes my day.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Much thanks for this. You are indeed a good little spy.

    Here they had a soliloquy of a teen struggling with himself over whether he should turn in his friend for wrongdoing.
    He ends up turning in the friend.
    The speaker then asked all in the audience to turn in problems to the elders, asking the audience, "Will you be as faithful as that brother?"

    This is really sad to read. It's like Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia or Taliban Afghanistan. Dob your friends and family in to the SS, KGB, mullahs....elders.

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