Oil Execs Defend Huge Profits Before Senate

by momzcrazy 143 Replies latest social current

  • shamus100


    You're mis-informed. The United States cannot produce enough oil to run itself. I am in the Oil and Gas industry, so I do know. They rely heavily on other countries for Oil and Gas. They're offshore drilling has picked up, but it's getting more and more difficult to find.

  • sammielee24


    With the inflation the high price of oil is causing, and if it continues at this rate, our economy will collapse and the dominoes will fall in every direction, including yours. The whole world economy is in danger of collapsing should this continue.

    When you left the j-dubs, you should have also left your doom and gloom attitude. Take a moment, relax, breathe deeply and repeat after me. Everything is going to be ok.


    Just pointing out that was NOT my comment in the paste. sammieswife.

  • Indo_Dude

    You're talking short term, I'm talking long-term. That's what they're speculating on - the big problem when there is not enough inventory to supply the world's demand for oil. And it is coming. And Bush has nothing to do with it.

    Ah, ok, we were differing on semantics. But you do have to hold Bush responsible for completely 'biffing' it after 9/11. Instead of spending $2.5 TRILLION in Iraq, we could have offered rebates for consumers for hybrids, high mileage regular sedans, solar, geo-thermal, and the like. We could have been 8 years into our switch over. Instead, $2.5 trillion was pissed into a sand box 1/2 a world away. Mr. Bush had an opportunity to lead the country. He chose not to do the right thing, and decided instead to settle a family feud. So for that, yes I do see him as being responsible.

  • FlyingHighNow

    SammieLee, I noticed it wasn't you. But I'm glad you pointed it out.

    You're mis-informed. The United States cannot produce enough oil to run itself. I am in the Oil and Gas industry, so I do know. They rely heavily on other countries for Oil and Gas. They're offshore drilling has picked up, but it's getting more and more difficult to find.

    I watched a show about this on C-Span. There were even republican senators begging for those reserves on the contiental shelves along the ocean coasts, not the gulf, to be opened for drilling. And the West Texas oil fields are not tapped out. They are artificially not producing oil because they were capped. An during a boom. My dad was an oceanographer for years with the oil company. He also says there have always been plenty more places to drill. It's not to the advantage of the pockets of oil tycoons for the US to drill those areas. And Bush is an oil tycoon. His buddies are oil tycoons.

  • shamus100

    You're right, Indigo, but that's shoulda-coulda-woulda at this point. And how much would all that money alleviate in the long-term? The U.S. must rely on other countries for oil, even more so for the long-term. Opec can drive the price up with a snap of they're fingers if they wanted to. The real solution is alternative energy solutions. That's where they should have spent they're money - not silly hybrids.

    People with oil and gas are the real powers right now.

  • Indo_Dude

    Additionally it's pretty easy to make the case that due to Mr. Bush's insistence on never vetoing a spending bill from his Republican cohorts, the massive run away military budget, and taking the budget suplus he was left with and turned it into a $400+ billion shortfall, the dollar fell as it has in almost every other case something like this has happened. Mr. Bush and his Repbulican cohorts sparked the same inflation / stagflationary issue as was done back in Vietnam. Commodities are priced in dollars. If the dollar falls, commodities rise. Inflation is stoked. About 30% to 32% of the rise in oil/gas prices are directly tied to the fall off in the US Dollar. The $10 TRILLION debt Mr. Bush will leave us with as he exits office in Jan. 09 is just one more gift the Bushies will have given to America.

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  • Highlander
    You sound pretty smug, I'm guessing you aren't hurting yet. Let's hear from you when you are.

    Ofcourse my wallet was affected,(I used to spend more than 1000 usd per month on fuel with a median income) but I will never complain about it I will not blame others for what really is a necessary market correction. I consider it a waste of time. Instead, I've made changes in my life and now my budget is back to normal.

    btw, thanks for the Pollyanna comment. I consider that a compliment.

    In the end, it's ok if we don't share the same view. I just hope you and others on this board stop worrying so much. It's not becoming of you, nor is it healthy.

  • shamus100


    I know there are lots of untapped resiviors out there, but you have to find them, drill for them, produce them - it's not easy. Offshore is even more difficult - it may not have been feasible to drill for that oil until recently. Oil prices only recently skyrocketed. And even then, resivoirs are finite.

    George Bush does not drive the oil and gas industry. Supply, demand, and pricing does. Weather George Bush has a thousand friends that are in the oil and gas industry is completely moot at this point. It is not George Bush's fault.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Highlander, if you knew how these gas prices are affecting me personally, you'd understand. My circumstances are bordering on dire. The constantly rising fuel prices could mean the difference in sinking or swimming for my grandson and me. If I sink, so be it. He's 12 years old though. And he deserves better than the Bush administration has handed him.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Oil prices only recently skyrocketed. And even then, resivoirs are finite.

    George Bush does not drive the oil and gas industry. Supply, demand, and pricing does. Weather George Bush has a thousand friends that are in the oil and gas industry is completely moot at this point. It is not George Bush's problem.

    They wouldn't have skyrocketed if that oil had been exactly located, drilled and refined. And yes, George Bush has had a major impact on the USA oil and gas industry. Not only do he and his friends know exactly how to drive prices up, they have the power to make those circumstances come to fruition and they have used that knowledge and power.

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