by V 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I think you'll handle this fellow quite well, honestly V well done.

    Possibly the fellow is really too young to know of what this destructive religion has done to people, not just in a whole but to the individual as well,

    and therefore can't really appreciate what information your giving him.

    One thing for certain the Borg will not let go of the impending Armageddon hype , its been too much of strong marketing strategy in support of their literature.

    And it literally has made them millions.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    That was a great way to handle it V. Class act. Multiple thumbs up!!

    I do love reading things where the first jw response is "YOU'RE from YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL!! You EVIL APOSTATE!! YOU are a LIAR!!!!"

    then the next response is "Yeah, ok. Well, I still think you are kind of wrong." LOL

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    That is the way to handle these kinds of comments V. Excellent job.

    You are actually reaching out to this young person, and potentially saving his life, with your patience and carefully thought out replies.

    There can be no greater gift, than the gift of knowledge that leads to freedom.

    Once again...well done!

    The Oracle

  • deaconbluez

    The drivel that comes from Witnesses these days is getting more and more pathetic. At no time during this kid's rant did he make any coherent application of Scripture. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" has NOTHING to do with what he was accusing V of. Jesus was talking about inner motives and how a true person's values can be determined by the things they say.

    And for him to say that there is no scriptural support for what V is doing, that's just more evidence that he should try reading more of the Bible and less Watchtower magazines. Scriptures like Ephesians 5:12 and Romans 12:21 implore all Christians to expose falsehoods, ESPECIALLY when the falsehoods are being presented as truth from "God's channel". And then there was this one guy named Jesus whose dialog with the Pharisees constantly pointed out their hypocrisy, not only to the Pharisees themselves, but to all in Judea who lived under their religious control.

    By the way V, very classy and intelligent reply. You've got a lot more patience than me.

  • yknot

    Great Job!

    Wink - Congrats

    And of course your newest "Valueless Things" is terrific.


    Ending is brilliant!

    I will definitely be using the quote from the 1958 WT in private conversations.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    You are my hero. Keep up the good work.

    Now, if you can just devise a way to time travel back to when I was 16, and explain to me that "this generation" wasn't 70-80 years from 1914, then you would be my SUPERHERO.


    B the X

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Youth does allow for enough passion to drive blindness. I remember myself at 23 and my passion to smug my non JW family without any guilt

  • Ima Apostate
    Ima Apostate


    You're awesome. Hopefully in time more young people will see the light. I hope you hear back from this guy again.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    what's the topic of your next video?

  • sacolton

    V, you're such a bad association. LOL!

    Keep up the great work!

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