by V 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    I'm 16 and have grown up a Jehovah's Witness.

    Sorry, 16 isn't "grown up". Jesus wasn't "grown up" enough to be baptized and begin his ministry until he was 30 years old. So, come back when you're 30 and tell me how soon Armageddon is coming.

    B the X

  • Honesty

    He's on the 'Fast Track' to JW Fame...

    His Itinerary:

    2 years MS

    5 years Elder

    6 years PO

    7 years CO

    10 years DO

    15 years BO

    25 years and this nutjob becomes the youngest member ever of the Gibbering Buddy of Jehover's Witnesses

    Better quit making dem Apostate movies cuz he's gonna be one of the 'Princes' when his demon god effs Apostates off the face of the earth.

  • BabaYaga

    This is awesome. Directly opposite to Honesty's post, I say this kid is going to be here posting in a few years.

    (Welcome in advance. We're delighted to have you here.)

  • megawatt

    ^Exactly It's amazing how this "judgmental, future window washer-low skilled laborer, elder in the making" can be so quick to name call. You're worse than Satan himself... Apostate... Get a life...LOL Young and Dumb. I was there once and pretty much programmed like this young impressionable kid. Seriously, most likely in his head he's achieved manhood and "has many gray hairs of wisdom" because he runs the MICS and/or controls the sound for the meetings, clinging on to every word WTBS spews out. V, you're hitting 'em where it hurts. And they can't stand it. Excellent work and looking forward to your next video...

  • wings

    Why????? are we so scary?????

  • V

    So I wrote back with this:

    Thank you for spending a moment to share your thoughts with me. I am really concerned that you think I am stating "lies" and using a "false tongue."

    Considering that I only use quotes from the Watchtower publications I am curious exactly what is untrue? Please give me examples.

    I believe in truth, and that everyone should understand that. My videos do not state opinion but always back up their position with quotes and references.

    Read back through your message to me and notice that all of your statements are an attack on me personally with no examples of how I have lied.

    I grew up a Witness just like you. When I was 16 I thought just like you do. So I have a challenge for you, watch my videos and send me another message identifying any lies you found. I welcome the discussion.

    Sincerely, V

    And got a respectable reply!

    I very Much Apologize.

    I'm Sorry and very much apologize for attacking you like that. I know that being a Jehovah's Witness I shouldn't be doing that. I was going to send a message after kind of apologizing but didn't have time to. Well either way, I still think what u are doing is kind of wrong. Let me ask you something though, you seem like a cool person man with they way you replied, what is it that you doubt about being a Jehovah's Witness. Yeah, we make mistakes but the false religions are so much worse. I know about the mistakes of Russell and Rutherford, I know about Beth Sarim, but as time comes the light gets brighter and we correct our mistakes, like how they used to celebrate holidays and stuff. So, What exactly is it that you doubt about being a Jehovah's Witness, that causes you to make these videos? SO, once again I apologize for being like I was with my first message but answer my question.

    And my turn...

    I trully believe that Witnesses are a good bunch of people. The main problem I have is about BELIEF. For example, last year you believed that "the generation" was unrighteous people who saw the signs of Christ's presence, right? But as soon as you studied the recent article, you now believe that the generation is anointed.

    When the Governing Body changes its mind, millions of Witnesses change what they think. You see, for the most part Witnesses don't believe in anything. They just read the latest Watchtower and suddenly "believe" something different.

    At some point I had to ask myself what I really "believe." I had to look closely at the Bible and the history of the organization. I realized that we are in a high-control group and that our minds are trained to turn-off if we receive any negative information about the organization.

    Now you seem to be willing to confront antagonists like me and I respect that. So I repeat my challenge, more specifically:

    Watch the Generation video attached and explain to me how the Governing Body got it wrong for over 80 years. You see, they did not get new light in 2008, it was an old "belief" from 1927. Would Jehovah let his organization be mislead for a lifespan of years? There are many Witnesses in your hall that were literally lied to in the 60's, told they would never grow old or even retire.

    I welcome your thoughts. -V

  • Shawn10538

    Can you give us a link so we can see the video in question?

  • chickpea

    V.... your courtesy and genuine empathy must be eye-opening for this youngster, whose mind has been crimped into the mold of the b0rg..... hopefully next time he hears "evil apostate" he might be able to resist the knee jerk reaction of revulsion...... perhaps the seeds of a dawning awareness have been planted

    good on you , mate!

  • BabaYaga

    Beautiful! Oh I love this.

    V, you did a wonderful thing responding to him that way, and I am overjoyed that he apologized and you had a dialogue. He sounds like a thinking and reasoning young man. I delightedly stand by what I posted above.

    Cheers and thank you.

  • V
    Can you give us a link so we can see the video in question?

    Here it is (also you can click on the blue text above): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJIl7GYjrxY

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