Automatic reinstatement if teaching gets reversed?

by Fatfreek 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • primitivegenius

    they dont give a s*** what you did, unless your really hot and then they want to relive the sin in detail so they have something to think about while masterbateing later........

    what they do care about is covering their asses and that you respect their authoritiiiiiiiiii

    you do what they say when they say it....... how high brother

    if you dont then your rebellious, so..... gasp........ you might try to think for yourself..........(apaulled look)

    they will then try to kick you out before you can do such a horrible thing.

    no appologies for 1975, for banning organ transplants, for letting brothers and sisters be killed in one country and then letting others live in another country while takeing alternative service instead of military, or buying voter cards but not voteing.........

    even the catholic church apologized................

  • WTWizard

    If, at the time you do something, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is against it, it is wrong. You are disobeying the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger for going ahead of them. Even if the rules change in your favor, the sin for which you are disfellowshipped is to disobey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.

  • lesterd

    NO!!! reversal of oral sex in the late sixties did not auto reinstate, even petitioning the org did not bring instant reinstatement, in some cases where the elders petitioned for reinstatement did it happen sooner, but most followed the standard proceedure and probationary time before you could get back in.

    You were guilty by old light but couldnt be reinstated by new light. wtf

  • lesterd

    What get me about that statement is: wait for the holy spirit to guide the FDS, the body? or the fingernail portion at Bethel? Less than 1% of the anointed dictate to the rest of the 8000+ in the field, I find those numbers to be out of proportion, there is no imput from the body of Christ, just a slect few are spirit begotten, omg and they have been wrong most of the time. I've seen the door slammed in the face of anointed who went to Bethel with new light, would not be seen, were not granted entery into the most holy of the WT. Now we have great crowd writting the WT, Jehovah switching HIS spirit from the bride to the spectators?

    Wonder where these changes in the society are coming form? other sheep, not the shepherd.

  • Finally-Free

    Some people have been DF'd for "fornication". Others have been privately reproved for the same offense. The issue is not so much the offense as the willingness of the wrongdoer to bow and cower before the elders. Popularity and family position also play a role.

    No one is automatically reinstated for anything. They must demonstrate their willingness to bow and cower before the elders. Someone who is not from a prominent JW family will have to go through this process longer than, say, the son of a CO.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Lets see this applied to the blood issue!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's unjust but there is no retroactive reinstatement that I know of.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Nope, no reinstatement. As has been said, running ahead, being disobedient to PRESENT truth (present at the time), and repentance at the time of expulsion, those are the issues in their eyes.


  • RubaDub

    Does anyone know how the Catholics handled the "eating meat on Friday" sin that was changed some number of years ago (like back in the 1960's) ???

    I wonder if the ones that got sent to hell for going contrary to the teaching got a reprieve ???

    Rub a Dub

  • Fatfreek

    Ah, yes, the meatless Fridays. Being a Catholic till I was 16, I remember it well. When I finished my newspaper route on Fridays my buddies and I would go to the nearest Fish and Chip place and blow some of our profits. It was not only fun, it gave us a head start on coating the inside of our arteries with what we weren't familiar with then -- cholesterol.

    By the time 1966 rolled around when the Church made the change, I was a JW and, like the other JWs, picked on the Catholics when we found one at the door. Yes, the question you posed, RubAdub, was asked them many times.

    That doctrinal flip-flop doesn't hold a candle to the JW flip-flops (6 positions, 5 flip-flops) on resurrection of the ancient Sodomites. Read about the history of the meatless Fridays, and 4 different Watchtower flip-flops right here .


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