It's "lie through my teeth" time again.

by easyreader1970 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    Well, the elders are coming over tomorrow for a shepherding call with me and my wife. I am sure they will discuss my low hours in the field ministry and how I am not doing everything I could be doing. For my wife's sake, I will be good and mostly "smile and nod".

    I don't dislike the elders. They are just as deceived by the WBTS as my wife is. They'll use some sciptures that the Society has twisted to their cause to try to encourage me for thirty minutes or so and then leave.


  • wings

    Unfortunately it is all part of the fade. Just remember your motives are in the right place.


  • undercover

    It's not called "lying through your teeth"'s called "theocratic strategy"

  • easyreader1970
    It's not called "lying through your teeth"'s called "theocratic strategy"

    I like that. It sounds much more diplomatic. er

  • Trickie

    man get some balls and leave then if you have to "lie thru your teeth". cant stand people like you that choose the easy route and just simply "lie". i've been dancing with the elders for years, trust me i know how unfair they can be but you dont do it for them.

  • willyloman

    Don't forget to serve coffee and cake; that'll disarm 'em.

  • Hope4Others

    Update us later!



  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Rum cake is best.

    With a little unbaked rum drizzled over the top.

    You'll do fine easyreader. Keep the endgame (getting your wife out) in mind and muddle through. Actually, you can make a bit of a mental game out of it for yourself. Closely observe each elder and see how they respond to various parts of the conversation. Are they each gung-ho? Is one hating being there as much as you are? Just make sure you don't cop an attitude with them. You're humble, stressed and depressed but overall a good guy. Right?

    Now go get 'em!

    (And ignore Trickie.)


  • flipper

    EASYREADER- Perhaps you could respectfully turn the tables on the elders and , respectfully ask them to explain the child abuse scandal to you. Might make an interesting shepherding call. More educational than the droning crap they'll try to inject into your brain ! Good luck, just be careful for wifey's sake

  • Trickie

    lol and ignore Trickie. am i missing something here? i just found these forums last night so i dunno whats up. some kinda underground club where you appear as a witness just to appease your family all the while "sticking it" to the elders any chance you can? dont get it.

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