Renegade Mormons - Abuse of Children- Broken Bones -Many Girls Pregnant

by flipper 86 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dinah

    Being raised as a Dub, I really don't think parents have a right to force their extreme religious beliefs on their children. My Dad was more instrumental in teaching me how to "live right". Mom's only weapon was FEAR, she got that from the Dubs.

    How many of those girls who were being raped at 13 thought it was "God's Will"? Not to even mention having to give birth 4 times before you turn 18. That is disgusting! Birthin' babies hurts, and at 13 or 14 your body just isn't ready for it. It would be interesting to know how many still-births that had in that hell hole.

    People hide behind religion to do their dirty business. Remove the tax shelter. The sincere ones would continue to meet and stop raping people----mentally and physically.

  • JWdaughter

    Is half of the local junior high pregnant? Married to men they did not choose? NOT.

    So far as the boys being taken-I am all for it. If a dad sexually abuses a child, the mother supports and defends it, and will not protect the child, CPS does not leave ANY child in the house for him/them to abuse. You think that people who systmatically abuse girls should be allowed to keep the children they haven't abused YET? The little children are just victims in waiting, and the boys are being trained to abuse. THERE is a good family situation.

    The men who are abusing the girls were the boys once. The abused girls become the accomplices/mothers of future abuse victims. It has to be taken down, they have to be removed from that situation. That is an abusive and dangerous living situation for children.

    There was not a 50% pregnancy rate among the teenagers in my kids' highschools or mine.

  • sammielee24

    Because we don't see it in our faces doesn't mean it doesn't happen a lot in the general population. There is a reason why places like Denver Public Schools have maternity leave for girls. There's a reason why any number of schools now run daycare and nursery facilities. The link between poverty and teen pregnancy has long been connected but if you aren't living in those areas, the whole concept might seem unthinkable. There were more than a handful of girls that I went to school with that were pregnant long before the end of high school and although I hear people constantly pick at the issue of girls getting pregnant to go on welfare - that was not the case in any of those. The youngest that I knew, lived up the street from me, was 14 and in the 8th grade. Her boyfriend was at least 10 years younger and she went on to have a few more kids with him. It was more a case of growing up poor, with poor parental guidance or non guidance, poor neighbourhood - and that's not condemning any of those parents because they themselves could only deal with the cards they held. I grew up in one of those neighbourhoods and seeing a girl pregnant was not a shock - but because it was a poor neighbourhood, with it's own share of problems including violence, it didn't garner a lot of great, compassionate attention from the public. We were the fortunate ones with no pregnancies. sammieswife.

    Women exposed to abuse, domestic violence and family strife in childhood are more likely than those without such experiences to have a teenage pregnancy, and the risk increases with the number of adverse childhood experiences. According to a 2004 study, one-third of teenage pregnancies could be prevented by eliminating exposure to abuse, violence and family strife. The researchers note that "family dysfunction has enduring and unfavorable health consequences for women during the adolescent years, the childbearing years, and beyond." When the family environment does not include adverse childhood experiences, becoming pregnant as an adolescent does not appear to raise the likelihood of long-term, negative psychosocial consequences. [46] Studies have also found that boys raised in homes with a battered mother, or who experienced physical violence directly, were significantly more likely to impregnate a girl than boys who had not. [47]

    Studies have also found that girls whose fathers left the family earlier in their lives had the highest rates of early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy. Girls whose fathers left them at a later age had a lower rate, with lowest rates found in girls whose fathers were present throughout their childhood. Even when the researchers took into account other factors that could have contributed to early sexual activity and pregnancy, such as behavioral problems and life adversity, early father-absent girls were still about five times more likely in the United States and three times more likely in New Zealand to experience an adolescent pregnancy than were father-present girls. [48] [49]

    Low educational expectations have been pinpointed as a risk factor. [50] A girl is also more likely to become a teenage parent if her mother or older sister gave birth in her teens. [51] [52]

    Foster care youth are more likely than their peers to become pregnant as teenagers. The National Casey Alumni Study, which surveyed foster care alumni from 23 communities across the United States, found the birth rate for girls in foster care was more than double the rate of their peers outside the foster care system. A University of Chicago study of youth transitioning out of foster care in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin found that nearly half of the females had been pregnant by age 19. The Utah Department of Human Services found that girls who had left the foster care system between 1999 and 2004 had a birth rate nearly 3 times the rate for girls in the general population. [53]

  • sammielee24


  • dinah


    There is a BIG difference in being poor and getting pregnant and being thrown to "Daddy" so he can have more babies.

    Those girls you speak of were trying to fill an emotional void. Yes at our high school there are usually a couple of pregnant girls. It is just not the norm for most of them to get pregnant.

    It is just BEYOND SICK for these girls to be married off to 40 and 50 year old leeches.

  • Mary
    How long will religions claiming to worship God - tolerate the abuse of children , and try to hide it ? Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons - My wife and I discussed it and I'm starting to feel that there is something about the stunted views of religions about sex in general that creates these monsters of sexual child abuse ! Do we not just hear about the non-religious child abusers ? Or do all religions have a lock on creating environments which allow pervism and pedophilia to proliferate?

    For all these religions that allow pedophilia to flourish and go undetected for years, you generally need the following: extreme male authority, "submissive" (or brow-beaten) women, lack of education, lack of contact with the real world, no questioning or breaking of the rules or doctrines on pain of the Sword of Damocles striking you down. In such situations, abuse can run rampant, simply because there's no one watching the watchers and everyone has been programmed into believing that this sort of behaviour is "normal". Any nutcase can start their own religion and make up rules to suit their own purpose and that is exactly what happened here.

    In the news today - new allegations that , " at least 41 children taken from the polygamist compound in West Texas had suffered bone fractures, some of them multiple times , suggesting a pattern of child abuse. " The investigators are being hampered by a lack of cooperation from both children and adults at the compound. Parents are coaching children not to answer questions and children.........

    Yep. They probably think of it as "theocratic strategy".

    On top of this, the state has said that nearly , " 60 percent of the 14 to 17 year old girls are pregnant or already have children. Many refused to take pregnancy tests. " Church officials have denied any children were abused and say the state's actions are a form of religious persecution.

    Ah yes, good old "religious persecution".....where would abusive cults be without it? This is no different than when the WTS was exposed on Dateline and 20/20 for allowing pedophilia to run rampant in the religion.......rather than admit what they did, they tried the old bait and switch whereby they claim they're being persecuted by Satan de Debbil for being the true religion.

    My understanding is that 40 of the women have accepted the government's offer of being taken to shelters. I hope that with therapy and education, these women can eventually see that they belonged to a very destructive cult. As for the perpetrators who refuse counselling, they should all be put into prison for what they've done. The entire situation is sickening and the government should have done something about it long before now. I have a bad feeling that what we're hearing now is just the tip of the iceburg. I expect to see several interviews on 20/20 or Dateline down the road where many victims come forth with horror stories to tell.

  • dinah

    Amen, Mary.

    Freedom of religion is being abused. Guess which Monster Cult fought many battles in the American courts? Yep, none other than our very own WTBTS.

    I can see where this may be a slippery slope, but my GAWD. I'm sure that whole compound was tax-exempt for being religious morons. I can sympathize with them, being raised brainwashed--but at some point doesn't your mind kick in?? The woman are drones, little breeder bees.

    And if they go to counseling, may someone cut their hair and give them some moisturizer for Christ's sake?!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well said, as always, Mary.

    We accept the reality presented us. I don't think these women and children have any idea whatsoever how dysfunctional their lives have been. It's not until they get out and get some distance will they realize just how bad it really was. Imagine living in a world where your marriage can be erased on a whim and you be given to another man. Or, worse, having your children taken and scattered to other families.

    Most of us here have already had a little taste of cult recovery, albeit on a much smaller scale.

    Undercover is right though. The state will need to be very careful in how they proceed. They will need to establish beyond any doubt that minors were sexually abused. The obstacle they will need to overcome for the girls will, of course, be the "marriage" excuse. In Texas one must be 18 to marry without parental consent or judicial review. They may have a hard time establishing who exactly parent to whom.

    For the boys who were sexually abused, there is no sham of a marriage to cover over.

  • flipper

    Wow ! Thanks for all the great views and comments ! Looks like we've got a firestorm here ! I'll reply.

    KWR- Numbers don't lie. If 60 percent of the girls aged 14 to 17 were pregnant in the compound - I don't think that is stretching the truth about the actual problems here at hand ! That minors under the age of 18 are being sexually abused by adult males inside the compound . It is sick and twisted no matter how you cut it.

    UNDERCOVER- I agree with you about wanting freedom of religion in this country. However as you stated if the Mormons are using the, " religion as a cover to commit crimes or abuse others " then it throws the outlook into a whole different dimension ! The safety and welfare of the children being abused trumps or outweighs any alleged " religious freedom" they might want to claim . And if it takes bold measures to protect the children from being illegally and criminally abused - then by all means that is the route that has to be taken here.

    JW DAUGHTER- I agree with you. Your example you gave is very true ! If a child was being abused in our neighborhood - people would be screaming their heads off wanting the molester strung up ! But throw religion in the mix - and suddenly it becomes tolerable ? Sick thinking. That's why I said the real religious persecution happening here is the parents poor treatment of their children ! I agree with your point that there is NOT a 60 percent pregnancy rate in high school girls today ! I agree the Mormon children need to be taken out of that environment if the rate is THAT high !

    LONELY SHEEP- I totally agree with you ! I agree that the protection of the children is the prime, main point here ! There is no excuse at all for religions to cover over child abuse !

    SAMMIELEE 24- I agree that all the evidence is not out as of yet in this case - but the evidence that HAS surfaced is pretty damning evidence ! 60 percent of the 14 to 17 year old girls pregnant in the compound ? WTF!? They aren't just playing tiddlywinks in that compound apparently ! It is NOT normal behavior for teenage girls to be made pregnant by 45 year old men ! You may have known someone do it- but it's not common . These girls are being forced into marriages with older men - and are being robbed of the chance to experience in time, normal sexual relations with young men their own age - like most " normal " teenage girls you mentioned. I agree that teenage pregnancy is somewhat common today - but it is a whole different ballgame when teenage girls are made pregnant by 45 to 50 year old men who they were given to - not attracted to.

    GILL- I agree with you that the Bush and Blair tendency to appear righteous but inside being wolves in sheep's clothing permeates in religions as well ! Thus we see the justifying of teenage pregnant girls by the Mormons ! They follow their political leaders arrogant attitude !

    DINAH- I agree it is different with these girls in the compound. It is sick and twisted that they are intimidated into marrying older men by the use of "fear" as you say. If a girl has 4 children by the age of 20 it is 4 too many in my opinion ! A young lady is not developed enough emotionally to handle the stress of raising kids at that age ! People do hide behind religion to do their dirty deeds . I agree they are breeder bees- and the women do need facial cream and moisturizer .

    MARY- I agree that the " religious persecution" that these cults use to justify pedophilia is getting really old ! I too think this is just the tip of the iceberg and Dateline will probably report on this Mormon fiasco as they did the witnesses; before the end of the year !

    BIG TEX- I agree that these members of the Mormons don't realize how dysfunctional their lives are. You are right - only after the fact will they realize it. But then it will be too late for the children . The damage will have been done


  • Gill

    One point I remembered this morning was that a politician in the UK, a former leader of the conservative party made a very important statement on young girls being sexualised and made pregnant at increasingly early ages.

    He said that statistics proved that the problem was that with family breakdown, ie no single father being present int he home to protect these young girls and show them that sex was not the only purpose for a relationship between a male and a female, these young girls actually grew up believing that their role was to provide sex for the men in their lives and didn't understand that it was NOT to be given away to any one who demanded it.

    The way these young girls grew up in the mormon cult, they had no father figure whose role was to PROTECT them. Lets be honest here, there are many, MANY good fathers all round the world, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, who would fight to the death to protect their daughters, wives, etc BUT these girls were never ever provided with a protector and even their mothers, sisters etc let them down as they had been 'conditioned', 'brainwashed' by brutality to accept sexual abuse as the normal behaviour of men AGAINST girls and women. Not every father is an abuser. If you have NO father who loves you as his child, then you really are out in the cold and only the state can step in as protector.

    Just as in the JW religion, women are told they are 'spiritually subserviant' and they really believe it, these women were beaten into believing that they were just sex toys simply by having no loving protector to show and prove to them that they were more than sex and breeding machine.

    The girls and women are dehumanised by the demands of sex from them and this happens all over the world and there seems to be no stopping it. Family breakdown has in fact encouraged this abuse and the media proliferates the image of women and girls simply being 'things'. This momon cult was very clever in pretending to protect when in fact being the abuser. Much like Josef Fritzel, in Austria, who claimed to be 'protecting' his daughter from the world, when in fact he was the abuser.

    What a pathetic world!!

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