I broke my leg

by hillbilly 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    Just got home from 2 nights in the Hospital. I was kicked by a horse. Broke the big bone out of the joint and busted the small bone... which was just one layer of tissue from being a compound fracture.

    Doc reduced the dislocation while I was concious... I dont think we need to experience that sensation again. About 1 1.5 hours of surgery some titanium plate and screw and I am back in business.


  • oompa

    Bummer....uhhhhh....whut wus ya doin back dar????????..................oompa

  • Robdar

    Good Lord! What were you doing behind the horse? I mean, you can't milk it or anything.

    Or, can you?

  • mouthy

    Oh I am so sorry to read that.Poor you! was someone with you when it happened? That must have hurt OUCH!!!!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Sorry Hillbilly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But most important....... (1) Please tell us your first words, after it happened?

    (2) How is the horse???

  • TD

    Ouch! That's painful just to think about. So sorry...

  • crazyblondeb

    Sorry to hear about ya!!

    You might need this....wheelchair then these......crutches

    Hope u get to feeling better!!

  • easyreader1970

    Do you have a spare?

    Sorry, I couldn't help it. That sucks that this happened. I have always been deathly afraid of horses. I have heard too many horror stories that involved biting, kicking, and stampeding. I rode one horse when I was 16 and I was done.

  • Quirky1

    Dayumm dude, That's not good. I spent 4 months in traction from a compound fracture to my leg. I also had my right arm in traction at the same time, crushed elobow. Not good. It took me a long time to walk and 7 years before I could use my arm again .

    I hope you the best man. You definitely have my sympathy.


  • wings

    Hill, so sorry. Would you like a cyper hug, or would you rather I resist?

    Been kicked before, bucked off a few times, but I never broke a bone. Glad you are back


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