The letter of changing the book study

by JWRESEARCH 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I had a second and a third chance to read the famous letter.

    Here a few details

    It starts by saying we are in the last days and those who oppose are making things more difficult

    Adds that the GB wants to follow the 1st century example (not to add more burden) and quotes acts 15:5,28

    Mention the raise of gas price (and the dificulties of some families) and suggest to use the free night to family study

    The letter will be in the put in the information board of kingdom hall for two weeks

    In the future more details will be given.

  • easyreader1970

    Did it say when this arrangement is effective?

  • BFD

    And, the dish ran away with the spoon...

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    the GB wants to follow the 1st century example (not to add more burden) and quotes acts 15:5,28

    How hilarious!!


    Already posted - 1st Jan 2009

  • easyreader1970
    Already posted - 1st Jan 2009

    Darn. I was really hoping not to have to go to the book study next week! Oh well. Only eight more months! er

  • oompa
    It starts by saying we are in the last days and those who oppose are making things more difficult

    Excuse me??? please try again....who and how can anyone oppose the last days? and who are they making things more difficult for??? Jehovah, WT, Dubs??????......................don't get it

  • shopaholic

    So where is their faith in Jehovah? People in foreign countries walk hours to get the meeting (I've seen it first hand). People have died for the right to serve Jehovah and they are talking about gas prices? They want to imitate the 1st century example? Didn't they claim to already be doing this? It just really gets me that more people don't realize this is not God's organization.

    I sooooo badly want to tell people about this change. Its so difficult to remain

  • sspo
    Mention the raise of gas price

    Well, if they encouraged the witnesses to get a higher education they might get better jobs and able to afford the gas.

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Is there any way we can get a scan??!!

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