Why no dub buzz over the new generation change?

by oompa 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others

    They probably won't even notice the change, the society seems to put it in the paragraph

    so obscure that it is glossed over, and it is never part of the answer to the paragraph. Its just subtlety

    put in somewhere, the question is unrelated.


  • JH
    Come forward 13 years to 2008. The "generation" now refers to annointed remnant. Indicating that annointed would still be on earth when the Great Tribulation and Armagedon take place.


    How unclear can a sign be ?

    I'm sure that the older ones in the congregation are still holding on to the 70 to 80 year definition of a generation, because they don't want to die, and all the rest will see that there is no end in sight because there has always been new annointed people with plenty of life left in them.

  • JH

    At first, JW's were happy to see the annointed remnant die away one by one because that meant the end was closer and closer.

    Now, they want them to stay alive, to fulfill this new understanding.

  • JAVA

    **They probably won't even notice the change, the society seems to put it in the paragraph

    so obscure that it is glossed over**

    I agree with hope4others; the rank-n-file just go through the motions, don't question, and sit in the back of the Tower's bus that leads to nowhere. A few might start to question and exit, but the Tower could state that black is white, and most wouldn't awaken from their sleep.

  • oompa

    When I talked to my dad/WT conductor about this, he even mentioned how he noticed the 1995 change was 14 long paragphs, but this was all in 7 fairly short paragraphs. This at first may seem like nothing. But I can just see my ol dad pulling up the "last" change and doing side by side comaparison with the "latest" change. This has to be a good sign..............................oompa

  • DaCheech

    during last weeks study I showed the next study to my wife and while rolling my eyes said "you better read next weeks study, another change and this is a doozy".

    we don't do family study, so she needs to be alerted.

  • blondie

    Except for a few people 45 or over in 1995, few jws really understood the generation doctrine change even with a quite detailed separate explanation by the WT conductor during the meeting. Even now, I encounter jws that talk about the 1914 generation. Few read the articles beforehand, let alone study it. Usually, the meeting is the first they encounter the information. A couple of jws had some "insight" from people they knew at Bethel. I'm sure the "family" Monday night study emphasized the change better.

    For all the talk of "unity" in thought, jws private beliefs vary a great deal.


  • WTWizard

    People are basically asleep at the wheel. The same people that let this one slide are going to fail to take note when entertainment, sex, college, and any other distractions from field circus are banned and people are required to will all their money to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. This is precisely what they need to keep them in the Second Dark Ages, because anyone that sees this is going to pull out.


    Ray Franz must be laughing his butt off! The Fruitfilled & Deceitfult Slave Class are grasping to hang on to the poor, dazed zombie members they have left (most of whom will believe anything they are told).

    We really must get one of the current FD&S to apostacize so we can be privy to those clandestine doctrinal meetings. This is all great stuff...super content for my new sit-com, "God's Channel."


  • lesterd

    New twist on the ole shill game, watch close, which shill is "this" generation under?

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