Anyone here into vegetarianism?

by DazedAndConfused 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • SPAZnik

    could go to a nutritionist for assistance. could also google "how much protein do i need". here's one find: (there are 2 pages in the article)

  • R.Crusoe

    Hiya Spazikin, I'll check it out!

  • R.Crusoe

    Seemingly lots of what humans need is in aloe - including amino acids thoug I must say it comes at a price!

  • Velvetann

    Dazed and Confused

    I have been trying to go on a vegetarian diet for ages but I to was worried about the protein sources. I am glad you asked the question, there are some good answers here.

    Now another thing I am interested in is some good vegetarian recipes for Main dishes ???? I have gone to those health food stores that have food to go and had some delicious stuff. a bunch of beans or rice or tofu and spices but I can't find any good recipes.


  • misanthropic
    I am interested in is some good vegetarian recipes for Main dishes

    The Food Network has a ton of recipe's for vegetarian dishes (most have ratings by users so you can decide which you want to try). I love this website since I found it I've had so many new things to make.,2661,FOOD_21216,00.html

  • Velvetann


    Thanks for that link I really appreciate it.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I was a vegetarian for many years. 5 years ago out of the blue I started eating meat. This year I dropped the chicken, pork and red meat. I may stick with the fish or go further, I haven't decided and I like sushi too much

  • Hope4Others
    what happened? : This year I dropped the chicken, pork and red meat.

    If I just had myself to worry about I'd completely drop most all meat, but I do eat chicken & salmon. I never buy any pork of any kind and sometimes its hard

    not to make separate dishes when there are others. Do you find it hard in the winter months to find what you need to be a vegan?

    crusoe: including amino acids thoug I must say it comes at a price!

    I buy a protein powder drink and make fruit smoothies with it for breakfast its real filling and it is loaded with amino acids and good amounts, also high in vitamins yet it

    is an ultra lean formula so you will not put on the weight.

    I would like to eat more this way towards Vegan.

    Great links!


  • SPAZnik

    google the moosewood cookbook :)

  • Sirona

    Thanks for asking this question! and WELL DONE on becoming veggie!

    I have to admit something though.....I was totally veggie until I got pregnant.... then I started craving meat and I was also concerned about protein content because it had always been a problem for me on a veggie diet. So I now eat meat in small portions whilst I'm pregnant.

    As soon as I can I'm going back to veggie though. I really don't like eating meat but I'm attempting to be healthy for the baby in terms of enough B12 and protein.

    I read that we need 45g protein a day and honestly when I was totally veggie I couldn't get that level of protein. You'd have to eat VAST amounts of beans etc. Quorn is good and SOYA, but even then a portion might give you 20g and that would be eating a LOT.

    Those who said that you can get enough protein by eating veggies, could you please break that down and explain how I'm going to get 45g or more (whilst pregnant I was told 70g per day) on just vegetables!


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