Atheist in U.S. poll 4% ------ Atheist on JWD 90 % ?

by caliber 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    I don't wish to debate the pro's and con's of atheism, just help me understand your personal

    reasonings for this huge difference in figures.

    Without reading any of the other responses...

    Most of the population have not been involved in cult-like religions. Most people go about their daily lives, and pretend to be holy once a week, month or year. They claim to have a particular faith or to believe in God, but never really live their lives that much different than those who don't claim to be believers. And they're never called on it. They can fake it, go to church once in awhile, give some $ to the church every so often and all is good.

    People who have escaped religions like the JWs and Mormons, or even more cultish, give more thought into religion and the existence of God. Since these people, who lived years, decades, lifetimes, trying to live up to an unattainable standard, when they realize the falseness of it, they question all of it. And when they question it to a much deeper degree than the average person, they come up with the only reasonable answer that works...that either there is no God or he doesn't exist as the churches would have us believe.

    It's just another case of the average American believing what people in authority tell them without really questioning it.

  • VoidEater

    You are in a foreign land standing in front of an old wooden hanging plank foot bridge that crosses the canyon. The canyon is so deep it makes your heart pound when you look over the bank edge. A stranger tells you it is safe to cross ,another says the planks are weak and rotten from all the rain. Would you cross the bridge? "I would error on the side of caution", this to me would be the emotional and logical conclusion.

    You are in a warm, dry cave. You have no idea what is outside of the cave because you have never looked. A stranger says there is nothing outside but ravenous wolves with lasers for eyes that will blind you. Would you spend your entire life in the cave, never peering out?

    In both cases you are relying on someone else - a stranger - telling you what to believe. That stranger has no greater information, no more insight, no increased capacity for understanding than you. Why would you trust them, and not your own investigation?

  • caliber

    Einstein, Sagan & Hawkins have ventured way outside my cave and returned safely many times, assuring me it must be safe !


  • VoidEater

    Trust Einstein:

    “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.”

    You have your answer, then. Go dancing on the bridge, and tell those strangers to quit being so sanctimonious.

  • caliber

    I would like to thank everyone who freely share their thoughts on this subject . I do believe that by cross -section

    of all posts, it is the intensity of JW life style, the our way or no way teaching , that forces peoples hand to extreme

    ends of the scale ! Thankyou kindly for your thoughts .


  • caliber
    My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

    Albert Einstein

  • VoidEater

    Ah, Einstein - never the Christian!

  • caliber

    I need not explain to Christians who or what God is .


  • FlyingHighNow

    maybe god let us down, especially for even allowing religions like JW to exist??

    I am not quite an atheist, but am agnostic...............oompa

    My therapist told me something interesting to think about: God is not an enabler. If he stopped everything painful, humankind wouldn't learn a blasted thing. People cause all kinds of messes. God doesn't get us out of every scrape that people cause. God didn't let anyone down. People let you down.

  • JK666

    I fit somewhere between agnostic, and thinking something is out there, but do not need to understand it. 90% seems way to high on the atheists here.


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