Accepting ME

by Sparkplug 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug
    Hey there Dex,

    Just saw the pix.

    Well, the first one is mighty generic & boring & slightly run down. I guess that probably captures the reality pretty well. I didn't like it though.

    The other pix were great. Especially of the dubs. Oh! Were those REAL sheep?

    Your honesty is refreshing.

    Pretension is always off-putting.

    I'm SO glad you're here.


    Om, thanks for your honesty. I did not like the first one much either. It is like it did not do what I wanted. grrrrrrr

  • Sparkplug

    LEN!! I really liked your sharing. Awsome. You need to write it alll down. You write alive not dead. Write more please!

  • Sparkplug

    WOW Sparky these are some awesome pics... you have an excellent eye. i'd wished i had your eye to take great pics like these.


    XOCO! If you liked these then you REALLY need to see Leolias, hers are freaking amazing!! Stunning. Thank you tho.

  • Sparkplug

    I once (at about age 5) lived in a trailor park that was used mostly for migrant workers in fruit picking season. The trailors had no bathrooms ( they didn't used to ) and the bath house was in the center of the park and we had to all use it. Recall seeing some scorpions and creepy stuff in there. The trailor was so small that we were all in one room basically. More like a very tiny travel trailor today. I once went outside for #1 and sat on a bed of fire ants. ouch.

    my hubby and i have lived in some" interesting "places over the years.

    Ahh Wednesday! Oh my, I picked with the migrant workers too. And have stayed in such places. Now I laugh, but I did not as much when I tried to sit on a chair in the front yard and it was moved. I sat on a cactus. When I read what you wrote, I about lost it. That sucks!!! Good times are when the whole family sits about and picks cacti out of your bumm! Those fire ants had to hurt. TX is my first go around with them. Oh they hurt.

  • Sparkplug

    Avi~ I bet you and your sweet self will sleep like a baby tonight. Sweet dreams dear prince of the ladies. Last of the gentlemen. I bid you farewell until tomorrows drool dries on the pillow!

  • Crumpet

    That red dress is fantastic - it suits you so perfectly - you look like you should be accepting an award! Love it.

    Also liked what you were saying about in capturing the ugliness and it becomes beautiful through the lens. It's something I am trying to do with writing. There is something in the starkness of the street scenes and the bare extended limbs of the trees against the rigid lines of the buildings and telephone wires that is beautiful. It's not just a question of capturing it in our own mind's eye, but making other people see it as we do, a different perspective, that is the gift and i think you do that very successful with your photographs.

    There's one of the sheep that I love too - something about the ridges in the wool and the resigned yet determined set of his/her face that is both humourous and sad. Really works in black and white too.

  • Sparkplug

    You capture it all in your writing. You know hon I don't often post on what you are writing about what you are going through because it hits so close to home. I guess I am afraid that sometimes what I have to say may take you into left field when you are doing so well. Keep working towards a smaller swing in your pendilum. You will get there. It helps to have someone tell it how it is so that others can even comprehend what it is like to live on this side of the Xin craxy or sex or xilly. Anything wacked.

    People just don't get how it is to dream as if you were on acid each night. But never having a drop of shit in your system. It messes up reality, it messes up friendships, lives, and especially thier own and as you are flailing trying to find safety, they cheer you on to destruction sometimes. As if watching a train wreck. They have no clue. Some do, but I think the half that don't really think people exaggerate until they read something like you write. If you have been there you recognize it and if you have not, it may help you be a bit more caring for those you love that fight that 2 hour clearing of the head each day. Then the regular clearing that last all day everyday.



  • Crumpet
    It messes up reality, it messes up friendships, lives, and especially thier own and as you are flailing trying to find safety, they cheer you on to destruction sometimes. As if watching a train wreck. They have no clue. Some do, but I think the half that don't really think people exaggerate until they read something like you write. If you have been there you recognize it and if you have not, it may help you be a bit more caring for those you love that fight that 2 hour clearing of the head each day. Then the regular clearing that last all day everyday.

    I can totally relate to every sentence there, and thank you for being cautious about my well being, I really appreciate that gentleness about you.

    I think if we can accept that we do live part time in an alternative reality, but ground and surround ourselves with the right people who nuture a sense of stability whilst not stifling our creativity, we might be okay you know. And for the sake of others, we have to take time out to have conversations with ourselves.

    Sometimes I sit and have a chat to myself in the mirror about what exactly it is I am afraid of that makes me act whacked out, and then I pretend I am rational and logical and respond to those fears like I am my own therapist.

    "What is the worse thing that could happen if I take this step? Is it worse than now? Will it hurt anyone? No - then stop fantasising and get on with it. Stop attributing motives to other people that more than likely don't exist, because it paralyses you emotionally. Why lose all the joy of the moment in despairing about how wrong it might all go? Have caution, have courage, you aren't evil, you're just insane. Insanity is the sister of Creativity."

  • Sparkplug
    people who nuture a sense of stability whilst not stifling our creativity


    Insanity is the sister of Creativity."

    You have brought me to a good place. I thank you with my favorite writers/poets.

    Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.

    If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it.

    There are many ways to be free. One of them is to transcend reality by imagination, as I try to do.

    Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.

    All above Anais Nin

    Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.

    Honest criticism means nothing: what one wants is unrestrained passion, fire for fire.

    Instead of asking 'How much damage will the work in question bring about?' why not ask 'How much good? How much joy?'
    AND THE BEST>>> Madness is tonic and invigorating. It makes the sane more sane. The only ones who are unable to profit by it are the insane.

    All Henry Miller

  • LouBelle

    Sparkplug - you are you no matter where / what you come from and don't forget it.

    On another note, those housing projects would seem like palaces to the people of my Country - man they live in shacks made up of cardboad and used corrigated iron.

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