What's with Ex-Jw's who join another religion? Fool me Twice????

by Witness 007 60 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I think fear of death is a major factor........serve "God" and live forever...somewhere! {70 years is too short}

  • Hope4Others

    Is this whats called hi-jacking the board? A little before me????? lol


  • Maddie

    I don't "belong" to any church since leaving the JW's. I am not too sure about my faith right now but I do know that belonging to a church isn't the most thing because no church has the absolute truth. That's what the JW's teach and that if your not one of them beware! I believe that faith and spirituality is personal and if the true church ever comes we will know.

  • Caedes

    Mouthy, absolutely no problem, perhaps you should try being a little more forgettable! Works for me!

  • Sirona

    There is nothing wrong with joining a church, IMO.

    There is something wrong with joining another CULT.

    If an ex-cult member joins another cult then it would be a "fool me twice" situation.

    As for me, I'm pagan and part of no group. I used to be part of a pagan group though, and I simply made certain that what I was doing was purely what I wanted and I wasn't controlled in any way.

    I applaud people who join balanced groups, if they feel like being part of something.


  • R.F.

    There is nothing wrong with joining a church, IMO.

    There is something wrong with joining another CULT.

    If an ex-cult member joins another cult then it would be a "fool me twice" situation.

    I couldn't agree more.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Sorry guys you lost me...church okay cult bad?????

    Catholic Church= Pope cult or church............Jews=Moses cult or synagoge............Muslim=Mohumed cult or Mosque...etc etc ...who judges what is a cult...by definition are not all religions therefore cults....and political groups like Comunists?

  • worf

    I don't mean to offend anyone here, but as for the comments about the existence or non-existence of god: The burden of proof

    falls on those who claim that god exists, to prove his/her/its existence. The burden of proof does not fall on those who don't believe in god, to prove that god doesn't exist.

    Honestly, when you deal with objective reality, claims of god and of so-called inspired books such as the bible, are hoaxes.

    There is no one who has ever proven that they have seen god, heard god, felt god, smelled god, and forget about "tasting god and seeing that he is good" as we were taught in the borg. Therefore, there is no proof that some ethereal god out in space or the "heavens" exists.

    Additionally, anyone can write a book, or put a collection of writings together and claim it is from god and/or inspired. There is no proof that any books or collections of writings are from some god.

    I don't mean to offend anyone here, but honesty is stronger than something that a person wants to make his/her truth.


  • mouthy

    perhaps you should try being a little more forgettable

    MORE FORGETTABLE!!!!--- you have to be kidding. I cant remember what I did five minits ago...
    & If I catch the one that keeps invading my apartment by putting suger in fridge, wax paper in there too
    Corn Flakes in my coffee cup I will kill them....
    And who ever said 70 years is too young to die!!!!!! Boy are you wrong!!!!! Wait till YOUR 80 & come back & say that !!!

  • Satanus

    W 007

    The difference between a standard church and a cult is the amount of control they put on members. For instance, a person can be a catholic, going to church anytime that they feel like. They don't get hassled when they go. They can do almost anything that they want w their lives, and still remain a catholic. Not so, w a cult. Can you see the difference?


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