What's with Ex-Jw's who join another religion? Fool me Twice????

by Witness 007 60 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    There are a few good reasons to join another religion--I will not advise for or against it. One might be because it would fill in the social gap left behind when the witlesses dump you once you leave them. Another is because you left the Tower, not Jesus and you wish to honor Jesus instead of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Still another is to give the Watchtower Society the final slap in the face, and make known that you will never be going back to being a witless again.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I will never join any particular church again , BUT i will attend them if I want .

    I have visited the one down the street and it fills an empty space for me . I think it is more of belonging to a community type of thing for me . I like being with other people that are motivated in a positive way . They have a great outreach program for helping others in the community . A minister that is upbeat and full of life .The service I attend is contemporary and people sing and dance and yell out "preach it Brother " randomly .....I absolutly LOVE it ! After worshipping my whole life at the KH it's like comparing dry white toast at the KH !

    As for the theological aspect .....I really don't know 100% what I believe anymore ....it is a growing changing thing for me and I am okay with that .

  • mouthy

    apart from the looneys who 'know' god exists,

    That hurt!!!! I believe in GOD!! Not a religion. I think you folks who dont!!!! have a stronger faith than I. You see I dont have to go to the Bible( though I do) I just have to look at all the Created things>>>> NOT BY MEN!!!! Please dont judge me as a loony you may be right but I always told my kids
    :" If you cant say anything nice say nothing at all"

  • jelcat8224

    For myself I can honestly say that it has nothing to do with a social nework. I have only two or three muslim friends and rarely go to the mosques, so most of my friends are not part of any religious social network for me. I can also say that it was nothing to do with jumping from one to the other so as to fill a void. I must say that when I found out that the JW's were wrong I wanted to give up on religion and faith. But for me, the existence of a creator is something that I just couldn't deny. And yes, as crazy as you all think I am , when I studied Islam I discovered a faith that I felt I could truly believe. It is logical and encourages questioning, unlike the WTS. It is something that works for me. I am not controlled, I follow Islam because I chose to. I think that just as ten people can look at a piece of art and all have differring opinions and interpretations on what the artist was trying to portray, so too is it for religions and faith. We all take our life's experiences and handle them in different ways and those experiences affect the way we see things. :) And yes, part of it for me was learning the true history behind the compilation of the bible and the inconsistencies within. I felt that for me, I just could never again have a bible based faith . I knew I believed in monotheism however and that was my starting point. From there, everything fell into place for me.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Jelcat why the Koran?? If it encourages questions: Who Witnessed the Angels giving Muhamed a book from heaven? Joeseph Smith claims the same thing and has "witnesses." These books that fall from heaven how can it be proven that it was not thought up by some scribe somewhere who then started his cover story that it came from Angels?

  • Sunnygal41

    me neither. happy pagan here!

  • Caedes

    Well Mouthy, I would say that no one 'knows' (and by that I mean 100% certainty) amd I must say that you had never struck me as one of the I am right and you are wrong crowd

    I believe that there is no god but I can't prove it so I dont 'know' in much the same way that you can't prove that god exists so you don't 'know' either. You and I may have our beliefs, but that is a different matter all together.

    It hurt to hear that?! I believe that you are not above quoting psalms 14 yourself, so let he who is without sin cast the first stone eh?

  • Caedes
    :" If you cant say anything nice say nothing at all"

    I'm afraid I disagree with the sentiment. I believe in honesty in all things even when it is not diplomatic.

  • jelcat8224

    Proven? That is the point of faith. When I read the quran, I picked it apart, I mean I tore it to shreads!!! I read it so that could 'prove' it wrong. Unfortunately for me at the time, everytime I presented what I thought was irrefutable proof that the quran was an evil book, I was responded to by reasonable and patiently presented refutes!

    I understand that people feel the same thing when they read other scripture and that is fine. If I am wrong and there is no god, then I would be ok with that. I don't believe I am hurting anyone or missing out on anything in life by living this way. If anything I am a better person and am more true to myself. Now, please remember that I am only speaking for myself and no one else.

    There are many many evidences that I have seen that show ME that the quran was inspired, but others can look at that same evidence and not come to the same conclusion. I understand that. It's not supposed to smack you in the face. It is subtle and inconspicuous, just like art, to let the observer reach his/her own conclusion. But for those who see it, whether it is in the Torah, the Bible, the Quran, the Book Of Mormon, or anything else, it is abundanly clear.


  • mouthy

    Ceades > I believe that you are not above quoting psalms 14 yourself,

    You are VERY WRONG about me. I would NEVER quote that Psalm to ANYONE!!!! WHY NOT ?you ask? Because I can WELL UNDERSTAND why folks dont believe in GOD!!!!
    You watch 3 kids die, & a husband, You run for your life when the bombs are falling in the 2nd world war!!! Dont tell me what I would Quote. I said YOUR FAITH is stronger than mine didnt I? To look at the SUN, MOON, STARS, Babies, flowers, & not believe is difficult for me. I can go on & on, but you probably have stop reading by now....

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