WT-Says Moms Should not Work

by leaving-jws 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    They way in which women are degraded and treated as less than is utterly digusting. The WTS is one of the most sexist religions/cults on the planet.

  • momzcrazy


    I'm so sick of people trying to make working moms feel guilty for working!

    I completely agree. It doesn't matter if you stay home or work, you are doing your best for your family.


  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Yeah yeah, my 'luxuries' my 'self-esteem' I got from working for the last 18 years. Where are they? Let's see:

    My husband and I have no kids and we don't own a home--those are naughties when you grow up a jw. As a result, for the $110k we made last year we got to keep a little over half of that: health and life insurance, fed and state taxes and of course, Social Security which we'll never get back because we'll be in Candyland playing with lions before we turn 65. Then, the very little bit that we could spare, we put into 401k. Oh, we took a vacation for the first time in 15 years. Shame!

    I'm soooo independent.

  • yknot

    This is being preached at the Assemblies as well.

    Other things being mentioned:

    1. Not putting your children in school until mandated by law. (no PreK or K)

    a) In the "experiences" presentation they had a homeschooling mother of 4, who is a full-time pioneer.

    2. Your kids should stand out in a crowd among peers as JWkids (dress like the 50's)

    3. Be aware of you adult dress (again 50's)

    4.. Going to college for money is materialism! (Ha Ha I get a free pass, I love to learn)

    5. Are your kids using WT books for bookreports, sharing in the preaching work at school?

    6. Push them into "service" instead of extra-curricular activities.

    7. All forms of secular entertainment is from Satan! The FDS has warned you already but many of you are not heeding this 'lifesaving' advice, and see your children are becoming rebellious because of video games and competitive sports!

    7. Same old stuff as the early 1980's, which is were my deep doubts started.

    I noticed many were tuning out instead of nodding their heads.

  • minu

    I've always made more $ than the men in my life, even when I was a JW.

    Most families cannot make it on just one salary. The mom has to work no matter what kind of job it is just to make ends meet. Who cares if it's a boring job or not. What a$$holes.

  • momzcrazy
    In the "experiences" presentation they had a homeschooling mother of 4, who is a full-time pioneer.

    I'm sorry but I really question the quality of education these kids are getting. Mom is focused on pioneering. Add household chores, meetings, personal study and family study. I have a feeling these kids are schooling themselves. They will do the bare minimum required to graduate, and will probably be pioneers in junior high.


  • sir82
    Are your kids using WT books for bookreports

    Oh my gawd! Seriously?

    That is so over the top...did they really say this at an assembly? Circuit or district level?

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Fact: pre-K and Kindergarten are good for kids and they start learning the classroom way early. Wait, jws want their kids to NEVER be socially well adjusted.

  • DocBob
    But the ultimate slap in the face is the part where they claim that many secular jobs that women obtain are not as good as the ones men occupy. It says that the jobs many women obtain are monotonous and relatively low paying in comparison to the adventurous jobs of men.

    Well, this got me thinking. While I would not classify their jobs as adventurous (neither is mine, BTW), the women I work with do pretty well. Our directors of Finance and Human Resources are both women. We have women who are project managers, project design leaders and senior firmware designers. I have 6 test engineers that work for me - 2 contractors, 2 senior test engineers and 2 principal test engineers. The two principal test engineers are women.

    Once again the WT is totally out of touch

  • Connaughty

    I haven't read that article yet, but will do so tomorrow.

    As a family we found that when our children were younger, my wife made the sacrifice in staying home, but she did work part-time. We found that to be better financially since the day-care expenses would eat up a lot of that extra income, along with the extra taxes that you get to pay. After the children got older, then my wife took on a full time job. I guess they wanted her to pioneer, but there were wives that didn't work that didn't pioneer as well.

    As for women making less than men...not in our case. I hate to admit it, but my wife brings in more income than I do. What am I doing still working, oh yes, I forgot, it's for that self respect. Us men need that to.

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