WT-Says Moms Should not Work

by leaving-jws 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • leaving-jws

    The Feb 1, 2008 WT has an article on p. 28 called Finding Fulfillment as a Mother. The article basically states that moms should not work outside of the home but stay at home with their kids to teach them things about Jehovah.

    It also states that moms that want to work outside the home full-time do so not out of economic necessity but to boost their self worth, to obtain financial independence or to pay for luxuries. I am curious what they consider luxuries, maybe toys or vacations with the kids?

    But the ultimate slap in the face is the part where they claim that many secular jobs that women obtain are not as good as the ones men occupy. It says that the jobs many women obtain are monotonous and relatively low paying in comparison to the adventurous jobs of men.

    I don't claim to be a feminist but this article makes so many false assumptions surrounding the reasons a mother may chose to work outside the home it is ridiculous.

    This a classic example of how the WT puts down women. Also maybe if they allowed their followers to go to college and get an education, then their women could have more high-paying jobs. This article really fired me up!

  • snowbird

    When I used to read articles like that, I would think: Somebody got lost in the 50's.


  • Gopher
    moms that want to work outside the home full-time do so not out of economic necessity but to boost their self worth,

    Apparently serving the Watchtower publishing corporation is not good for one's self-worth. They are losing control of their younger women who they want to pioneer or raise kids to be dubs.

    to obtain financial independence

    Actually, wouldn't it be a good idea for the women to have some work experience and be able to earn a living, just in case their husband passes away early? That way they'd be less of a burden to their families and maybe to the congregation.
  • metatron

    I rejoice when I read stupid articles like this one. The detached, unreal outlook of the ivory-tower GB really shows thru when they think that

    Dad alone can support a family on his paycheck, as if money will fall from the sky by praying.

    It is this heartless foolishness that may cause some to wake up - and if otherwise, to reduce contributions to this sick organization.


  • worldtraveller

    Ladies-back in the kitchen you go. While your at it, can you put on my favourite tv show........ !!!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtqQyW0XOLo. I HAD to put it here. Reminded me of this.


    Moms who don`t work,have more time to provide the WBT$ with free labour.....Moms who don`t work,can make sure their kids can get to JW meetings.So they can be properly indoctrinated.....Moms who don`t work are an asset to the WBT$ cult,the Jehovah`s Witness`s.................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • megaflower

    Is just another way of the society controling the rank and file. Lets keep them poor, and uneducated so they will stay in subjection to the cult. I have always felt that the society as a whole thinks very little of women. The women are there to serve the men in whatever capacity they deem the need is.

  • nomoreguilt

    The GB and all other bethel drones are so out of touch with reallity.Yeh, maybe THEY live in a utopian society and never have to worry about making ends meet. They never stop to think or even imagine what it takes to live in real life.

    They have chosen, by the cult mindset, to not have children and to sponge off of the rest of their BROTHERS contributions. The GB are a bunch of old farts that have always thought that women are subserviant to them. Just keep them under your thumb and out in the field circus. Make sure they get their time in and then take care of the home, cook their meals and wash their clothes.

    Well, their wake up call is in the works, from what the word from bethel these days is. Letting people go as special pioneers, no pension, no social security and no job skills other than to wash windows and clean offices.

    So, all of you gals out there need to write your own letter to these male chauvinist pigs at bethel and tell them what you really think of them and their pencil dick ideas..


  • sir82
    The detached, unreal outlook of the ivory-tower GB really shows thru when they think that

    Dad alone can support a family on his paycheck, as if money will fall from the sky by praying.

    The funniest part is, they think "dad" can do so working a job which does not require a college education.

    The ideal WT family: Dad works part-time at a menial job, Mom does not work at all, and all family members (including children) are pioneers. Somehow they are all happy on Dad's income of $200 a week as a Wal-mart shelf-stocker.

    Oh, and don't forget to send away for that "charitable giving" package so that upon your death, whatever meager savings you might have accumulated can be willed to the "Worldwide Work"!

  • 4mylove

    any way to get a scan or somewhere on line to look this up?

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